17: Babys... Literally

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Two weeks after Richie found out about the pregnancy Hailey went in for her first ultrasound with Richie. It was then that she had discovered that she was having twins. Twins, they couldn't believe it. Hailey didn't know if she was excited or terrified at the idea. All she knew is that her parents would fucking kill her.

It didn't take long for Hailey's former friends to tell the entire school about her pregnancy. Everyone knew it would be a shock if they didn't. Suddenly the fags were yesterday's news, now all people cared about was slut-shaming Hailey. By far their favorite nickname they had given her was Hailey the Hoe. Every hall she went down there were pictures posted everywhere she looked, slut-shaming her, it was utterly humiliating, but Richie had kept his promise. He was going to help raise these babies like they were his own children.  

As for Kai, the second he found out she was pregnant he ditched, saying he wanted nothing to do with the baby. Richie treated Hailey like a princess, telling her how beautiful she was when all she was doing was staring at her imperfection, he snuck out of school to get her the random food she craved and was there for her through the morning sickness. Eddie didn't mind it though, Richie had made sure that Eddie was his little prince, spending all f his free time with him. Sometimes, if Eddie was brave enough, he would go out with Richie to get the most random concoctions. 

"Richie what are you going to do with bread, pickles, and strawberry jam," Eddie whispered a little too loudly but at this point, there was no use trying to shut him up. They were trying to sneak back into campus with a bag of loud food. 

"It's for Hailey." Richie was tip-toeing his way back up the stairs, carefully pulling out Haileys dorm key. Slowly he entered the room, finding Hailey and Sam talking. Sam was the only one of Hailey's friends who hadn't left her. Richie handed her the bag. Hailey pulled out a spoon and placed a glob of jelly on the bread and placed a pickle on it before taking a bite. Richie shuttered at the crunch of the pickle. "How do you eat that." He asked, trying not to gag. 

"I don't know." She shrugged, taking another bite of her strawberry jam pickle toast. "It's probably the hormones."  Another bit of the monstrosity went into her mouth. Richie grabbed Eddie's hand, walking out of the room and making their way back to their own dorms attempting not to get caught. 


It was now December and Hailey's baby bump had been growing nonstop for 6 months. In a few weeks, Hailey and Richie would go to the appointment where the baby sex would be revealed. Except only Richie would learn the sex, everyone was in one through a sex reveal party for Hailey. 

The losers including Hailey's friend Sam and Richie's roommate Jay had been planning the party for weeks, now all they needed was the sex of the babies and it would be complete. 

Bev had been the most excited, hoping beyond hope for at least one girl. They had, as she put it "Too many dicks around." 


It was Saturday morning... or afternoon, Richie really didn't know what time he woke up on the weekends. All he knew was the Hailey and him needed to be at the appointment at three and even if it wasn't his baby, he was beyond excited to finally know the baby's sex. 

"So what do you think it'll be?" Jay sat on his bed, leg crossed over the other, reading his most recently assigned book for the class which Richie still has yet to read. 

"I don't know, I hope it's a boy and a girl though." He shrugged, slipping on his shoes and walking out the door to meet Hailey in the front of the school. Oh, how he hoped that it was a girl and a boy, he didn't know if he could handle two boys. It would be a fucking nightmare. 

"Oh hey, Rich." Bill waved over at Richie who was standing near the planter waiting for Hailey to make her an appearance, big belly and all." Oh hey," Richie smiled, walking over and slapping him on the back. He pulled back as he winced in pain.

"I bet you it's going to be two little girls," Bill said, in all seriousness. "That would be heaven for Bev. Richie chuckled, agreeing with his comment. "Wait before you go, I bet you 20 bucks it's two girls." Richie narrowed his eyes.

"Deal," He announced just in time for Hailey to walk through the tall glass doors. 

"Shall we go?"

"We shall." Richie connected their arms as if they were walking down a hall. They sounded like nut cases when they burst out in laugher. Richie guided her towards the car that was used only if you had permission. He helped Hailey before driving off to the doctor. 

Hailey sat in the passenger seat, rubbing her belly. "Thank you, Richie." she looked up at the goofy-looking idiot sitting next to her. "Really you didn't have to do any of this." He smiled in return as they pulled up into the clinic. When they entered the cold building it felt like they were being stared at everywhere they went.

They were guided to a room by a nurse and were told to wait. Hailey sat down on the chair next to the ultrasound.

"Hello, baby mama." The doctor said as she entered the room. She squirted the jelly on Hailey's stomach, taking the monitor to reveal the children. Hailey turned her head not wanting to see anything. "Two healthy babies." The doctor announced which led to Hailey letting out a sigh of relief. 

The doctor guided Richie out of the room. "So the baby genders are..."

Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy keeping up with school work and screaming for an upcoming test. Hope you all liked this chapter. See ya tomorrow for another update!

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