17. Compromise

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The moon hides somewhere in the sky behind the clouds uninterested and distant but the stars gather in clusters glittering and winking as if they are seeking companionship. Their usual cold light is somewhat warmer for Gun as he finds Off resting his head on his shoulder twinning their arms and overlapping their fingers with one another. As his tousled hair tickles Gun's chin, he finds peace at seeing Off calm like this. His breathing seems to even out, shivers from the disaster that has just passed have subsided a little while ago. 

"What other lies did they tell you?'' Gun cautiously asks, unwilling to break the peace of their moment. 

"That being with a human is detrimental to a fairy's life.'' Off answers still not lifting his head. 

"and you believed them?''

"How could I not have? You were clearly affected. You look kinda pale at times and your wings......'' this time Off moves sitting face to face with Gun. 

Gun feels like he should shout but instead he cradles Off's face between his palms, squeezes it and keeps his gaze steady, his eyes boring into Off's eyes.  "Ahhh.. my little pumpkin, that's not because of the potion and definitely not because we are together. I'm mortal just like human beings. I age albeit slowly. It's bound to happen. Even New couldn't understand this simple fact and they tricked all of us because of that.''

He remembers the flower in his dream. Don't regret the choices you make. He understood what that meant. He has chosen to be mortal and therefore he will have to bear its consequences. It's very simple law of nature. 

"But..'' Off protests. 

 Gun releases his hold on Off, looking at the ground instead he says, 
"You have to believe me. They are lying. I'm really scared, Off. If you keep on being a Protector.. They could make you hate me.  They could make you stop loving me.''

"I would never..... '' Off grabs Gun's hand in his own and continues, '' stop loving you.'' He presses his lips to the hand safely caught between his own, holding Gun's gaze in a sincere way. 

Whatever I did, I did it for you.Whatever I do, I do it for you. 
Gun remembers what Off said when they fought for the first time. This boy would do anything if it's to keep him safe. Anything at all. 

"You want me to be safe and I want you to be safe. You want me to be happy and I want you to be happy. But neither of us are really happy now.'' 
At Gun's words, Off looks crestfallen bracing himself for a heavy blow that Gun's words will soon offer. Gun pauses, assessing Off's expressions and hesitates but nevertheless he has to say this so he says, 
"Let's come to a compromise then.'' 


"Ahemmmm may I have all your attention please.'' There are perks of having a loud voice and a proportionately bigger body, Gun thinks because Off is now able to grab the attention of all those busybody fairies in the first try itself. 

"Hi Fairies, I think it's high time we all have a heart to heart talk.'' 

"Anything for you Off.'' Mika flies in first with heart eyes as expected. 

Off lets out a nervous laughter as he can feel Gun's glare on his side. Gun in his fairy form is far more fierce than in his human form and Off gulps air trying to drive away his nervousness. 

"So I wonder if you had noticed, I was kinda stressed for several days because of some hunters.  Wherever I go along with any one of you, they were there. It was too good to be a coincidence, you all would agree with me.'' After noticing the nodding of several fairies, Off continues '' and Gun happened to find out that there's someone who has been acting in consort with hunters among the fairy community.'' 

It leads to an outburst of shocked voices from all those gathered around. 

"You believe in this liar?'' The pale faced Elder yells trying to intimidate all with his usual tactics. Too bad that they can't use their underhanded magic out in the open with all these fairies to witness. They have an image to maintain. 

Fortunately Gun is far from worrying about reputation and image. So he has no reason to restrain himself or show respect that clearly those two don't deserve. He points his finger at the Elder and says 
"The black sheep shows himself.'' 

"You good for nothing foolish fairy.'' In anger the Elder darts forward at Gun. 

Off stops him quickly with his palm, his hand placed between the Elder and Gun. 
"Can you shut up? I swear I feel like punching both of you. If you weren't so tiny, I would have done it.''.  One can remain patient only for so long and Off has already proven that his patience wears out so easily if Gun is threatened. 

"We only think in the interests of the fairies.'' The pale-faced elder insists fearing a commotion. 

"Your interests have turned adverse a long time ago.Your friend told us everything.'' Gun scoffs. 


"Yes, from the past to the present. It only made me realize how stupid of us to still abide by your rules.'' Gun speaks without an ounce of respect or fear. 

"Truly you don't need these Elders. I believe you guys don't need someone to protect you either. You are capable of protecting yourself if you all work together. You just need someone to love and appreciate you all.  And believe in you. That I can do. I love you all. You are my friends. You are my family.''  Off says sincerely.  

"Off is right. We are relying on him too much. I can see it's hard for him.''  And of course the honorary member of Off's fanclub takes the lead with visible tears in her eyes. 

"You dare put Off in such danger. Shame on you.'' Mika explodes the next moment reprimanding the Elders.

Gun is grateful for Mika at this moment but he can't stop glaring at Off and mentally chiding I told you not to show off much. 
Off blinks at him innocent and helpless. 

But Gun thinks Mika is not so bad after all because if she can persuade the young fairies with the help of her fanclub, the menace of the Elders can be eliminated easily. 

The other fairies seem to agree with her despite the two wicked Elders' helpless outcries.  Over the squeals of the fairies' voices, the two meek voices become hardly audible.  It feels like a new beginning in the truest sense. 

But every good thing comes with a price. He looks at Off talking with other fairies,  crouched on the ground, covered with wounds and bruises but still smiling earnestly. Gun's mood is a conflict between bitter worry and sweet relief. 

"Why do you look sad like he is leaving?'' New pats Gun's shoulders from his side and looks at Off.

"Because he is. Because he has to…….'' 
Gun barely manages to keep his tears from falling. 

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