Chapter Twenty Two

45 6 1

February 14th 2014

I wake up and it smells like sweet syrup and bacon. Jack doesn't cook, so I'm wondering if I'm sleep cooking. Except I'm still in my bed. I sit up and stretch, ruffling my fingers through my messy hair.
I get up and go downstairs, following the mouthwatering smell, and to my surprise when I turn the corner to enter the kitchen, there Jack is, dressed for the day, looking incredible in black jeans and a grey button down shirt. He smiles at me "You were supposed to still be sleeping, I was going to bring this all up to you." He shakes his head, getting a single rose off of the counter next to him, "This was going to go on the tray next to your plate, but since you're here." He holds it out to me with a sweet smile on his face.
I smile and I can feel my cheeks heating up as I take the red rose from him. I smell it and smile bigger.
"Thank you...Wow. You're really going all out." I say admiringly.
"It's Valentines day." He responds with a little shrug, and I can see that he's either embarrassed or shy.
"You are so sweet. I love this so much, Jack. You are so sweet, and this smells incredible." I walk behind him, arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder as I watch him flip the bacon gently in the pan. I have to smile a little at the cookbook next to him with the page open for homemade waffles with vanilla and cinnamon.
Jack turns his head to look at me, "You really think so?"
I nod, "I wouldn't lie to you. It looks and smells amazing. You should try cooking more often." I let go of him and hop up on the counter, watching him move.
"Maybe I will." He says contently, looking rather surprised at my reaction. Maybe he was expecting me to not like it or something, although I'm not sure why he'd think that. Sure, I like things a certain way, but no one has ever gone out of their way or stepped out of their comfort zone like this for me before. Not even my ex wife when things were still incredible between us.

I watch him plate everything, and he does it so well. It looks almost restaurant done. I smile as he sprays a lovely swirl of whipped cream over both plates. He sets them on the table, smiling right back at me as he goes to make us both coffee.
"This really is so amazing Jack." I gush, so incredibly impressed. 
"It's not, really." He's blushing.
I shake my head, "You don't have enough faith in me that I'm telling you the truth. I wouldn't lie to you. No one's ever done something like this for me before." I slide off the counter to take my place at the table, watching as he stirs just the right amount of coffee creamer into my mug.
We eat in a nice silence, I can tell Jack is still nervous about breakfast, so I'm sure to compliment how everything tastes without going overboard, I don't want him to think that I'm faking.
When we're done eating, he looks so genuinely happy and I know that he knows I'm telling the truth.

The rest of the day goes calmly, we walk up and down Sunset and Melrose, stopping in the most random shops. In a consignment store, I find a vintage Louis Vuitton suitcase for $150 in immaculate condition, and I can't leave it behind. Jack finds a few things as well, some vintage blazers that he wants to wear to work. We get lunch at a cute little cafe that neither of us had been to before, they were offering a lunch special with mimosas, so of course we enjoyed a drink or two before walking around more, just enjoying our time together. It's not rare that we get time like this, but it's rare that we actually take it. We're homebodies and when we do get out, we realize how much we actually love it. We make a point over lunch to do it more often.
"I love you." I say with a smile, holding his hand as we walk into Gucci. We're not buying anything, despite the fact that we could, it's just fun.
I leave him for a moment, however to go next door. I don't tell him where I'm going or why, I just ask him to wait for me. I'm sure he knows something is up, because I'm not great at keeping secrets but either way, the gift itself is a secret.
I rejoin him after half an hour, I've got the little box with the gift in the inside pocket of my jacket. If I would've gotten a bag, it might've given it away.

Jack offers a Valentine's Day dinner out in Malibu, but the homebody in me doesn't want to go out. I'd rather enjoy the night with him, so we go home and watch movies. At 5, I leave him and take an Uber to a grocery store, I'm still not driving yet. I can, I just don't want to. It scares me to even consider it. 
I come back and I tell him to go upstairs and wait for me there, that I'll call him down when I'm ready. 
I smile as he actually listens, telling me that he's going to just watch a movie until I'm done.
I get the steaks out and get them in a quick marinade of Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, crushed garlic, onion powder and a bit of thyme. I wash and peel potatoes, carrots and asparagus, covering them in a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, a bit of butter, oregano and a bit of minced garlic. 
I smile at my work and put the vegetables in the oven to roast while I work on a fresh salad, making my own balsamic vinaigrette. I want to go all out for him. He deserves it for what he's been through with me, and I know that what happened isn't my fault. I know that. Still, it doesn't make the stress and pain he went through any less valid and relevant.

