Chapter 11

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Okay so the top picture is Rhea's regular swords ((ft. her wings)). While the bottom one is her training swords. Both sets can be connected for a sword staff. That edit took a while heh... But yea enjoy! I love you all!




Rune was quickly seized by the guards. The two other dark angels rolled their eyes. My father stood up taking his full height.

"How dare you address the Princess in such a manor, you are lucky I had released you the first time. Though this time I'm not sure I will." His voice boomed through the room. Fear struck Rune's eyes for a second and then they returned to their normal coldness.

"Such a pity, your tiny Princess cannot defend herself. How do you think she can possibly beat the Prince, if she's always surrounded by guards, hm?" Rune snickered.

My body filled with rage as I turned to my father, "Please allow me just this once."

He sighed and thought for a moment, "I suppose... But I will not hesitate to stop the battle if he tries to kill you."

I nodded and bowed, "thank you father."

The three dark angels grinned as they were led out. I walked down the steps but my father stopped me at the base.

"Rhea be careful dark angels are unpredictable, I only agreed to this because you lack experience in combat, understood?"

"Of course," I nodded and continued out of the room. Talia stood in the hallway waiting for me. She matched my pace as we continued.

"What are they doing here?" She looked at me confused.

"They came to challenge me to a battle, blondie over there is my opponent. He also says he's the advisor for the Dark Prince." I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm, well you need to be careful in battle don't get careless, oh and don't forget you have magic to use." With that she winked at me.

I laughed, "right."

"I'll be there to watch, I'm going to go gather Warner and Hunter."

I nodded as she turned the opposite direction and walked off. Sighing I stepped outside. Draco and Ashton were messing around.

"I see you so two have already met," I smiled.

"Rhea!" They both screeched.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked as he and Ashton jumped on my shoulders.

"I have a battle with a Dark Angel."

"The Prince?" Ashton stared wide eyed.

I shook my head, "no his advisor."

The rest of the way to the barracks we remained silent. A crowd of light angels gathered in the middle of the training arena.

"Great," I mumbled.

Talia, Warner, and Hunter rushed toward me.

"Wow Rhea, your really going to fight?" Hunter looked shocked.

"Why that expression? Of course she is! Do you not believe in her?" Talia looked frustrated.

"Who wouldn't believe in her? She can do it, I know she can," Warner nodded his head.

I smiled, "thanks for that 'pep-talk' guys."

Everyone got silent as my father descended from the sky. They then bowed in respect.

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