Chapter 10

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I flicked my wings as Warner droned on about battle strategies.

"And that's how to use a sword in defense," he smiled at me.

"Wow, umm can we practice for real now?" I pouted.

Warner sighed, "I guess we can."

"Finally!" I threw the barrack door open and Draco chased after me.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze on my face.  Stretching I turned to see Warner watching me.  He blushed and scratched the back of his head.  Smirking I motioned for Warner to throw me a sword.

As it flew in the air I caught it by the handle and took my fighting stance.  Warner chuckled and took his position.  Everyone around us glanced as they continued to train.

Warner lunged himself at me and I easily deflected the blow with my sword.  I quickly turned so that I was facing his back.  Slowly backing up I picked another sword up from the side of the barracks.  Warner lunged at me again and our swords clanked, causing sparks to fly.

He nodded in approval, I swung my sword and once again the sparks flew.  My second sword came to his side causing us to pause.

"Why are you going easy on me Warner?" I looked into his eyes.

"I don't wish to hurt you especially in training," he looked back into my eyes.

Sighing I withdrew my swords from his body.  He watched me slowly as I walked to the barracks and placed my swords down.

"Warner you don't have to worry about me," I whispered.  He came closer to me and grabbed my hand.  For a second we stood there and then he led me toward the city.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, it'll distract you, I know you have been stressed."

I watched as he suddenly got excited.  I smiled, 'he's adorable when he gets excited' I thought to myself. 

We raced through the cobblestone city.  Everyone smiled happily, as they continued their daily tasks.  We kept running until we got to a small shop.  The sign read, 'Mystical Pet's'.

"I figured Draco could use a friend."

I giggled, "of course."

Warner opened the door for me and I stepped into the small shop.  Pookies floated around the shop and tiny cats with dragon wings flew around.  Looking around the shop I saw little toys for the pets along with food.

A tiny man with white hair and brown wings appeared in front of us, "can I help you today?"

"Ah yes do you have any kind of pet that will get a long with a dragon?" Warner asked politely.

"I think I do!" The little man snapped and dissappeared.

I smiled as a cat landed on my head.  It began to fumble with my hair, causing small knots to form.  Warner laughed.  The cat suddenly hissed as the little man appeared once more.

In his hands he held a little black ball, "here we have it a black ash!"

"Black ash?" I stared at the little ball.  The cat flew away and I gasped as the black ball unfurled its self. 

A black weasel-like creature with tiny red horns stared back at me with happy eyes.  Its paws were shaped as lions, its had a long body and the tail of a fluffy cat.  It smiled at me with all its sharp pointy teeth.

"Its adorable!" I fan girled. 

"Its free!"

"Free?" I stared confused.

"Of course, your the princess!"

"Oh no I can pay for it really," I smiled.

"I insist, please? As a gift from me?"

I hesitated, "oh alright."

The man shook my hand, and the black ash jumped on my shoulder.  I petted its soft head, "I'll call you Ashton, do you like that name?"

"Yes!" It squeaked.

"Warner thank you for bringing me here!" I wrapped my arms around him.  He returned the gesture and led me out.  We flicked our wings open and took to the sky.

"Whoah!" Ashton cried out in joy.  He spread out his front paws as the rest of his body curled around my neck.

I laughed as we arrived at the castle.  Guards greeted us quickly and led us in.

"Princess Rhea we are under lock down." One of them said quickly.

"Lockdown?  What do you mean?  Have the townspeople been made aware of?" I looked at them frantically.

"Yes everyone is aware, and dark angels have been spotted nearing the island and are getting closer." The second guard informed me.

"What is being done about the situation?" We continued down the corridor.

"We are waiting."

"Waiting?" It was Warner who spoke now.

"We can't just wait for an attack, we need to send troops, I'm going to my father." I quickened my pace and took to my fathers office.

"Rhea?" Ashton's voice jolted me from my thoughts.


"What's going to happen?"

"I'm not sure yet," I pushed the doors open.

"Oh hello Rhea, good timing."

"Father why are troops not being sent out?" I immediately got to the point.

"I have a group of soldiers at the border waiting for them." My father stared at me.

"And then what?  Are we to allow them to kill our men?" I gritted my teeth.

"No, they will be escorted here and questioned by us."


"Yes, all we do now is sit and wait."

I sat in front of my fathers large seat and waited until a guard arrived to let us know the dark angels had arrived.  Standing up my father led me to the throne room, where we sat.

The large doors creaked open as three male dark angels walked in.  One had bright green short hair with wings to match.  The second had long white hair pulled into a ponytail with tan wings.  The last one was the dark angel from before.

"So we meet again," the blonde haired one spoke.

"So it seems," I stared coldly.

"I don't think we have formally met, have we?"

"I guess we haven't," I tensed not allowing my guard down for even a second.

He bowed before me, "I am Rune, the Dark Princes trusted advisor, and the soul purpose of my arrival today.  Including the reason you won't be fighting my Prince." He smirked, and a sword appeared in his hands.

"I challenge you, Princess Rhea of the Light Angels." He spat.


~Sorry this is so short.  I promise I'll make it up soon!  I really wanted a chapter out so y'all wouldn't have to wait.  But yea thanks for reading!!



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