2: First Day

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"RICHIE" his eyes slowly fluttered open. The first thing he noticed was that he was sprawled out on his bed.

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE," Richie screamed back at my mom. He lifted his rock of a body and placed two feet on the ground. It was too early he thought, looking over at his clock. 7:00 am?!? Fuck, He thought, He needed to be in the car in 30 minutes if I want to get to school in enough time to unpack before the assembly. Richie jumped out of bed and ran to his closet to grab a pair of shorts, a white tee-shirt, and some crazy Hawaiian button-up.

Richie made his way into the bathroom. He wiped the drool off his face, grabbed the brush to comb his hair. Looks good enough. Richie ran out of the bathroom, grabbed his duffle bags, and made his way down the stairs, leaving his duffle bags at the door.

"Hey, Mom," Richie says, sitting at the counter to eat his cheerios.

"Good Morning Rich, are you ready to leave?" Maggie questioned. Richie nodded, taking another bite of his cereal."Good, we need to leave here soon," she smiled. Richie got up and ran upstairs to grab any last-minute items. He ran out of his room, stopping in the doorway, listening to his parents arguing.

"Realy Wentworth, today of all days."

"You know I don't control when I get called in Maggie." Shit, dad has to work today. That fucking sucks. Richie thought that maybe just maybe his father could clear half of his day to come with him and Maggie to drop him off and say goodbye, after all the next time he would see them is during Winter break. He trudged down the stairs

"Hey, buddy I'm sorry I can't come to drop you off its ju-"

"Yah I know you have work. I get it, work is important."

"Thanks for understanding Rich. I love you, see in few months" he said walking out the door, towards his car.

"Here let me help you with your bags," Maggie said, picking one of them up. Richie picked up the other and followed her out to the car. He placed his bags in the trunk before getting in the front seat and closing the door.

"I'm sorry your father can't come," said Maggie in a sincere voice. Richie sighed, putting the keys in the ignition and pulling out of the driveway. Richie stared out the window wondering what Eddie was doing.

-At Eddies House-

"Eddie dear, are you sure you want to go you know the school down the road is still accepting kids."

"I know Ma. I want to go to high school with my friends. By friends, he meant Richie even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. Sonia sighed, she knew she couldn't convince Eddie to stay home.

"Okay, just remember to take your pills." She said, "I don't want you getting sick," Sonia pinched his cheek.

"Ma, stop it." Eddie started flailing his arms every which way. The Kaspbraks left their driveway and were off to Eddie's new school.

-Back To Richie-

"Richie, Richie." His mom said coxing him out of his world.

"Huh, yay, what." Richie was confused he started shaking his head around. His Mom stopped him. The two started a conversation about school.

"So if you had to pick, what talent would you want."

"Hmm, I haven't given it much thought. Either flying or water bending would be fine just not ice." Maggie laughed at her son's remark.

After hours of driving, they finally made it to the school. Outside tables were set up according to last names. Richie hugged his mom goodbye and headed up to his table. When the line finally ended he was exhausted.

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