4. Courtship dance

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It's simple yet it is also complicated. Gun stares at the glass bottle of his potion which he now has successfully confiscated to the dismay of New and tightens his hold on that life-changing miracle ever more protectively. 

The contents of which can last for a very long time but he only wishes that they should run out soon so that he doesn't really have to make this decision. Being confronted with these two choices, to plunge into something dangerous or to lay sluggish in the safety of his world, only makes things worse. He knows he'll choose to use this magic, follow Off and forge a bond with a human.

"Looking for someone?'' 

The voice sounds playful and inquisitive that Gun retorts despite being glad that he could hear that cheerful voice once again,  ''not you ofcourse.'' 

Off pretends to be hurt. "I sacrificed my day's work and this is what I get as reward.'' 

"No one asked for you to sacrifice anything.'' Gun walks aimlessly on the path knowing that Off would follow like he can not not follow Gun.  Always. 

"No one asked. Yet I couldn't let a certain someone get lost in the forest. You know I am such a good hearted soul.''  

Before he could dodge, Off runs into him tugging the corner of Gun's dress just for fun and retreats quickly throwing his hands in the air.

What was even that for! 

"You are a horrible human'' Gun scowls. 

"Aww I'm hurt. Such harsh words from a pretty boy.''  Off actually pouts, the pathethic human he is. 

"Hey look..'' Gun in a desperate attempt to avoid this conversation decides that it is safe to point at something that hovers above them on a tree. It sure worked as a good distraction as Off tilts his head after awarding Gun with a -I know what you did there- glare.  

The lightweight black body that dances on the tree wears a red cap and ofcourse it is red because it is a red-capped manakin. Gun feels proud of his discovery. 

The bird's squeaking prolongs while it drags itself over the branch like its trying to carve an image with its tiny legs. It's a courtship dance. Gun knows. He knows because they have wings, all superior beings have wings. 

"Have you courted anyone,  Off?'' Gun's uncorrupted curiousity makes a dashing appearance that he realizes he may have made a mistake only after blurting out such a personal question. 

"Are you interested?'' Off's look is entirely unrepentant. This boy has no concern for the consequences of his words whatsoever just as much as Gun. 

"Are you interested in knowing whether I have courted someone?'' He quickly tries to cover up the situation, a very futile attempt now that his intention of making Gun flustered and mortified had succeeded. 

"No. I'm just interested in knowing how humans court each other?'' Gun says without realizing the implication behind that question.  

"Oh……..... ''  Off exclaims and continues quite seriously   '' this is how we do it. It's a beautiful ritual. When we want to court another, we dance around a tree until it melts the heart of another. So that person has to  agree. Exactly like that manakin but the dancing steps are different and more complicated. " 

It sounds.....strange. Gun knows one or two things about human beings. For one thing, he knows that they don't have wings and also they are gigantic. He should have probably asked for more insight from New who seems to be interested in that field of anthropology, research of which he does so secretly. He has to admit that their behavioural patterns are strangely exciting and incomprehensible.

Why would someone dance around a tree if they are gifted with the abilty of speech, that makes them capable of voicing out one's desires? Or is this some kind of tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation that no one wants to question the rational basis of it? Or that human beings truly are affected by the phases of the moon that they decide to copy a bird's courtship techniques? He has to share this piece of information with New once he gets back. 

"Here let me demonstrate it for you.'' Off holds out his hand like he is seriously so interested in introducing Gun to this new experience. 

Perhaps that should do and Gun wants to see. So he nods warily. 

"But there's a tiny bit of a problem. That if I start now, I shouldn't stop until someone agrees to court me. There's no one around here except you. So will you do the honors?'' Off  bows. 


Off's lips twitch as if he is trying to restrain himself,  his mouth curves upwards a little and his eyes glow in mischief. 

"YOU!! Did you just make all that up?'' Gun points his finger at Off and pokes the air wishing for once  he should have the ability to shoot lasers. 

"Oh please… you want to know how humans court each other? What are you? A big sized honey badger?''  Off mocks. 

Oh and Oh

Gun is supposed to be a human in the eyes of Off. He has to say something but he only remembers to shout "I'm not talking to you ever again.''

"Now I know that's a lie. You will always want to talk with me.'' There's that smug look again in Off's face that Gun thinks he should definitely give him the silent treatment. 

But in the end, Gun fails and Off scores a point or rather Gun lets Off win because how can he not? 


"You sneaked out again.'' A voice startles Gun as soon as he enters the realm. 

Gun sighs in relief when he finds Tay behind him.  "Are you going to report to Elders?'' He asks in a cautious voice. He knows he can trust Tay but whatever he is doing seems to bother his friends so much that he is not sure when they'll just snap and make him give up. 

"Of course not. Why would I do that?'' Tay asks almost offended by Gun's question. 

"But New..''

"Oh New....He won't do that too. There are  only two fairies he cares so much for in this world. That's you and me.'' Tay points his finger from Gun to himself as if trying to prove his point and continues when Gun falls silent. "besides no one can convince another in matters relating to the heart. So who is it?'' 

"His name is Off.'' Gun reluctantly opens up.
"A human.'' He says a second later as that would explain everything. 

"Do you trust him, Gun?'' Tay's voice resonates with the voice inside Gun's mind, a voice that seems to always question his actions for the past two days.  His inner conscience. Does he really trust Off? Can he come to that conclusion just in a span of two days? He doesn't know but he keeps on wanting something that only Off is capable of giving. 


"I don't know Tay. I really don't know.'' 

Tay simply nods at Gun's dilemma looking worried but even so trying to assure Gun with a genuine smile. He just hopes everything goes well for the sake of all of them. 

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