11. Off's fanclub vs Off's boyfriend

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This is not worth it

This is not worth it. 

Then what's worth it? 

There's one part in Gun's mind that keeps on telling him he should be angry. There's another part which tells him he shouldn't be. 
This is his world turned upside down. He can't let it slip away from his hands not now and never. 

He has tried to reach out for Off, with a sincere effort to apologize.  Because these unspoken apologies emerge like pests destroying beautiful memories of their joy that were painstakenly collected like bees collecting honey. They taint those golden moments with their ugly claws and nothing but bitterness remains in the end.  Gun knows this and Gun knows someone has to apologize,  reach out inorder to salvage their relationship and a little amount of mollycoddle would bring Off back to him. 

Forget about mollycoddling, this boy is getting on Gun's nerves now. One fierce conversation and he drifts away from Gun like he is avoiding a ghost. His bright, wholesome eyes now feel so distant and haunted. There's that urge to make Off stop hiding from him. If it's the end, it is the end and if there's still some chance, he's ready to cling on to it and make everything right, how it ought to be. 

"Have you seen Off?'' Mika nettles Gun all so randomly that he is forced to wake up from his thoughts. 

Exactly my question, have you seen Off? The words dance at the tip of his tongue wanting to come out. Instead he puts on a polite smile and shakes his head only to see the so-called fairy member of Off's fanclub pout. 

"Off seems to love the sweets of our realm so much. The fanclub thought of making him some.He's nowhere to be seen.'' Mika explains in her twittering voice and Gun has always associated her with a hummingbird which whirrs around a flower because she whirrs around Off whenever possible. 

Gun remembers the last interaction( which almost turned into an altercation)  he had with this fairy and bites his lips. 
Stop monopolising Off's time - he had  shouted at her at that time and got a whole lecture about how their fanclub exists for a noble cause. That's for supporting Off, their Protector which is totally unnecessary in Gun's point of view for the obvious reason that Gun is there to support Off. 

"What's the occasion?'' Gun swallows a sarcastic comment that just crawled up to his tongue with an effort. 

"Nothing. he just looks sad.'' Mika pouts once again! 

He better be sad. He fought with me. 
There are things that people cannot actually say to outsiders but there are certain things people do say to outsiders. Gun bets if he could get some sort of insight into the workings of Off's mind, he could make things a little better. So he jumps into important questions. 
"Did he say something about why he is sad?'' 

"Ummm no. He didn't. I guess that's because of the hunters. They are there everytime I go out with Off so it might be stressful for him, right? I know Off is powerful and strong when he is determined but still it must be hard being a hero, right?'' And then she rattles while Gun fails to pay attention to most of what she said until she finished ''...........sweets. We prepared sweets for him.'' She's all heart eyes shining with excitement. 

Go out with Off!! Why does she make it sound like a romantic outing! 

"Leave Off for me'' Gun mumbles completely forgetting that it is not the point in issue. 

"Did you say something?'' She quirks her eyebrows, an obvious imitation of Off's mannerism. 

"Leave some for me. I mean the sweets.'' Gun says despite knowing that there won't be any sweets for him, at least not from Mika and her fanclub. 

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