Chapter 19

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I watched as Rune began directing a group of soldiers around. He sliced the air and demonstrated more tactics of the Dark Angel's battle strategies. Each guard practiced with their opponents.

Rune suddenly turned to my spot on the hill. He began to motion for me to join him.

Opening my large wings, I flapped lightly down to the group. I was greeted by bows and smiles. Rune took his sword out and faced me.

I giggled, "do you really want to be taken down again?" I said jokingly.

"Yes I think I do," he smirked.

Taking my blades out, I got into my stance. He swung at my left arm and I blocked it easily. Then with my right sword I swung at his legs. Jumping out of the way he stumbled back. Taking this opportunity I charged at him.

Rune fell back with a light thud. I smirked at him as he stared wide eyed.

"That's not fair," he groaned.

"I think differently," I said as I helped him up.

"Thanks, but seriously how are you able to defeat me so easily?"

"That's easy, your much slower," Hunter said as he floated down with Warner and Talia. Warner wrapped his arm around me, to show I'm his. Leaning into him I smiled lightly.

"We should all go see Katherine," Talia chimed in.

"Yea, I haven't seen her in a while," I said slowly.

"Let's go," Hunter said and began walking off with Talia trailing behind him.

"You can join us if you want Rune," Warner suggested.

He shrugged, "sure."

I wrapped my hand around Warners and followed after Talia and Hunter. We walked swiftly through the tall grass. Ashton, Azura, and Draco soon greeted us. Managing to find a spot on my upper body, they soon began to doze off.

'I wonder how this will go...' I thought to myself as we came to the forest entrance.

"Do you think Katherine's even home?" Hunter said.

I nodded, "she won't go far from home, only if it's an emergency."

We tracked into the lush forest. Bayard greeted us as we got closer.

"I'm sure you are here for Lady Katherine?" His voice boomed.

"Yes," Warner confirmed.

"I'm sorry to say... She's not here," he huffed sadly.

"What? Where is she?" I blurted.

"I-I don't know, there was a note but... I couldn't read it." He mumbled. My eyes widened and I took off toward the small familiar cottage. Azura, Aston, and Draco were knocked from my shoulders as I charged down the path.

I tore the door down and looked for the note. Everyone ran in after me. Shuffling through the stacks of papers I finally found it. I stared in shock.

'Dear Princess,
If you ever want to see your friend and little sister ever again, I suggest you marry me. Arrive at the Dark Palace at the quarter moon. The trade will commence then. Bring no guards with you, or you, your guards, and your friends will be killed.

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