13: Kiss

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Richie turned around to find Eddies fearful face staring down at Cherry. "Richie what did you do." He gasped. It finally dawned on him, he had beat up Cherry.  It all happened so fast. A teacher came over to escort Richie to the office while another teacher took Cherry to the nurse.

Riche was placed in a seat across from a large man. The man had brown hair and looked fairly young. He was dressed in his work attire with his hair slicked back. "We do not condone violence at this school, Mr. Tozier."Richie nodded symbolizing his understanding. "You will be given a week's worth of in-school suspension. You will report to the office every day at 7:30 and leave at 3:00 pm every day for the next week." A sigh left Richie's lips as he got up to exit the room. 

When he left the office a red-haired girl sat outside. The principal then called Cherly in. "This is your fault." She said through her teeth. "All you fault you son of a bitch." Richie gave her a small smirk as she walked into hell. 

The week was long, it felt like it dragged on forever. Richie spent his day in the office doing schoolwork or cleaning the cafeteria. At least he didn't have it as bad as Cherry. She was sentenced to a week of in-school suspension but instead of cleaning the cafeteria, she was made to scrub the bathrooms clean. 

It was Saturday, the weekend after his detention ended and the losers decided to go to the lake for the day. Richie pulled on his swim trunks, threw on the black shades that he described as cool (Eddie described them as trashy but they always made him laugh). He slides on his sandals and walked out of his dorm, leaving it a mess as usual. He met Stan in front of the school. 

"Your early," Stan said, astounded at this fact.

"Yes, Stanly I am early," Richie said as if he was talking to a two-year-old.  Stan rolled his eyes at Richie's remark. 

"Shut up," He said smiling in the process. The rest of the losers trickled in one by one until all of them were there. the sight of Eddie in a swimsuit made Richie's stomach start doing backflips. This wasn't the first time Richie had seen him half-naked but he sure was hot. Good thing he brought a 72-ounce bottle of water. Richi would need it. 

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," Ben said snapping Richie out of his daze. His cheeks flushed a shade of light pink. Eddie was confused. 

"What's going on?" He questioned his friends. Richie grabbed Mike by the shoulder. 

"You didn't tell him?" He whispered into Mikes's ear. He slowly shook his head. Eddie had been sick during the time the pictures were up but everyone assumed that Mike had told him what happened. Bill quickly decided to change the subject ushering the group towards the trail that led to the lake. It wasn't a long walk but it felt like an eternity, the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 

When they arrived at the lake it was like the dark gray cloud that cast over them had lifted. The kids were full of light and the smiles across their faces went on for miles. Richie ran into the lake diving headfirst only to come up with a mouth full of sand. He spat out the sand running over to his water to Prince out his mouth, Eddie still standing on the shore laughing his head off. 

Richie still had the taste of murky sand on his tongue when he ran back in the water, being careful not to dive in. He flopped on his back yelling back at Eddie.

"COME ON ED'S, YOULL BE FINE!" Eddie rolled his eyes as he ran into the water, taking Richie down the process. When Eddie let Richie come up for air the two boys saw Stan running into the woods next to the lake, looking as if he was on the verge of tears. "Wonder what up with him?' Richie question before Eddie pushed his head underwater, only to be pulled down by Richie in the process. 

It didn't take long for the losers to realize Stan and Bill were now missing. They exchanged worried looks with each other, fearful of what might have happened. The group rushed out of the water, not bothering to dry off before running into the woods in pairs. Eddie and Richie ran off in one direction while Ben and be in another. Mike decided it would be a good idea to stay back just in case Stan and Bill found their way back to the lake. 

Richie had been running for a while, Eddie right behind him when he tripped on a rock, scraping his knee on the hard group. "Shit." He said sitting down on a nearby rock. Eddie ran up to him topping in from to f him to inspect his knee.

"It's not too bad. I won't get infected." Eddie smiled looking up at Richie's goofy face, his hair drying in a friz. Richie had his glasses when they went to the lake so he wouldn't ruin his contact lenses with lake water. He looked up at Richie's stupid fogged-up glasses. Richie looked down upon Eddie who was a head shorter than him. 

Before his mind could catch up to his actions Richie had bent over, wrapping his arms Eddie, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Eddie tasted like lake water but Richie didn't mind. The only thing that he could comprehend was the fact that Eddie wasn't pulling away, he was kissing back. Richie could feel Eddie's damp swimsuit on his thigh. 

It was perfect. The only noise they could hear were the birds chirping in the trees high above. It hit Eddie, the only noise they could hear were the birds. "Rich, I can't hear anyone," Eddie said, hyperventilating. 

"Shh it's okay Ed's," Richie said, trying to calm down the small boys. He placed Eddie on his lap, rubbing circles on his back, letting Eddie get rid of his anxiety. 

"Were lost."He said, tears running down his face. "We're going to die cold and alone." Richie didn't say anything, just trying to help Eddie.

"Im sorry."He whispered. Eddie shook in his arms, Richie wondered if they would be found. "STAN BILL!" Richie screamed out to them hoping to get a response. Sure enough, a loud call from them could be heard a little way in front of them. 

Richie and Eddie came bursting through bushes. Finding Stan and Bill standing in a small patch of grass. "We found you," Eddie yells running up to them. 

"Why are your lips so swollen Eddie," Stan asked. 

"I could say the same about you." Eddie shot back, this comment making Stans blood run cold. 

"Is it really that obvious?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head. Eddie nodded which only made Bill laugh. They then discussed when they would get out of the woods, even making bets on it.

"This is not the kind of thing to make bets on Rich." Eddie scowled at Richie. The other three boys rolled their eyes at Eddie. 

What the boys didn't know is that they would be spending more than one night in these woods.

Hi everybody, I hope you liked this chapter. See ya later for more updates :) 

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