18: Party

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The doctor had guided Richie out of the small room. She smiled at him, "Congratulations it's a boy and a girl."

"Yes," Richie whispered, pumping his fists in the air. The nurse looked at him, utterly confused. "Oh," a light shade of pink spread across his face. "My friend and I made a bet on what the sex would be." 

"I see," She said, walking back into the room, handing Hailey a rag to wipe the jelly off her stomach. 


Richie and Hailey had arrived back, everyone was eager to learn the baby's sex. "So what is it," Bev asked, practically clawing her way through the crowd of the others. "Come on tell us." They all agreed with her, wide-eyed and ready to plan this party. 

"Wait where are we having the party." Bill suddenly realized after all the planning they still had nowhere to host it. Richie eyed Sam who was in the covering in the back. 

"Hey, um Sam, would it be okay if you um distracted Hailey for the day while we set up in your room." Richie was slightly embarrassed that he had to ask. Her face lit up.

"Of course. Now tell us the sex of the baby's." She paused for a moment, "Yes that's a threat." She had daggering in her eyes. 

"Woah okay." Richie backed away from the demon lady. "so it looks like you guys want to know sooooooo." 

"TELL US!" Ben screamed, annoyed that Richie was taking forever. 

"It's a girl and a boy," A scowl appeared on Bill's face. He grumbled, handing Richie his $20 bucks.

"Thank you Billiam." Richie was using his obnoxious British accent that drove everyone mad. "So I thought we should have the party next Saturday because then we have time to get the supplies." 

"Or we could do everything last minute." Bev blurted out. It was pretty easy to tell that she was getting impatient. 


Saturday, Richie thought when he woke up, Staretrdays. Todays the sex reveal, nobody could wait till three but they did need to set up first. Richie hoped out of bed, excited to start the day. 

When he exited the bathroom, Jay was up and grabbing a list of errands each person needed to make. 

Mike and Ben: Confetti/Ballons/Streamers/etc.

Eddie and Stan: Make sure the dorm is clean enough to throw a party 

Sam: Keep Hailey distracted

Jay and Richie: Cake 

Bev and Bill: snacks/drinks 

"Good thinking" They exited the room, meeting the other losers at Hailey and Sams dorm.  Jay handed their assignments to everyone. After talking to Eddie for a bit, Richie kissed him goodbye running to catch up to Jay. The bakery wasn't a far walk, only 20 minutes to get there and 20 to get back if they didn't get lost. 

The bakery was a small mom-and-pop type, on the corner of an underpopulated area. Damn did the cakes look good. Bev had ordered 2 circular cakes, one with a pink center, and one with a blue center. 

"Hi, how can I help you." The plump older woman behind the counter asked. She had sparkling gray hair with a light pink apron on. 

"Order for Beverly." Richie was timid around adults. He never really knew what to expect from them. The lady gave a warm smile before heading into the back. 

"Albert," she called out, which Richie assumed was her husband. A tall, lanky, old man appeared holding two cardboard boxes with the initials BM written on each of them. He handed Richie and Jay the boxes. They paid and were on their way, leaving the small shop that was filled with sweet aromas. 

Jay carefully pulled up the lid of the box to find a beautifully decorated cake on the inside. "Woah" His eyes were wide and looked as if they had popped out of his head. "This looks fucking amazing." Richie peered over his shoulder looking at the same cake. 

When they arrived back Mike and Ben had already set up with the help of Eddie and Stan.  Bev and Bill had placed out all of the condiments on folding tables. The only thing left was to get Hailey back. "They should be back in a few minutes," Mike announced, looking at his clock. 

Just as he said that there was a knock at the door. An impatient Beverly went to answer it only to find Cherly standing there with a security guard and the school secretary.

"See I told you they were throwing a party." She said, batting her eyes as if she was the most innocent person in the world. 

"Why you little bitch." Beverly gritted her teeth.

"Language Mrs. Marsh." The secretary said, ushering them out of the room and up to the principal's office. "I will be confiscating everything in here as evidence." She explained slamming the door to the office in the kid's face. Great... What should they do now?

Hi, so I have a problem ending this story. I have the next 10 chapters planned out. If you want me to continue Richie and Eddie's relationship into adulthood please tell me. If not then I will end the book sooner than expected. See you guys tomorrow for another update!

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