Just Another Hole In The Ground // Age Of Ultron

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My dad called after we returned from the grocery store, saying he and the team had to go on another mission - obviously regarding Ultron and to find Nat. Apparently, they'd gained three more team members which is interesting. He didn't say who they were, though. The mission was in someplace called Sokovia.

A few hours after that call, I sat on my phone when I had a notification come up, 'Robotic attack on Sokovia'.


I quickly turned on the TV in my room, then switched the channel to the news. There it was, civilians were being ferociously attacked by an army of robots. In amongst the crowds, I could see the Avengers. There was a also a girl that seemed to have... powers? And a boy, about her age with... superspeed? I presumed they were two of the three new team members. I couldn't see another one, though. I couldn't see my dad, either. I presumed he was most likely dealing with Ultron, although any of those robots could have been him, since I didn't know what his new 'robotic form' looked like.

Then all of a sudden, a part of Sokovia began rising from the ground. What in the Nine Realms was going on..? Buildings tore apart, ones on the edges of the rising platform fell off, causing further casualties. So many people were on that floating rock, I felt stressed for them. I finally saw my dad come into view for a split second before he flew off-screen again. THEN HULK APPEARED! YAY!

Explosions began like a domino effect, destroying multiple robots in one. And then I saw it, the helicarrier. The same helicarrier my dad had met the team on, years prior to this chaotic fight. Following that helicarrier, Uncle Rhodey appeared! Well, this just keeps getting better and better every second. I could see the large crowd of civilians pile onto the helicarrier, different floating machines began to pile up the people, too. Floating lifeboats, I'd call them.

Then I noticed the army of robots all come together, hundreds of them, all stopped at a structure in the centre of the floating island. Floating in front of them was an even larger robot, who seemed to look like the leader. Ultron.

They attacked that small structure, climbing, running through, flying, anything and everything and in any possible way you could think of. I guessed the team was in there, fighting them off, since gradually, I could see remains of metal fly out of that building.

Suddenly, my dad/Iron Man, Thor and another being used their power on Ultron as they all flew out of the small structure. Dad using his blasters, Thor using his hammer and I had no idea what that other being was using, it seemed to be coming out of his/her/their head!

Slowly, I could see that Ultron was losing power against the three. Eventually, they stopped their magic and watched the robot pant as he stood. Until Hulk finished him off and yeeted him into oblivion. About ten robots stood watching this go down, so Hulk turned to them and scared them off, causing them to fly into the sky.

For awhile, nothing exciting happened. Then a random ship began firing at the ground, I assumed that that was Ultron in the ship. And he was firing at a civilian, being the evil pest he is.

Then I saw it.

'Sonic' - yes, I made a nickname up for him since I didn't know his real name - fell to the ground, seemingly to have been pierced with multiple bullets. Someone picked him up, I couldn't see who, and placed him on the helicarrier. That's all I could see, to be honest. These camera angles weren't the best quality.

After about ten minutes of nothing that exciting happening, of what I could see, the island dropped and exploded to smithereens mid-air. The island remains pounded into the water below, and I saw a huge crater of where the island used to be.

Just another hole in the ground.

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