8: You Have Got to Be F* Kidding Me

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Richie sat there next to Hailey for a moment. "Wait I thought you were sick?"

"I am, I just wanted to get out of my crusty dorm room and into the fresh hair." she shrugged. "Hey this is going to sound really weird, but will you still go to the dance with me." Hailey held her breath, intertwining her fingers, letting the anxiety pour out of her. Richie let out a light chuckle which only made her face do a darker shade of red. 

"Sure. I mean it's the least I can do since your not being a dick about this whole..." Richie trailed off, "Situation." A heavy sigh came from Hailey as he could visibly see the weight lifted off her shoulders. Hailey thanked him before going off to meet her friends for dinner. Richie blinked back the tears in his eyes as he sat there alone on the cold stone planter. What have I done? he let out a small cry. He jumped back a little when he felt a hand on his back, looking up saw a tall curly-haired boy. "Oh Stan, it's just you." 

"Woah I didn't know Richard Tozier got scared."He said, sounding astounded. 

"Fuck you, Stanly," Richie mumbled, shoving Stan. 

"So why were you crying." As much as Stan liked to make fun of Richie he was being serious.  

"What I'm not crying." Richie hoped beyond hope that he sounded convincing enough for Stan.
"Uh-huh, and my hair is straight. But seriously why are you crying." Richie shrugged. 

"I got something in my eye, know come on were going to miss dinner." Riche spirited away. Stan rolled his eyes before running after Richie. 

Over in Eddie and Mike's dorm, Eddie sat alone on his bed still in a state of shock. What the fucking hell just happened. He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that fucking Richie kissed him. He thought he would hate him. Who wouldn't, if his mom ever found out about his gayness she would hate him, despise him, disown him. 

"Hey what you doing." Eddie looked up to find Mike in the doorway.

"Oh you know contemplating all of my life decisions."

"Haha, very funny know would you like to join us for dinner," Mike asked calmly. 

"Sure." Eddie smiled, getting up and walking to the door, lightly making Mike's arm on the way out. 

"Ouch," he mumbled, heading down to the cafeteria to find out what tonight's dinner would be. Mike took his usual seat next to ben and Eddie took his next to Richie. 

"Let's see, is it edible." Stan inspected the chicken, veggies, and potatoes. 

"I think were good Stan." Bill took a bite of the chicken. "Not too bad." He said making a face that said I can't tell if I love it or I hate it. The rest of the losers laughed.

"Since tomorrow's Sunday, what do you want to do?" Bev questioned the group. 

"Oh I have an idea," Ben piped up," My roommate was telling me about an outdoor mall thing that's supposed to be pretty cool if you guys want to go." 

"What kind of stores are we talking about," Richie said, swallowing his last bite.

"Well, he came back with an outfit for the dance and a few things for his side of the dorm." 

"Sounds cool im in." Bev winked at him. Since they had nothing else better to do Stan and Bill agreed to go, so Mike and Eddie. That left Richie, rolling his eye's he stated

"Sure I'll go with you losers." He mocked. Though the group didn't take offense to his joke, they had always referred to themselves as the losers. 

"Cool, I'll see you at the front of the school at 9:00 am tomorrow." Ben walked off to go to his next class. The rest of the losers followed his actions, accept Richie and Eddie. 

"Hey Ed's." Richie looked at Eddie. His dark brown eyes sparkled in the light, with his face littered in freckles. 

"Yeah." His soft mellow voice shot back at Richie.

"Um, so I kinda told Hailey I would bring her to the dance." Riche looked nervous, he didn't want Eddie to hate him because he didn't go to the dance with him. Eddie flashed his perfectly white teeth.
"it's cool Rich, I don't really want anyone to know." Eddie's face went a shade of bright pink. Richie then made his way back up to his room to grab Speckles. 

Richie was on the field where they practice in no time at all. He spotted Hailey walking towards him.

"Hello, Richard."

"Hello, Hailey." He said with his nose stuck up. although they were trying to be made the two kids ended up laughing their heads off until the professor came out to the field. That's when they shut their mouths, muffling their giggles.

"Welcome, now I know in the past you have flown with your birds but today you will test your bond. Today you will be doing an obstacle course with them, which will include tasks. The first one to finish will receive extra credit on an assignment of your choice. There will be some restrictions though. Now good luck to you all." The professor shot of a blank and everyone took off. 

Fly made Richie feel free like he could let go of every worry and not have a care in the world. He would get lost in his world when he was frying and solving his tasks. They weren't too hard. Mostly the task told them to find the next trinket to return to Mr. Tin at the end. Pretty simple.

When Richie finally finished he saw plenty of other kids hanging out and talking. He turned around to see a few other kids just finishing up. Good thing I wasn't the last one. He thought to himself.  


Richie had woken up that morning, not even caring that he didn't make his bed. He left his room a disaster. He wore a Hawaiian shirt with his usual shorts and shirt. This time he brought a pair of black shades that completed his outfit nicely. 

When Richie arrived at the front of the school he found Stan, Bill, and Ben waiting for the rest of the losers. They all looked awake, welcoming Richie to the group. 

He rubbed his eyes "It's too Fucking early." He groaned. 

"Oh come on it's not like your not going to forget about being  tired and start making mom jokes in 5 minutes." Stan rolled his eyes. Richie gave him the I know your right but I'm just a stubborn look which only made Stan laugh harder. 

"Whatever," Richie said throwing his hands up in the air, letting them slap back down on his legs. After a few moments, Eddie and Mike emerged from the building, along with Beverly. 

"What took you guys so long." Richie was annoyed with his friends.

"Were not late, you're just early," Beverly said clapping back at Richie's remark. 
"Yeah yeah sure let's just get doing." Ben was impatient. He wanted to be there as fast as possible. 

Once they got to the entrance they wandered through the stores, looking at every single display window. Richie needed a new outfit for the dance so he decided to go into a store called Tux and more. Sure it was a cringy name but it had what he needed at a reasonable price. Right, when he walked in his eyes fell on a group of people. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

A new chapter will be out tonight!!!

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