6. Hold on to me tight

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True to his own foreboding, it didn't end so well after all. The very next day Gun ponders on his life's decisions asking big questions like what he did in his previous lives to deserve to be in such a precarious situation. 

"Off help me this very instant.'' He commands at that boy who wears an amused look on his face like a clown. 

"Can't you ask a little bit nicer?'' Off has the audacity to say something like that when Gun himself is in such a helpless situation. 

He shouldn't have listened to Off after all. It's his own fault but he'd rather die than admitting it in front of this unpredictable human who by some crazy peculiar spell found his way into Gun's heart. 

"It's your fault. You dared me to climb the tree. Now help me get down, Off'' 

"Come on. The tree isn't that tall even. Just jump will you? What is life without taking some risks?'' The way in which Off tries to convince him is not at all convincing because being stuck in a place that's at least 15 feet above the ground is not something any fairy would love to do, especially without their wings. This is not the correct time and place to argue about how life can be less exciting without plunging into risks and so on. Not when he is caught in between two branches of his favorite tree dangling like it is a life and death matter. 

"Off I swear. I'll bite if you don't help me.'' When all that fear churns in his stomach, Gun resorts to threatening. 

"Oh no! I have befriended a feral beast.'' The ridiculous boy pretends to gasp covering his mouth with his hand and swivels to walk away. 

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" In his state of utter panic, Gun lets out a desperate cry. 

Off is fast and swift, he climbs the tree with such adeptness that Gun gasps when he catches Off's eyes, levelling him down. 

With one hand on the branch and the other firmly gripping onto the bark of the tree, he says "hold on to me tight.''

"Excuse me..'' How else could Gun respond to such a baffling statement from Off! He blinks confusedly. 

"Hold on to me tight like a Koala bear so that you won't fall.'' Off gives his instructions once again. 

"Like a Koala?'' Gun repeats as he is only able to grasp bits and pieces of Off's instruction. 

"You know the cute bear which is very clingy and…. Argh…  just do it quick before we both end up with broken limbs.''  

He slowly and cautiously rests his hand on Off's shoulder, lowering himself so that he could place his leg on the small hole bore open in the bark of the tree. He feels wobbly like he is going to slip and fall but Off's free hand steadies him instantly, getting his whole attention. He immediately clutches Off's torso, feeling the soft material of his shirt he leans further holding on tightly like a koala. Off moves swiftly once again but carefully balancing both of their bodies and when his deep breaths ring near Gun's ear, it is a thrill that is altogether a different kind. 

He feels the rhythm of two racing hearts like he has two hearts, one on his left and the other on his right and with Off's heart beat syncopating perfectly with his own, he seals his eyes to drown in this beautiful music that they are capable of producing together.  The pleasure of these moments drag on until they reach the safety of the ground. 

He lets go of Off a little bit reluctantly and they move away from each other like petals dancing in the air, they shift not wanting to collide into each other but wanting to do just the same. 

The steady warmth in Off's eyes is inviting and when it turns into slight teasing, Gun wants to hide himself away from Off's gaze. 

"Kitten rescue mission successfully completed.'' Off still jokes like he always does and Gun could only hiss trying to hide his blush that without doubt already been noticed by Off.

Everyone who knows Off considers him a bit of a flirt and an undaunted spirit who boasts about the importance of taking risks in life but not everyone knows that Off is capable of being cautious, guarded when the need arises. Not everyone can be Gun who now gasps being jostled by Off's strong arm, making him hide behind the tree. Not that he understands why they should hide or from whom they should hide but they have to hide. 

One question after  another piles up reaching the tip of his tongue and Off as if by noticing this cluelessness, hastens to give his command. "Shh..'' Not even a word but Gun obeys. Something in Off's face suggests an incoming danger. 

"We have to run.'' His voice has lost its usual teasing,  flirtious tone adopting a whole new serious cautious one. 

The danger manifests in its physical form before Gun's eyes and the villain takes wary steps towards them as if they were some delicious prey.

As if Gun is some delicious prey. 

The hunter aims his firearm and misses only by an inch as a bullet goes piercing the wind near Gun's ear lobe. The loudness of that missed impact is deafening that he feels his whole world spinning around but when the hand on his wrist tightens its hold Gun steadies himself trying to keep up with Off's inhuman speed. 

Stay alive. His heart beats faster. 

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