5: I'm sorry Ed's

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Hailey and Richie had been going strong since the End of August. It was now The being of October and the air was getting crisp. Hailey had switched her skirt out for a pair of form-fitted pants and a blazer. Richie was wearing the ass thins on the first day of school. He didn't mind though. What Richie didn't notice was how much the losers missed him. He was forced to ditch the losers to hang with Hailey and her friends at lunch. After school and weekends were filled with picnic dates and lake trips. Richie couldn't help but wonder what Eddie was doing.

Eddie had missed Richie since the day he got a girlfriend. Sure he had the rest of the losers but it wasn't the same. He loved Richie. He had always loved Richie. Plantonicly, he only saw Richie as a friend or so he told himself. Richie hadn't even met Eddie's dog. Eddie had gotten a dog as his companion a month ago! He would tell his dog everything. It was a mini maltice named Rocket. He had our white fur that was fluffier than a cloud. He had big brown chocolate eyes that resembled Eddies.  He took Rocket everywhere hoping to run into Richie.  

On a cloudy day in October Richie had walked up to the losers sitting at their usual table. 

"Hey." Richie smiled, expecting his friends to welcome him back.
"What happened to your girlfriend," Eddie said coldly. 

"Is this what this is about. You guys don't even ask if she's okay. For the record, she's not. Hailey came down with the flu." Richie felt awful treating his friends like this, treating Eddie like this."Im sorry." Whispered Richie.

"Save in Richie. You ditch us for a month and then come back. Should you be comforting Her."

"She has named you to know. If you paid attention you would know." Richie pulled his shoulders back and crossed his arms.

"Listen hear dick face, get the hell away from my friends and me!" In all of Richies' years, he had never heard Eddie yell. Maybe just an annoying voice but never a yell. He backed away in defeat, walking to the back of the cafeteria, sitting at a corner table to eat lunch. He felt his eyes well up with tears. 

"Do you think that was too harsh?"Eddie said, ashamed.

"Hell no. He ditched us, he deserved it." Bill slammed his hand on the table. Eddie knew Richie had deserved what he got but he couldn't help but feel bad. 

Later that day, after school had gotten out Eddie was sitting on his bed talking to Rocket when he heard a light knock on the door. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and got up to go get the door. 

A tall boy stood in front of him, flashing a half-smile. Eddie moved and let Richie into the room. He rolled his eyes as he went to sit down on his bed."What do you want." Eddie asked in an annoyed tone. Richie stared down at the floor making circles with his foot. 

"Look I know I've been a dick to you and the rest of the losers. Im sorry. I've been a fucking assholeI know."

"Go on."

"Im sorry Ed's. I'm sorry I ditched you for Hailey's friends. Im is sorry I haven't had time to hang out.  I came here to ask if maybe you wanted to go to the movies with me. My treat. Eddie contemplated the idea for a second before agreeing. What could go wrong?

That weekend Richie had met Eddie outside the front of the school. He had been standing there in his usual Hawaiian shirt shorts and a pair of sandals. "Hello, Eddo Spageto." 

"Shut up dickwad."Eddie said playfully pushing him away. They smiled. It was like the good old day. Except they weren't old. On the walk to the theater, Richie made his usual mom jokes, Eddie blushed every time he was referred to as Ed's, and Richie only talked about his shitty English teacher who had given them that weekend to finish a book report. Eddie smirked at every remark made. 

They finally walked up to the ticket booth, paid for their tickets, and left. 

"So what movie are we seeing."

"It's a surprise."Richie knew Eddie hated surprises of any sort. One time Richie and the rest of the losers threw a surprise party for him and he had an asthma attack. They walked over to the concessions booth paid for their popcorn and left. They rarely ever ate popcorn anymore or anything related to the circus. Ever since Georgie, Anything Georgie likes reminded Bill of him. 

The movie had started and Richie and Eddie took their seats in the back row. They were goofing off most of the time. Laughing, throwing popcorn at each other. It was heaven. When they finally decided to calm down the movie had been going for an hour. Richie would peer over at Eddie every chance he got to see his big brown chocolate eyes glued to the screen. 

Eddie could feel the tension building up as their hands slowly moved closer to one and other. Every minute inching closer to each other, craving their touch. Then it happened. Richie's hand was curled around Eddies he felt his heart leaped from his chest, his stomach doing backflips. 

Luckey for Eddie the cinema was dark and Richie couldn't see how badly he was blushing. Richie had dreamed of this moment. Never did he think it would actually happen. Both he and Eddie were straight. Straight He was straight. He didn't like Eddie like that, he liked Hailey, not Eddie. Eddie on the other hand had now he was gay for a while. Did anyone else know about his little secret? No, and he wanted to keep it that way.

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