19: Child Birth

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The principal understood that they were just trying to through a party for Hailey and let them off the hook. However, Cheryl wasn't so lucky and ended up with a week's worth of lunch detention for wasting resources. None of the losers saw how she was wasting resources but they weren't about to tell anyone that. 

When the losers and Jay arrived back at Hailey's dorm, she and Sam were already there. "Sorry, we had a slight detour," Richie muttered something about how Cherly was a bitch. 

The party went great, Hailey was excited to have a boy and a girl. She had always wanted twins but she didn't expect it to be this young. 

"Hey, Rich," she asked after everyone had left. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to help name the baby." She said quietly. Richie smiled,

"I don't know what to say." Richie's heart began to leap. 

"Come on Richie, you deserve it." He nodded pulling her into a hug 

"Thank you." He whispered into her ear "This is the best thing anyone has ever given me." He had meant what he said. Well unless you count the kiss that Eddie gave him. In that case, this was the second-best thing he had ever received 


One month had passed since the sex announcement 

Then two'

Then Three. Hailey had now entered the rare amount t of mothers who don't have premature labor with twins. Everyone was anticipating that day where they would be told that she was in labor. It had to be soon right?

Right, on March 17 during the middle of flight History Richie noticed Hailey had been wincing in pain for a little bit. She was hunched over, looking as if she was going to puke her guts out. Her long blond hair fell in front of her face. Richie placed two fingers under her chin, pulling her up from her slouched position.

"Are you okay?" Deep heavy breaths came from his chest. Maybe it was just a stomach bug? At least he hoped but deep down he knew she was in labor. Hailey saw his worried face and tried to plaster on a smile.

"Im fine." She said, fighting her core when a contraction hit her. It was like the world was against her, a scream of pure agony came out as she grasped onto Richie's blazer. 'I take it back. Her breathing hitched, she had sweat dripping down her face and belly. 

"Hey look,"  a voice came from upfront, "Hailey the hoe's going into labor." A jerk of a boy laughed. He stood there mimicking every little movement Hailey did, including her contractions 

"WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!" Richie screamed at him. He was about ready to give that kid a nasty black eye. Luckily Hailey stopped him before he was expelled   The teacher had run over to the phone to dial 911. Richie usually would have been pissed that kids were getting away with mocking poor Hailey but he was too preoccupied with rushing Hailey out of the classroom bridal style while she lay their scrunched up in his arms.

Soon enough the ambulance was there taking Richie and Hailey away in it. Richie had never been inside of an ambulance, only watching as Sonai instead Eddie needed an ambulance. He stood there dumbfounded by how clean the inside was, he had never seen a car so clean. His eyes ended up landing on the paramedic taking Hailey's heart rate.  "Are the father?' The parametric asked.

"Not biologically but yes."Hailey managed to say through the pain, even swallowing looked painful. The paramedics didn't question them any further. A father. Richie didn't know what to make of that statement. Sure he did everything a husband would do during her pregnancy, but a father! He wasn't ready, he also knew Hailey wasn't ready to raise two children on her own without any source of support or outlet.

After a LOT of arguing with the doctors, Richie was finally allowed in the hospital room where she would give birth. Hailey was lying on the bed begging for an epidural. The doctor complied, seeing how much pain she was in. A large shot was injected into her spin. Richie knew it wasn't his place but god was he thankful he couldn't give birth.

The Nurse decided to leave Riche with Hailey in the room to go find a doctor to deliver the twins. They were coming and they were coming fast. 

"AHHHHHHHH!" She screamed, the sweat pouring down her forehead. 

"Shhhhh, you're doing great." Richie cooed, trying to keep him somewhat calm. 

"CALM?!? CALM?!? YOU WANT ME TO BE CALM WHEN DEMON BABYS ARE TRYING TO CRAWL OUT OF YOU?!? Hormones Richie thought, Hailey loved these children more than anything in the entire fucking world. 

After a few hours of sweat, tears, and blood both of the beautiful twins were in the world, happy and healthy. Both crying into Hailey's arms, begging her for their turn to get some food. 

Richie had let the losers including Jay and Sam know that the baby was born. They filled into the room, gasping at the cuteness overload they were experiencing. Each person took turns holding the small babies in their arms. 

"They're so tiny," Mike exclaimed, holding the boy's hand. "What are their names?" Richie breathed a sigh of relief knowing he didn't have to refer to them as the babies anymore. 

Richie eyed Hailey. He looked up at them. "Charlotte and Luca." 

"They're perfect." Bev smiled, pulling little Luca closer to her chest, although she was young, she wanted a kid, just not twins. 

Although they were cute this was just the beginning of some crazy shit. 

Hi, so I didn't like how this chapter turned out the first time so I decided to update it making it a little longer, hope you like it :)

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