8. I failed him

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The imprint that Off put on himself, the caress of Off's lips on his own, lingered all this while sending shivers throughout his whole body and a desire started burning in his heart reminding him that he wanted more.  He wants more of Off's caresses, words, gazes, smiles and even his flaws.

That few moments of bliss savouring Off's love, he now remembers with pangs of nostalgia. He gathers his legs in his arms and hugs himself rocking to and fro in agitation. 

Off has promised everything except one very very important thing, that they'll meet again.

 "Oh man! you should have seen that pale faced Elder's face. He was more pale-faced than the usual.It was hilarious''
Gun hears Tay's cheerful voice just outside their shared fairy chamber.

One peculiar thing about Tay is that he never hesitates to baptize the Elders with ridiculous nicknames. It would have been disgraceful to any other considering the fact that the three Elders are their leaders, the highest authority whose rules everyone else is bound to follow. Then again, who can ever shut Tay's mouth!

Tay throws open the door with such force than necessary that send tremors all over the room and the bottles neatly organized on the rack threaten to fall. 

"Tay, be more gentle.'' New chides but the words are spoken so fondly that it doesn't feel like an admonition at all. 

"But you like me when I'm not……...'' Before Tay can reveal more embarrassing details infront of an uninterested audience New coughs gesturing at Gun's sorry state. 

At least Gun has one sensible best friend

"Gun, it's not your fault....'' Tay comes into comfort but after noticing the exasperated look that New gave him, he adds after a pause, 
"Maybe it's your fault...a little. But trust me, your human will be alright. If you can't trust me, just trust my gut feeling.''  

"Can you be more serious?'' New's exasperation sounds capable of rocking the whole room even without Tay's clumsy tantrums. 

"New, we talked about this. We shouldn't make him feel more guilty.'' Tay interrupts.

"Then when will he ever learn? One mistake and  we almost lost him. He just ran into a hunter, Tay. How's that ok? It's true that hunters never saw us for a long time but a hunter's instinct never goes wrong. You may look like a human but you in all the other ways feel and smell like a fairy. That's something a potion can't fix yet. I don't know how to…… I wish I had  never given him that.'' 
New raises his voice and Tay looks torn between wanting to comfort New and wanting to defend Gun at the same time.

" This is not about me.'' Gun's worry, the one which he has wished to keep silent,  not display infront his ever so arguing friends  breaks out of his control. Now they should know what Off means to him, why he kept on flying into Off's soothing presence like he was his polaris and they should know how clueless and directionless he now feels without that shining guiding star that belongs to him. 
"I'm worried about Off. You are correct, New. I failed everyone. I failed you and I failed....him''

The awkward silence that lingers afterwards is something novel even to Gun. He wishes that New should confirm what he has said and reprimand him more for being a failure.  

To his surprise it is Tay who breaks the silence "Come on lads. This is no day for arguments. Everyone's out there celebrating the arrival of the Protector after so long.''

"I'm in no mood for celebrations.'' Gun snaps. 

"I know but being locked up in a room only arouses suspicion. Besides you should ask this Protector about Off. He might know about humans.''

He finally agrees not for his sake but for Tay and New, two beautiful souls who care for him even when he does utterly stupid things that only add distress to their perfect lives. 

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