I smile as I hear him laughing as I begin the cook the steaks, whatever movie he's watching, I'm glad that he's enjoying it. I pour myself a glass of red wine, humming a bit as I cook, in my element and enjoying it.
I cover the steaks and set the table with the nicest dishes I own, the maroon tablecloth with cream colored placemats, and the gold plated silverware. I smile at my handiwork, setting the finishing touches. White candles and a spread of red and white rose petals that I scatter from the table, in a line to the stairs, covering the staircase until the top.
I make a few adjustments before returning to the stove.

Once all is said and done, I go upstairs to get my valentine.
"Jack," I smile, opening the door, "Dinner's ready." 
He looks up from his movie, turning it off and getting out of bed with an excited edge to his walk. He's so impatient. I know he must've been antsy to see what I was up to. It's cute, really.
Jack hugs me, kissing my head as he pulls me close to him "It smells incredible, all the way from up here."
I simply smile, take his hand and lead him downstairs, down the dim lit hallway, where there's just enough light to make out the rose petals on the floor in their glory, through the little space leading to the dining room, watching as his eyes fill with tears at what I've done.
He stares at the table, the dining room lit up by more than just the candles on the table at this point, but some on the shelves as well, with the chandelier above the dining table set very dim, giving the room a warm glow.
"Happy Valentine's day, Jack." I kiss him.
He kisses me back, arms around my waist holding me close to his body.
"Happy Valentine's day, Lexy...Wow." He looks around at everything again, taking it all in, "You really went all out for me...This is beautiful...Stunning, really."
I smile at him, "Anything for you. Sit." I lead him to the table and serve him a plate, pouring him a glass of red wine to match mine.
Dinner goes so smoothly, we talked about everything, from the party we plan on having, to the things we're doing this week with our own separate groups, and we plan a lot of time for just the two of us, making sure that we're not getting lost in our new friends. Today's earlier outing reminded us that we need to set more time for each other aside, despite all of the fresh, new excitement.

It's after dinner that I'm eager for.
"I have a gift for you." I say, as I clean up the table.
Jack helps by loading the dishwasher, "I have one for you too." He kisses my cheek.
"Me first." I reach into my coat pocket and pull out the box from earlier. I hand it to him with a slight blush on my face. I'm always nervous when I give gifts, worried that no matter how sure I am, they won't be well received. I'm usually wrong, yet the nervousness never goes away.
Jack opens the black box with Cartier labeled on the top.
He pulls out two silver bracelets with a little key for each.
Cartier love bracelets. They will only ever come off with the key.
"Alex" He smiles, "Love bracelets?" He asks, a bit bewildered. He'd mentioned them once before, we were watching some movie that I can't recall, and the main woman in it was gushing about how sweet the bracelets are, how it would make her feel if her husband got her one and Jack happened to make a comment, agreeing that they're a really cute idea and a really nice gesture.
"One for each of us." I say as I take one and put it on his right wrist, securing it in place with the little key, smiling as he does the same with mine. We put the little keys back in the box and I put the box back in my pocket, so that I can set it aside somewhere safe later.
"All of my love, locked in place on your arm, so you've got something with you that reminds you of me and only me." 
Jack grins at my words "And a piece of me on your arm, something that reminds you of me and only me. Now it's my turn." He says as he pulls a box out of his pants pocket.
He hands the small box to me, and he's more red in the face than I am.
I open the small velvet box, and while it's not a ring particularly, it's a ring on a small, thin chain.
"It's not an engagement ring...It's just, you can wear it on your finger if you want to, but it's more of a promise ring...I wanted you to have something infinite. A circle never ends...and I honestly don't think that the way I feel about you ever will either....So it's supposed to sort of signify that you've got me forever, that how much I love you will never, ever end." He rambles, trying to explain, but I didn't need him to. The copper band on the dark grey chain is beautiful to me, and it means everything. I take it out of the box and put it around my neck, admiring the ring as it rests on my chest.
"It's beautiful." I look up at him and I swear he's looking at me like I'm a piece of fine artwork in the most luxurious art gallery.
"So are you." He rests his hands on my hips, leaning in to kiss me.
I take it a step further, my arms finding their way around his neck, kissing him just a bit deeper, parting my lips to let him in. He tastes of cabernet and I'm hooked.

