3. New beginnings

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In the forest path, Gun keeps following this strange human, the pitter-patter of his own feet seems to amuse the human alot for some unknown reason but he cannot not fill his eyes with wonder and admiration at the things the human keeps on blabbering as if not talking for a minute or two would have killed him.  And between Off's ridiculous jokes and outrageous lies, Gun lets himself be amused with a fond smile tugging at his lips. 

Off smells of woodland and of grass, the smell of adventure with a tinge of recklessness but above all a triumphing fragrance of freedom that enamours Gun.  This is everything that Gun has dreamed of since growing up in a place where suppression prevails in the guise of freedom, where everything smells of simulated contentment. 

When Off talks of his boyhood adventures which he says almost made him lose a limb or teeth, Gun googles the whole stature of the human, looking for signs of a lost limb or a lost tooth but he finds nothing of that sort. He unconsciously rolls his eyes. 


By now Off has uttered his name a countless times, but this time it comes out as a reprimand that Gun decidedly ignores. He'll roll his eyes whenever he needs to,wherever he wants to, it's the human who'll have to get used to it. 

Crickets' songs start to intensify, the trial meandering through the woodland becomes quite a dilemma to Gun's clueless self. He absorbs everything that he encounters in awe and disbelief. 

"Want to come with me to our hamlet?'' Off finally seems to take interest in Gun's wonderment.

Gun feels that this question might lead to other questions as to his identity and whereabouts and he is not certain how he has to answer. 

"Perhaps some other day.''

He makes an attempt at evading all of those follow up  questions. It doesn't seem so fair but he hopes Off will understand. Off understands. He nods his head, gestures a silent farewell and trials off with his catch laying lifeless in his bucket and with his rod balancing on his shoulder. 

Gun looks at his fading figure, suddenly overcome with a sense of loss and yearning. 

And there are words, endless words but they all don't really matter now.  Under this whitethorn tree, their meeting place, they have vowed a silent promise. 

A promise of new beginnings. 


Gun is welcomed by the sight of an overly worried best friend who was latching onto his clumsy boyfriend, demanding for words of comfort, heavy petting and forehead kisses. 

What a sight! 

He silently flies into the corner of the room and sprawls on the ground to his side ignoring the love birds. 

His face must have shown something that New immediately guesses Gun's day out has been a huge success. 

"Don't you dare..'' New warns. 

Gun pouts and gives the most innocent look he is capable of, the look he knows no one can resist. 

"I'm not going through all that agitation again. Waiting for you to come back'' New shouts while Tay sighs now that all of his efforts at comforting his boyfriend have gone in vain.

Too bad that Gun ignores New for the rest of the day because he has a promise to keep. 

For tomorrow. 

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