14: Lost In The Woods

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The first night was hell for the four boys. None of them had ever been survivalists or knew the slightest bit about surviving. They shivered on the floor the first night, Stan clinging to Bill, while Eddie cuddled Richie. They didn't know the exact weather but it had been 80 degrees that day so the weather at night was probably in the '60s but they were skinny boys who were only wearing a swimsuit. 

Richie woke up to faint cries. He turned both ways to find Eddie and Stan crying, holding each other. The sight was adorable but also depressing. "Hey," Richie said, reaching out to touch Eddie's shoulder. Richie was tired and hungry, the moon still hung high in the sky showing them it was still night. 

Eddie looked up with glassy eyes, Eddie crawled over to Richie, latching on to him. Richie nudged Bill, tilting his head over towards Stan. Bill pulled Stan onto his lap, playing with his curly hair to calm him. "What's wrong?" Richie asked, although he probably already knew the answer but what Eddie told Richie shocked him to his core. 

"I had a dream." He mumbled. "I had a dream that even after you kissed me you didn't want to be with me." Eddie croaked. 

"Oh Ed's, I've spent the last 10 years wondering if you would ever love me the way I loved you. Im not letting go of you now, you're stuck with me." Richie smiled. 

"Good."Eddie nuzzled deeper into Richie's chest. Richie turned his head to the side finding that Stan had fallen asleep in Bill's arms. Finally, Richie thought to himself, they finally got together. 

The boys woke up right at dawn when the sun decided to peak out. Richie rubbed his eyes, looking down to Eddie trapped across his stomach, his arms still wrapped around Richie. He stroked Eddies soft curly brown hair causing him to stir in his sleep. 

"Hmmm, Rich."He said, fluttering his deep brown eyes open. "Why did you wake me up."  

"I have to pee." Richie lifted Eddie off him, placing him on the soft grass next to him. Eddie crossed his arms, scrunching his face up. Richie walked off, just now realizing how hungry he was.  His stomach howled at him, begging for food. 

Eddie's interaction with Richie caused Stan to slowly wake up, climbing out of Bill's arms and walking over to Eddie. "Hey." Eddie turned to Stan to reply

"Oh, hey." He smiled back at him. 

"I just wanted to thank you for listening to me last night," Stan said, slightly embarrassed. His face went few shades of pink before landing back on his natural creamy color. He fiddled with his finger. Something only Bill knew he did when he was nervous. 

"Your welcome," Eddie said with a warm, comforting smile on his face. 

Eddie and Stan were shocked to hear a loud rumble coming from the direction of Bill. He laughed, trying not to show his embarrassment. "G-Guess I need some f-food." He half-smiled. By now Richie had arrived back. 

"I agree with Bill we could use some food." Stan nodded, agreeing with Richie.

"Guys we need water, not food." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Did any of you pay attention in science class?" Now it was Richie's turn to roll his eyes. 

"Oh, come on Eddie." He said, dragging Eddie by the arm."Let's go." 

"Don't get lost," Stan screamed back at them. It didn't take long for Richie and Eddie to hear running water in the distance. Within a few minutes, they found a stream of running water. Richie bent down to drink from the stream while Eddie did the same. 

They made their way back to 'camp' to get Stan and Bill so they wouldn't get dehydrated. 

"T-T-T-Thanks," Bill said walking off with Stanley. While they were alone Richie took this chance to press a kiss to Eddie's perfectly pink lips. He loved the high he got whenever he got the flavor of Eddie's breath on his face. 

When The two boys got back from their water break. They decided to be smart. 

"We should build a shelter," Richie suggested.

"We could also use something to keep us warm." The three others agreed with Eddie so while Eddie and Stan started collecting thick leaves Bill and Richie started building the shelter for them. Richie collected the logs and Bill started to stack them. When they finished with that they grabbed pin needles to somewhat waterproof their shelter. 

Meanwhile, Eddie and Stan had been very successful with their leaf hunt, finding sizable leaves that would cover part of them. 

"Thanks, S-S-Stan," Bill said, kissing his thin pink lips. STans face went bright red. He wasn't used to being kissed by someone he loved. 

Later that night Eddie lied down in their makeshift shelter. Richie joined him, letting Eddie bury his face Face in Richie's shoulder. Once Richie was sure Eddie was asleep who whispered in his ear "I love you Ed's." A smile spread across eddies face although he didn't respond. This was going to be the start of something beautiful. 

Hi, so right now it's only like 10:00 pm so early to update where I live. There will be another chapter out tomorrow. Anyways hope ya liked this chapter (sorry if it was bad). Have a good day/night. Bye.

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