I hardly notice my feet moving as he glides us up the stairs into our bedroom, let alone my feet leaving the floor as he carries me bridal style to the bed. I'm too enamored with the look on his face. His chocolate eyes have a sparkle in them, something bright, like the brightest star in the sky on the clearest night. His skin has an almost golden glow to it, he always radiates sunshine. His pink tinted lips from the wine are slightly parted as he unbuttons my shirt, smiling at me as I unbutton his, gently pulling it off of his shoulders. He's stunning.
We work in passionate, slow synchrony removing our clothes, letting them fall to the floor, our eyes never leaving each other's bodies.
I shiver a bit as his fingers trail up my side, his other arm on my left supporting his weight over me.
"Kiss me." I whisper, smiling as he leans down a bit, his lips joining mine in sweet harmony, our tongues dancing together in a slow waltz. 
It's the way that his hands know my body like they were meant to touch me and only me, the way he takes care of me so gently as his body matches with mine, and the silky sweet, honey drizzle sounds that escape his beautiful lips. The way he says my name as he makes love to me the way he and only he can. It's ethereal. He is ethereal.
His body moving with mine as I move mine with his, setting my pace with his rhythm, we're in complete harmony. He slows down every so often just to kiss me for a little while, to love me with more than just sex. 
He trails a finger down my chest and stomach, my breath hitching a bit as he finds a sensitive spot neither of us knew I had, right below my navel, the low moan that so willingly left my mouth as he put a light pressure on that spot, tracing his finger down, then back up is heavenly.
"I love you" He whispers against my neck, as he places soft kisses and gentle love bites on it, I've lost count of how many times he's told me he loves me tonight, and how many times I've said it back. Every time. I'll never not say it back. I'll say those three words for the rest of my life and I will mean them every time.
I'm not sure about the time passed, nor do I care. 
He lays down next to me as we struggle to catch our breath, bodies covered with a light sheen of sweat. His hair is a tangled mess, and I'm sure mine looks worse. The sheets have come up on the corners, our comforter wound up in a heap on the floor, our top sheet a knotted mess at the foot of the bed.
The silence that fills the room, apart from our breathing, is loud in the best way.
We don't need to say anything to know how we both feel.
I put my hand over the ring against my chest, a smile on my face as I close my eyes and relive this night, this moment, over and over and over in my head, making a silent vow to myself to not forget a single part of it.

Jack breaks the silence first, taking my hand and rolling onto his side to face me.
I turn my head to look at him, smiling a bit at his kiss swollen lips. 
"You're everything, Alex. I love you, so much." His voice cracks just a tiny bit, and it makes my heart swell.
I'm speechless for a moment, watching the calm expression on his face, as his eyes convey the most passion I think anyone could possibly have. I know that he means every word.

"Jack, you are everything. My entirety. You have me, all of me. I love you more than I'll ever be able to say. There aren't enough words in all of the languages combined. I'm so in love with you." I bite my bottom lip a bit. I always talk too much.
He smiles at me anyway. He knows I talk too much, and he loves me for it.
He kisses me, pulling my body closer to his.
I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
It's my favorite sound.
"Let's stay here forever. Just like this." He nearly whispers, almost as if what he said was a thought that he hadn't meant to say out loud.
I agree with him.
"Let's." I kiss his chest, returning to my previous position of my cheek pressed against his chest, to hear my favorite sound again.

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