Chapter Seventeen

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October 8th 2013

Jack cannot stop stressing to the point that it's stressing me out. All of me wants to reassure him that I've got money to take care of us both, but I refuse to say that outright to him. I'm reckless, I'm hasty, I take everything way too fast, so I'm perfectly okay doing that, even with the fact that we've only been dating for four months. Jack on the other hand isn't that type.
Sure, he's obnoxious at the best of times, and he's silly, and in a lot of aspects he can be careless. Not on this one though.
I can't blame him. I come with a lot of issues. I'm not sure of the entirety of his past dating history, but I know about his family and their past, so it makes sense why he doesn't immediately go all into things. Either way, I know if I suggested it, or even brought up the fact that I don't mind at all taking care of things until he finds something, he'd bite my head off and stress out that much more. So I keep my mouth shut.
I need to think of something to do though. Something to get his mind off of all of it.
The question is what exactly to do.

I sigh as I lay back against my pillows, Jack's already up. He's downstairs making coffee and I'm too lazy to move. I'm cozy under my covers, and I'm naked underneath them. Getting up means getting dressed. Getting dressed means making an effort. That's just something I don't feel like doing. 
Instead, I open up Safari on my phone. Like an idiot, I'm typing in 'fun things to do in LA' as if I don't live here, as if I haven't lived here for years and years. Thinking on it though, my brain has been too fried on drugs to really give a shit about anything. Guess it makes sense.
There's an entire list of things to go through.
Griffith Park/Griffith Observatory. That could be calming, but I think that he needs fun.
Santa Monica Pier, it's nice but really it's just a bunch of arcade/carnival type things and some rides. Fun, but not entirely what I think he'd be into right now.
Of course, there's Universal Studios. I fucking love that place.
Then it hits me.

Something fun, something carefree, lighthearted, and a place where literally everything escapes you and you're there and only there. Nothing else matters because your head is just lost in a world of magic.
Disneyland and California Adventures.
I get on and book a suite at the Disneyland Hotel. I only live 20 minutes away, but a boujie hotel suite and two days of fun? That's so much better than just going there and coming right back home. A miniature vacation for Jack. 
I get on my Disneyland app and I buy us annual passes. Mine was expired, and he told me once that he never had one, he just bought his tickets each time he went.
Now we have the top tier ones. 
I close that app out and open up messages.

Alex: Baby daddy get up here.

Jack: Baby daddy?

Alex: If I could get pregnant or you could get pregnant, with the amount of times we've fucked in the last few days, one of us would for sure be knocked up by now. Plus like, eventually we're gonna adopt 12 kids. Or maybe buy a petting zoo. Either way, you'd be my baby daddy. Whether it's human babies or like, goat babies.

Jack: Alrighty then. Coffees almost done. Want anything else?

Alex: Just you getting naked in bed again. 

Jack: Deal. Why'd you have to text me to tell me to come back? What's your hurry?

Alex: I miss your ass. Just hurry.

Jack: Okay okay.

It takes about five minutes before I hear him coming up the stairs and another minute before he's pushing the bedroom door open with his foot.
I smile at him just wearing his cute little blue boxer briefs.
He smiles back at me and hands me my cup of coffee as he sits down.
"Nope." I say with a raised eyebrow.
Jack puts his mug on the side table, "Nope what?" He looks lost.
I stare down at his underwear.
"Oh, that." He gets my hint and pulls them off. He gets back under the covers with me and lays his head on my chest.
"Why'd I have to hurry back up here?" He asks curiously, smiling a little when I put my arm around him.
I pull up my Disneyland app and show him that I bought the passes, "Look" I grin. Jack takes my phone out of my hand and looks at the passes and which ones they are, "Damn you got the good ones. Why'd you get us Disneyland passes?" 
I take my phone back and show him the Disneyland Hotel booking, "Because we're going to go to Anaheim and we're going to stay in this really nice suite at the Disneyland Hotel, and we're going to go to Disneyland all day today, and then California Adventures all day tomorrow. That's why. You're gonna get your mind off of what you can't change at the moment, and you're going to live in the now with me and have fun." I kiss the top of his head, smiling when he snuggles himself a little closer to me.
"So I should pack a bag then?" He looks up.
I nod "You should indeed. After coffee, we pack and then we go." 

The drive to Anaheim is fun, he's letting go already and it makes me happy to see. We're listening to bad 90's pop music, singing along and dancing like complete idiots and it's good to see. I haven't seen him with a stress free face in a while. 
Jack absolutely grins at the Disneyland Hotel as we pull up to it.
"Have you stayed here before?" I ask, getting heart palpitations over the adorable look on his face.
He shakes his head, looking at me like a kid on Christmas "No! This is so cool." 
I smile at him, pulling up to the valet.
We get that handled and get up to our room.
Jack looks around with a big grin on his face, "Wow...This is so cool." He looks out the window, beaming at the near perfect view of the park, "Thank you Alex. So much." He looks like he could cry.
I set my bags down, joining him at the window.
I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tight, "You're welcome love. Look, you've just been so stressed out and I understand perfectly well why, but for today and tomorrow I want you to forget about it okay? Where better to do that than the most magical place on earth where literally nothing else matters except for the magic. Can we do that? I just want to see you smile and mean it. Not smile with all that stress in your eyes." I kiss his cheek.
Jack has tears in his eyes but he quickly blinks them away. He nods at me, "We can do that. Thank you. I love you." He's so sweet when he tells me he loves me. He goes from talking normally, but then when he says those three words, his voice takes on a different tone. It's soft, and it's gentle, and if I could describe it physically, it would feel like the soft sand on the beach, right when you put your feet in for the first time. Its warm and soft, it's a feeling that nothing else could possibly give.
"I love you too." I lean up and press a kiss to his lips, earning me that adorable smile of his, "Let's go, yeah?" 
Jack nods, getting his phone ready now that he's got the app as well. He gets his pass ready to go and we make our way to the park.
Today's gonna be a good day, it has to be. He deserves it. We deserve it, honestly.

I can see Jack's tension from stress turn into tension from pure excitement, his eyes light up looking at the park around him. We're on Main Street, there's the horse drawn carriage, there's the train station to take us through the park wherever we want to go, and there are so many shops to choose from. Naturally, we go into The Mad Hatter. We need ears, right? 
I take forever choosing a pair, there's just so damn many to choose from. Eventually, I pick out the rainbow pair and I get AWG sewn onto the back of them, and Jack chooses a standard Mickey pair with JB sewn onto the back. We look like idiots and I'm obsessed. 
I take a selfie of us and post it on my instagram.
'JB and AWG on adventures!'
"What first?" I smile, noticing Jack being the organized nerd that he is looking at the map of the park on the Disneyland app.
"Let's go to Adventureland first and ride the Jungle Cruise!" He grins and takes my hand.
I smile and go right along with him, "This day is all yours babe, you take me wherever you want, however you want and I'll do it. Just promise we can ride Pirates like. Three times for my sake. It's my favorite." 
"Of course. We'll ride it however many times you want. Can we do dinner at the Blue Bayou too tonight?" He asks with a happy smile.
"Of course we can." I grin.

So our day begins. 

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