10: Teddy Bear

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It was finally here. The day of the big dance that everyone was talking about.  The dance started at 7:00 pm and went on until 10:00. The fall dance was supposed to be the biggest dance ever filled with food, decor, and hundreds of students in the ballroom. Richie was shocked to find out this school had a ballroom. 

Richie slammed his hand on his alarm at 6:00 am as usual. It might have been the day of the dance but they still had school. He slowly rubbed his eyes and crawled out from underneath the covers revealing a small shivering body. Slipping on a pair of sweatpants he had left at the side of his bed and wandering in the dark to the bathroom. He grabbed his white towel that needed to be washed. He hadn't bothered to do his laundry in a while but he knew he would need to soon as it was pilling up. He turned the handle letting the steamy water splash on the floor. The warm feeling of the water made Richie feel like a blanket was cast over his body. Once he retired from the idea of waking up he washed his hair, still half asleep. Richie stepped out of the shower and placed his feet on the fuzzy bathmat. He was shivering after being deprived of the water but quickly got over it when he dried off and threw his uniform on.

Richie left his room, a disaster as always, to go meet the other losers for breakfast. He caught up to Hailey in the hall. "So I'll see you at 6:30 pm," Richie said jokingly, as he bowed down to her. 

"You're a dumbass you know that right Tozier," she laughed 

"You know you love it." To anyone passing by they looked like an adorable couple but to them they were just really good friends. Richie would always laugh when someone thought they were dating. 

The two of them walked into the cafeteria laughing like idiots. Richie could see the annoying smiles spread across his friend's face."Shut up." He rolled his eyes before anyone could say anything.

"So how are things going with your girlfriend." Bev wiggled her eyebrows. 
"We're going strong, nearing our two-month anniversary." He said confidently. 

"Oh don't tell me you're going to be those cringy couples who make a big deal of every month you stay together," Stan said rolling his eyes in the process. 

"Oh come on don't pretend like we don't see you make goo-goo eyes at the bill." Stan slapped his hand over his heart, falling back in the process. 

"Ouch." He screamed rubbing his head. The losers burst out laughing, forgetting about Richie's comment. It finally hit Richie that Eddie wasn't here. 

"Hey, Mike were Eddie?" He questioned.

"Oh, Eddie came down with the flu this morning." He said with a sorrowful look on his face. Richie held up the peace sign while running out of the cafeteria up to Eddie's dorm. Richie burst into Eddie's dorm out of breath, gasping for air. 

"Ed's." He said bolting over to his bed to see a small frail body shivering under the covers.  Eddie clung to the old worn-out rabbit that he had had since birth.

"Hey." A weak voice breathed out. Richie caressed his cheek, pressing a light kiss on his forehead. 

"Rich, please, leave I don't want you getting sick."  As much as it pained Richie to leave he knew Eddie was right and he didn't want to be late to class. Richie sighed, getting a bear on Eddie's nightstand caught his eye. 

"What this?" Riche asked confused as he had never seen the bear before.

"Oh, a few minutes before you barged in a girl came and dropped it off." Richie nodded leaving the room heading to his class. If he had known how many problems that bear would cause he would have gotten rid of it the second he saw it. 

Hi sorry for the short chapter. My brother thought it would be funny to delete all of my progress when a left my laptop for a moment. Anyways see you all later for another update(most likely at 11:00 pm as usual.) Hope this chapter was good. Till next time for the double update.

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