15: Diner

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Richie, Eddie, Stan, Bill, Ben, and Beverly had finally been found after a week in the woods. Mike has been working his ass off trying to find people to form a search party.  The only people willing to help were Hailey and her 4 other friends, Jay, and Mia. 

Mis was Bills lab partner in Biology class. She was a sweet strawberry blond-haired girl with light freckles running under her eyes. Mia had always been fond of Bill, which always made Bill wonder if she had other intentions but no, she was his friend whom he loved platonically. She was also happened to be the first person to figure out he had a little thing for Stan. 

Nobody else wanted to help because they didn't feel like their energy should be wasted on finding the faggots and their friends. 

It took a while but Mike finally convinced the principal to give him a map of the woods to find his friends. When he did the four boys were dirty, scrawny, and freezing. Ben and Bev were the same. 


Richie and Eddie arrived back at school not giving a shit what other people thought of them. They were happy and that's what mattered to them. As for Stan and Bill, Richie and Eddie had been sworn to secrecy. 

Richie had met up with Eddie in the halls, his books falling out of his arms, and his eyes darting all over the room. "Oh Hey, Ed's," Richie said, nervously. Eddie was weirded out. Why the hell would Richie be nervous. "I um I wanted to ask you if um you would want to maybe go on a date with me this afternoon," Richie asked nervously, scratching the back of his head. 

Eddie let out a sigh of relief before responding, "Of course Rich." Eddie stood on his toes to peck Richie's lips before heading off to his next class. He turned his head around to see Richie silently cheering. It had to be one of the cutest things he had ever seen. 

Eddie stopped by his locker to grab his history of animal speech book before heading to his class. To his surprise, he wasn't jumped but there was a note that had fallen out. Huh who the hell would give him a note. 

Hey Ed's

I put this in your locker because I knew I would forget to tell you something. Anyways If you are reading this I probably have already asked you out but didn't tell you much. So I will stop by your dorm at 6:00 pm we are going to the diner a few miles away. I love you Ed's 


Eddie smiled. That was so Richie forgetting to tell him something and leaving a love note in his locker. "What's that." A familiar voice came from behind him. 

"No-nothing." Eddie stuttered turning around to find Dylan standing in front of him. 

"Oh really then what is this," Dylan said, pulling the paper out of his hand. He made a discussed face and faked throwing up. "Gross why do you have to push your gay agenda on this school. The rest of us are straight." 

Teddie gave out a small laugh. "You do realize that at any given time there are around 60,000 13+ lgbtqia+ people in Maine right?" Eddie knew he really shouldn't be talking hut he just had to let his loud mouth fly. Dylan swung a punch at him before walking off turning the corner around the hall. Eddie could taste the metallic liquid seeping inside his mouth. Fucking blood he thought. Fucking Fucking blood. It began to run down his chin leaving a small stain on his white uniform. Oh well, it wasn't like he could really do anything about it. Eddie sprinted off to class, landing in his seat the second the bell rang. Thank God he wasn't late. 

The teacher started their new lecture on speaking to animals which Eddie tried to drown out. It was pretty simple though all he had to do was think out Richie. His stupid curly hair, gorgeous smile, and tackey Hawaiian shirts. He was now lost in another world. A world where Richie was his sun.

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