1. Freedom

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"Almost a century ago fairies could freely roam around the woodland because of the presence of a Protector who was able to protect the fairies from hunters. All of a sudden the Protector vanished from their happy lives leaving fairies to be infinitely trapped in their realm ( battling loneliness and incarceration- Gun's brain provides) for the fear of the hunters who are known for their cruelty and...''
A yawn involuntarily escapes. 

And then he sighs… 

For the hundredth time Gun reads through that passage aloud particularly to no one but himself and sighs. His sighs seem to corrupt the cheerful breeze that swifty passes him with more purpose than Gun could ever have in his life. 

In the distance, the whitethorn tree dances in the wind with delicate white flowers inviting and playful, looking like the most ethereal fairy to have graced this land of wonders. It's a picture of seamless beauty, a strong presence in his life that Gun cannot deny even if he wanted to.  

He, as the most mischievous fairy among many others,  wants nothing but to dance around the whitethorn beauty exhibiting his breathtakingly beautiful wings. 

He breathes in that summer air which others would have found suffocating, it isn't his fault that he finds the scorching heat of the summer sun appealing in a way that rippled through him an urge to do more mischief than usual. 

Far beyond their realm, there lay another realm inhabited by humans, that was the only knowledge he had been  imparted with since his childhood.  He is impatient to know more and explore more but he has a tiny bit of a problem, and his best friend might have a solution for that. Or maybe not yet but nothing can be gained without a little persistence, right? 

"You know I can't do that, Gun.'' New pours a potion over another and a purple dust appears causing a temporary dysfunction in Gun's senses. When he recovers eventually, he manages to ask "Why?'' 

"Do I have to repeat the history lessons and rules of our fairy realm?'' 
New counters a question with a question and Gun isn't pleased with that. 

Ofcourse Gun is aware of boring history lessons and rules; nobody would believe but in fact he read the ''How to escape from a Hunter: A fairy's survival guide''-  one of their recommended readings-  multiple times but it in vain as he never got to put those survival tactics into practice because no fairy is allowed to go out of their small world. 

Especially because he is born with a lack of concern for rules (and oh! rebellion always sounds so good)  he isn't ready to let their Elders- the highest authority in the fairy realm- bind all the fairies in chains within chains what they call as rules.

It's unsettling in a way because all what they do is command with no inclination to tolerate any sort of disobedience but they never listen, never for once did they listen whether Gun likes to be trapped inside their world forever.

Forever is also a choice in the fairy realm that Gun never wishes to take. Every fairy can extend his or her life for an eternity like the Elders but it's voluntary that Gun doesn't want this curtailment of freedom to drag onto an eternity. He'll break. Besides immortality doesn't mean that one can't be killed either so his point remains. 

"Gun, it is dangerous to wander in the human realm alone.  Even in the guise of a human, it is a huge risk for a fairy to take. You know the Elders do have more experience than all of us in this matter.''
Unaware of Gun's inner monologue,  New tries to explain things like a sensible fairy alchemist ( or is he a magician?).  Gun never gets that distinction right when it comes to New because he seems to be one of a kind genius far too intelligent to be in this realm.

"When did you start listening to Elders?'' There's sarcasm in Gun's voice, that he doesn't bother hiding it. New can be a genius or not but Gun is the stubborn lad here. 

"Since last week. When they threatened to punish Tay instead of me if I helped you with your pranks'' 

Aha Protective boyfriend vibes. 

Gun appreciates how protective New has become over Tay, their childhood friend but he rather hopes to get the crazy best friend version of New out for this particular mission. 

"What if I never get caught? I'll be back soon before anyone notices.'' Ofcourse Gun is not going to take no as an answer. He is certain he had caught a glimpse of New's potion of shapeshifting somewhere in his fairly organized shelves.  

New rolls his eyes like he is not in the least impressed with whatever Gun just said. Yet for some unknown reason New reaches the highest shelf behind his working table and takes out a small glass bottle and that is the only consolation Gun was waiting for. Gun beams in full colour, his lustrous wings fluttering in rapid succession. 

"I'm taking a big risk Gun. Can I trust you to be safe and come back in whole?'' 

Gun clasps New's hand and if there's something he values in his life akin to his freedom, then that is the trust New is willing to put on him. 

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