Chapter 5

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I stared at my father, "Why was I left in the human world?"

"You had been taken away from us my dear Rhea, by the woman you had called mother."

"Wait...  So what does that make my 'mother'?"

My father sighed, "That would make her a fallen angel, or rather a dark angel, she was not your true mother, no one is sure of what happened to your mother..."

"I understand...  Warner said something about dark angels...  A dark angel prince?"

My fathers face turned grave, "yes you were most likely stolen from us so that as you grew older, along with the dark prince growing at the same rate, you would be forced into marriage and warned of us as the ones who stole had stolen you from your real species."

I looked at my hands, "why would they do that?  Couldn't they have used a different species that has a princess?"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, you see Dark angels and Light angels have fought for billions of years.  We, the Light Angels, are the highest level of angels, and the omens have showed us the was is going to end this year, under a princess of light."

"Father I-"  he cut me off.

"I know you are concerned but Warner is here to help you along with Hunter and Talia, your memories will come back in time do not worry.  We are going to train you, and I'd hate to say this but you are going to have to fight..."

I slowly began to process this, looking at my father I nodded, "I will do whatever it takes, I'll end this war."

"I know you will, I'm proud of  you Rhea."

Just then a knock at the door echoed through the large room, and a short winged boy stood in the door way.

"Ah Baird come in."

"Your higness," he bowed, "the princesses room is ready."

"Thank you, Rhea you must be tired from your long flight."  I nodded.

"Baird will you please show Rhea to her room?"

He smiled, "it would be my pleasure!"  Baird grabbed my hand and pulled me through the hallways until we came to a stop.

"Here we are princess!"  Baird chirped happily, reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small silver key.

"You can just call me Rhea."  I said as I took the key.

"Okay!"  He began to walk away.  I stared after him for a couple of moments before turning the key in the door.

I walked in to find a white room with two large lush trees growing through the floor into the high ceiling.  A hammock filled with pillows hung between the two trees.  Behind the trees was a balcony that faced the city.  A coffee table and four chairs sat infront of wooden fire off to the side of the balcony.  On the black wooden dresser layed a pair of silver wings.

'Oh no I left the wings back in the human world!' I sighed and picked the ones laying before me up.  They were much like the ones from before, I sat them back down.  Draco fluttered down from my head.

I giggled, "almost forgot you were there!"

"How could you forget about me?"  he exclaimed and flew to the tree's where a small bed laid between the branches.  A knock came from my door.

I opened it and a girl with blonde hair and golden wings threw her self into my arms, "Rhea!"  she squealed.

"Talia?"  I stood there shocked.

"Oh you remembered!  I'm so glad do you have all of your memories back?"

"No, um Talia I'm sorry but your squeezing me a bit to hard."

"Oh I'm so sorry!"  She let go and Hunter and Warner walked in.  I closed the door behind them.

"I though you guys went to train?"   I looked at them curiously.

"Yea about two hours ago,"  Hunter stretched in one of the chairs.

"Two hours!  I couldn't have been in there that long."

"Time flies when your having fun."  Talia gleamed at me.

"So you haven't fully gained your memories?"  Warner starred at me.  I sighed and shook my head.

"Maybe she won't remember that time I put all the flying weasels in her room..."  Hunter looked of into the distance.

Talia gasped, "Hunter!  Why were you such an ass when you were little?"

"Something's never change," Warner laughed.

I stretched my wings out, allowing a few molted feathers to fall out.  Draco flew down from his nest and gathered the feathers. 

"Can I use these for my nest?"  He screeched.

I yawned, "of course."

He gave me a toothy grin and flew back up to his nest.  Talia looked at me, "Why don't you get some rest?  We'll wait for you."

"Are you sure?"  All three of them nodded.  Looking at the hammock I walked carefully over to it and curled up.

The faint echo of chatter was the last thing I heard before falling into a deep sleep.


"Rhea come on, it's time to get up," I heard Warner softly whispering.  Slowly I opened my eyes.  I looked around, Warner was the only one in the room.

"Talia and Hunter went to find out what is going to happen tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"The anniversary of the lost princess."  My eyes grew wide.

"Don't worry I'll be by your side the entire time, your father is going to introduce you to the kingdom.  But tomorrow you will have to take dance lessons."

I sighed as I slowly swung my legs over the hammock and hopped down.  Warner gave me a smile and grabbed my hand.  Leading me out to the balcony he opened the door and we stepped out.  It was already night so billions of stars lit the sky along with the millions if tiny candles the windows of houses.

"I must have slept forever," I said groggily.

"Yes and your still asleep," Warner teased me.  He pulled me closer and kissed my head.

"I'm never letting you go, ever again." He whispered as he placed his hands on the sides of my face.  He brought his face closer to mine and we stared into each other's eyes.  Leaning in closer his lips landed on mine. 

Lasting a minute broke apart, and Warner grinned, "I've waited for that for about thriteen years."

I stared up into his bright eyes, "Warner I'm sorry I made you wait so long."

"It was not your fault, the past doesn't matter, all that matters right now is the fact that we are together."

He kissed my forehead and led me back inside.  We lifted me up and sat down in chair with me sitting in his lap.  I leaned my head against his.

"I love you Rhea."

"I love you to Warner."  His grasp increased slightly as we began to drift off to sleep.

I heard a faint whisper, "I'll never let you go."


~Thanks for reading!  This might be my last update for the day, but I will continue to write and then publish them all tomorrow.



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