Chapter 12

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Something landed on my back as I flew toward the castle. I stopped suspended in air so I could see my back. Nothing was there, I sighed, 'must have imagined it...'

I continued on my flight. My wings suddenly froze. I screamed as I plummeted to the hard ground below me.

"Damn it! Draco! Ashton! Get some where safe!"


"NOW!!" I screamed as Draco took Ashton to the castle. As I neared the ground. I suddenly stopped. My eyes widened.

A boy with spike white hair and bright green eyes starred at me. His black wings were raised to the sky.

"Please for give me," he said sadly in a light British accent.

"For wha-?" Everything went black.

I groaned, as I sat up. Looking around I noticed I was in a cave, though there were light blue crystals that gave a glow.

'Wait where are my wings?!' I was about to scream when I saw the boy that saved me. He was wearing grey jeans, a white T-shirt with a black jacket over that, and black boots.

"Don't worry your wings are still there," he said with closed eyes.

"Are you blind?"

"I only poisoned you."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Oh don't overreact it just makes it to where you pass out and your wings shrink slightly back into your back."

"I think I acted in a reasonable way," I mumbled.

The boy smirked, his eyes still closed. I stood up slowly and crept toward the entrance. The boy stood in front of the entrance.

"But! How did you?" I starred confused.

"Did you really think you'd get away with your wings paralyzed?"

"I-I'm not thinking correctly, did you really have to poison me like that?" I glared at him and sat against the wall.

He smirked, "are you sure its the poison?"

"Of course why else would I acted like this? Certainly not because of you."

"I wouldn't be so sure." He crepted closer to me until I could hear his heart beat. I began blushing madly.

"S-stop I have Warner!"

"Warner? Oh the puppet I made."

"Puppet my ass, just who do you think you are?"

"I'm Blaz, and I'm sorry but Warner was just a manifestation of me in a different form, I forgot you lost your memories," he sighed.

I stood there shocked, "but he's been with me all my life... Or as much as I can remember..." I shook my head confused.

Blaz held my face softly, "please remember Rhea..."

He voice faded as an image of the childhood me stood a forest. A little boy with white hair came out from behind a tree.

"Hi Blaz! You weren't at breakfast today." I smiled.

"I'm sorry Rhea, but I've been working on something!"

"What is it?" My small voice rang with curiosity.

A small boy with black hair, blue eyes, and black wings appeared behind Blaz. He looked just like Blaz.

"Who's that?"

"This is Warner! He's my puppet, I have to leave but I'll find you can when the time is right! Warner is just me in another form, with the same feelings," He beamed.

I sniffled, "but where are you going?"

Blaz wrapped me in a hug, "I can't say but I promise I'll be back! Please don't make such a sad face."

"How can I not when your leaving? Does everyone else know?"

"I've planted into their memories Warner instead of me, and when I get back I'll just do the reverse."

"Will you do the same with me?" I asked sadly.

He widened the gap between us so he could look at me, "of course not I trust you!"

I gasped as the flashback was over. Blaz smiled softly down at me.

"But why?"

"I had to, to get strong for you, for the both of us."

"You didn't have to poison me," I mumbled. Blaz rolled his eyes at me, causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

"Does that mean you actually know everything that has happened?"

"Yes, haha," he smiled.

I felt a jolt between my shoulder blades. I jumped up and winced. My wings sprang from my back, I wrapped them around myself.

"Oh thank the gods!" I flicked my wings around, hitting Blaz in the face.

"Oops!" I giggled.

"Yea yea," his accent lightly whispered in my ear.

I suddenly felt really tired. A yawn escaped my mouth. Blaz smiled amused. I ruffled his hair and wrapped my self in my wings.

"G'night Blaz," I whispered as sleep consumed me.

"Goodnight my love," I heard his soothing voice.

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