Chapter 4

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As we reached the other world we arrived on a small floating island no larger than a house. The island is surrounded by tiny white clouds.

I yawned and stretched out my wings. A few had fallen to the ground. Picking one up I examined it. It was pure white with a few flecks of light purple.

Warner plucked the feather out of my hand and twirled it between his fingers.

"Okay where exactly is the city of Bangkok?"

"Come on and I'll show, you shouldn't be playing with your molted feathers anyways," he gave me a teasing smile.

"Hmm last I checked you were the one playing with my feathers," I shot him a playfully glare. He put his hands up in defense.

He jumped into the air and flew to the edge of the floating island. I held my breath and jumped over the side, Draco squealed as we began to plummet. I snapped my wings open, and was quickly taken aback.

Draco flew off my head and in front of me, with a glare stuck on his face.

"What you have wings to, you should have taken off by your self," I giggled.

Draco couldn't help but smile. He flew closer and nuzzled my cheek.

"Am I forgiven?" I poked his tiny belly. Draco giggled and nodded.

"Can we get going?" Warner impatiently whined.

"Yes we're coming." Draco landed back on my head as I flew with easy up to Warner. We took off to the city of Bangkok.


The city of Bangkok is a large floating island made up of several other smaller floating islands. A large castle sits in the middle of the island. Most house's of the angels sit on the the other floating islands. Though there are many who stay in the city that surrounds the castle.

We neared the city of Bangkok. I was amazed at the size of the floating island but even more amazed by the large castle. It had beautiful stone that looked almost pure white, with golden roofs.

Landing on a small patch of grass just out side of the castle walls we were greated by a guard, with short brown hair and wings to match.

"Hey Warner! Your back!" The boy laughed

"Hey Hunter," the two high-fived.

"Who's this? WHOAH! Is that a dragon?"

"This is Rhea, and yes you idiot." Warner playfully hit Hunter in the arm.

"RHEA! Oh my God's! I haven't seen you in forever!" Draco flew off my head as Hunter tackled me with a hug. I stood there confused. Then a memory of me, Warner, and Hunter as little kids popped into my mind.

I lightly hugged him back, "Hunter?"

"She lost her memories didn't she?" Hunter released me and looked at Warner.

"Afraid so the king should clear things up though."

I sighed, with all the excitement buzzing around my head began to pound. I rubbed my temple with one hand.

"Let's get her inside," Hunter said a bit to seriously. Warner nodded in a agreement.

Warner grabbed my hand and ushered me into the front door. Hunter followed us in.

I was led through hallways that never seemed they would end. Warner and Hunter talked as I held Draco in my arms. He began puffing out smoke making them into shapes. I giggled as one came out looking like a long rabbit with wings for ears.

"Oh he made a Pookie," I guess Hunter had been watching us.

I laughed, "You mean like the rabbit from that children's book?"

"Well yea though the artist put the wings in the wrong place and the author named a species its own name and the fact there's more than one," Hunter looked at me seriously.

I tried holding a laugh in but it escaped.

"Warner make her stop laughing!" Hunter pouted. Warner chuckled and shook his head.

We came to a stop in front of a large wooden door way, "Well time for me to head to training, see ya love birds!" Hunter strode off.

Warner and I formed a large blush on our faces. Giving an awakard laugh Warner looked at me, "Are you ready to meet the king?"

I looked at him seriously, "Yea I'm ready to know why I have so many holes in my memory."

Warner gave me a smile and enveloped me in a hug, "I can't wait for that wedding."

We both laughed. Draco crawled up onto my head as Warner pushed open to door.

In a large seat, behind a wide desk, sat a man with grey wings and dusty brown hair. He looked to be in his early fifties.

Warner gave a deep bow, and I attempted a curtsy.

"Warner, welcome back please come have a seat." He gestured for both of us.

"Rhea, is that really you?" He starred at me wide eyed.

"Your majesty it is Rhea, I've found our lost princess." Warner looked directly at the king.

My eyes widened, 'Princess?!?!?' I thought to myself.

"Sir um with all do respect I don't think I'm the lost princess."

"Rhea can you really not remember your own father?" The king looked hurt.

"Dad?" Another memory flashed of a younger me, the king had his arms stretched out to me, as I began to take my first steps.

Tears welled in my eyes as the king stood up and enveloped me in a hug, "Warner, thank you for finding her, I know you plan on still getting married," the king chuckled, "you have my blessing."

I couldn't see behind me but, I was convinced I heard Warner fist the air.

My father let go, "Warner I think Raymond was looking for you," father went to sit back down.

"Oh right in suppose to train the kids when I get back!" Warner jumped out of his seat, "will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine," I gave him a wide grin. He raced out of the room leaving just my father and I and a book of questions about to be read.


~Thanks for reading! It's the weekend so I will probably be updating like crazy! But yea love ya! Oh do you like the name Pookie? I think its kinda cute!



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