Chapter 20

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"Were almost there!" Rune screamed over his shoulder, as he just barely dodged a lightning strike.

"Well this really is like Hell isn't it?" I screamed to him. A bolt flashed in front of me. I swiftly flew to the left and another appeared. Maneuvering careful through the storm my wing singed.

"Shit..." I grumbled as Rune motioned for landing.

As we circled down a large black stone castle stood large and ominous. Spikes sprung from the roof and gargoyles stood with scowls forever on their faces.

'What a decor...' I thought to myself as we neared to ground.

A boy, about my age, in robes ran from the palace gate to stare up at us. Rune landed first before I did. Descending careful I allowed my wings to cause a small whirlwind. The little boy was sent backwards.

Though a man caught him. Stretching my wings out to their full length I took a closer look at the pair.

The man had black hair and raven like wings. He was tall and lean. The boy was short and blonde with golden wings. Both were dressed in black decorative robes.

As I pulled my wings back to resting position they bowed. I glanced at Rune who had a stone hard gaze on his face.

"Stand," he said.

The man grinned and looked up, "it's good to have you back Rune."

They snickered and I balled my fists. Rune gave a click of his tongue as a warning to me.

"Your majesty and Advisor Rune please follow us," the boy said clearly. I pulled back as he reached out to grab me.

"I don't need help walking," I said calmly but threateningly.

"So be it," the boy shrugged. I growled inwardly as we were led into the palace. Feeling the cool metal of the twin blades on my thighs I began to relax.

'It's only for two days and then the plan will take place,' I sighed.

The boy flicked his head back at me. Rune stood in front of me, as if he didn't notice the boy. I smirked as the boy snorted and turned around.

"Stay close," Rune said so quietly I almost didn't here. I coughed in reply as we came to a dark oak door.

The man and boy knocked in a series. I looked at them curiously as the door opened. The boy winked at me. Rolling my eyes I followed everyone in to the room.

The room was icy but warm and deep red was visible. It was to dark to see the very end of the room though. But a voice came from the darkness as if it spoke its self.

"Advisor Rune," a deep smooth voice came from the end of the large throne room.

"My Prince," Rune said cooly as we got closer.

I could finally make out the Dark Princess. My jaw almost dropped as I saw the familiar face smirking at me.

His jet black hair and red eyes were etched into my memory. I can still here the flapping of his dark black wings...

"Rhea! Come on! I think it landed over here," Talia screeched.

"I'm coming!" My small voice said. The dark brambles were causing small gashes into my wings. I winced as I came closer to Talia. Who was standing over a small black sphere.

"What is it?" I whispered as I stopped beside her.

"I'm not sure, poke it!" She giggled.

"What?! Me? No you poke it!" I squeaked.

"Oh fine you big wimp," she kneeled down beside the figure. Taking a small slim finger she poked the figure. Moments had past and nothing happened.

"Maybe its dead?" I said sadly.

"I don't think its-" Talia began to say but the object started to shake. My eyes widened. I ran to a tall black leafless tree and Talia followed after me.

A small body stood up and shook its wings. It cringed in pain.

"What is it?" Talia whispered to me.

"I do t think its a what, more of a who," I whispered back.

Bodly I stepped toward the new being. Talia hissed for me to come back but I didn't listen.

Now standing in front of the new creature, I tapped it lightly on the shoulder. Slowly it turned to face me.

A boy the age of five starred back at me. He had jet black hair and blood red eyes. His wings were broken and black.

"Your hurt!" I exclaimed.

"P-please help m-me," he quivered.

"Talia help me carry him to the palace!" I squeaked as the boy fell on top of me unconscious. Talia bolted towards me and helped him off. Together we held him and flew back to the palace.

A maid greeted us at the palace gates. She began to scold us for going so far from the palace. But then she noticed the boy in our hands.

"Oh my! Give me him!" She said and took him from us.

"Come on let's get to the doctor!" She exclaimed and led us in.

Setting the boy down on the examing table the maid rushed out. I sighed and sat beside Talia in one of the seats. We held each others hands and prayed to the gods for the boys safety.

I jumped as the doctor rushed in. He was a middle aged man with graying brown hair and orange wings. He was dressed in a white lab coat. Pushing his glasses back he came closer to the boy.

I jped down from the seat and walked toward he doctor. I tugged on his jacket to get his attention.

"Hm?" He said and peered down at me.

"Will he be ok?" I said sweetly.

The doctor nodded," I believe so though one of his wings is broken and he's brusied in multiple spots."

I smiled, "at least he'll be ok."

"Yes but now we have to discover who he is." The doctor sighed.

I stood on my toes and peeked at the boys face. He now began to stir and his body turned towards me. Opening his eyes he looked at me and smiled.

Reaching his hand out to me he spoke in pain, "its you... I've finally found you... My queen..." He fainted once more.

I stood there shocked. The doctors eyes widened and he turned to me.

"My dear we have the dark angel prince, Adrian."

"Adrian?" I looked at the boys soft face.


"Princess Rhea, how nice to meet my future queen," he gave me a wicked grin.

I tightened my fists, "hello Adrian."


Yay!!! Chapter 20 yass!! Well anyways thanks for reading! Could Adrian be in love with Rhea? *gasp* who knows?????

Thanks for reading!! And thanks for the over 1K reads Pookies!!!!!



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