Chapter 24

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"Silly of you to think that," I said as I veered to the side, dodging Adrian's attack. With one swift movement I slammed the end of my sword into his back. The sound of metal on metal echoing above as the battle raged below.

Adrian quickly moved above me. His sword aiming for my wings.  Swinging my arms back I deflected his blow.  Using the air to my advantage I rammed my body into Adrian's side.  Then clutching onto him, I dragged him down.  Our bodies plummeting to the ground.  Each second bringing us closer to the hard rock.

Adrian began to struggle, trying to push me away.  His wings trying to catch the air as I hold them down.  At the last moment I open my wings and push Adrian towards the rock.  His scream echoing as he hits the rock.  His armor shattering into pieces. 

I watched as he picked himself up.  Blood trickling down his forehead.  Adrian launched himself from the ground towards me.  Rage filling his eyes, and his sword pointed toward me.  Standing my ground our swords clashed together.  Sparks flying around us as we continually clash.

"You are weak," he growled through clenched teeth.

I ignored his comment. He was the one who was weak, not just physically but mentally at this point.  Though I could feel my body starting to weaken.  Now was the time to use something else.  I mumbled under my breath, a soft wind began to blow.  Then all at once it took over Adrian's body.  Setting him into a spinning wind. 

"You should really pay attention to the ones you love," Adrian screamed over the wind.  My body went numb, I glanced toward the battle below.  I could see Warner on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding his body.

"Oh what will the princess do now?" Adrian mocked. I could feel my body surging with rage. I glared at him, staying motionless. I clenched my fists and the wind around Adrian turned sharp. I could see gashes forming on his body. Blood began to fall as his face twisted into pain.

Releasing Adrain, his body fell once more to the ground. I couldn't tell if he was dead or alive and I didn't care. I plummeted to the ground and snapped my wings open before impact.  Warner's body laid limp on the ground.  I couldn't tell if it was his own blood or someone else's. 

A flurry of wings set in behind me.  I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.  Draco landed on my shoulder.  His claw wiping away a tear.  I didn't even realize I was crying.  My body was in shock. 

"He can't really be dead...."  I sunk to my knees.  The rattling of armor echoed as the valley went silent.  Most of the dark Angels had retreated.  What was left of them were ones that wanted to join us.

"Quick we have to get him help," I ordered. 

"Right away," four soldiers came and picked up Warner's body.  I followed after them, not even noticing the ones calling my name.  Or the fact that they were celebrating the end of the war.

"He has to be alive," I whispered over and over again until reaching the castle. Servants flocking to my side, only to have me push them away. They carried is body away into a room. Not allowing me to see him.

I could feel my body slipping into darkness.


I awoke to laying in my hammock.  No one was around though.  My body was stiff and hard to move.  I slipped onto the cold floor and opened the door.  I didn't bother seeing if anyone was around I just left. 

Making my way through the corridors I came to Warners room.  I could see Hunter and Talia standing outside his door. They seemed close together, almost as if they were s couple now.

"Rhea," Talia rushed towards me and wrapped herself around me.

"Is he okay?" I whispered.

"Oh yea, he's alright just had a big cut in his back." Hunter said beside us.

"Oh thank the gods I thought he was dead," I sighed.

"Let's go see him," Talia released me and opened the door.

I followed closely behind her. Warner was laying in his hammock. His face was bruised and there was a cut on his upper lip. His head tilted towards us. I could see the light bursting in his eyes as he saw us.

I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I raced to his side and wrapped my arms around him. Tears began to flow out of eyes as he held me even closer.

"I thought I lost you," I sobbed.

"You'll never lose me," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you Warner."

"I love you too, Rhea."

And so the story ends. But does it really? After all what happened to Adrian? Is he really dead or is he out there some where? We know Rhea and Warner get married and they become king and queen. But what about their children? I guess we'll have to find out in the future. But until then let your wings spread and take flight.


Thank you all so much for being such wonderful readers!!! I wish I could have ended this book better but I didn't want to drag it along. But there will be a second book sometime in the near future so be on the look out! I love you all so much, you guys mean the world to me! I hope you all have a wonderful day or night depending on where you are and when you're reading this.



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