14. Trapped

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"Stop this'' Gun pounces into the Elders' chambers without notice, without permission disregarding all the etiquettes of a civilised society. 

He would never know, never want to know why they preferred this darkness. There were only three Elders who lived through history, revered by all others, held in high esteem. But all that doesn't manage to keep out the fear of the unknown from  creeping in. That's a problem with those who are in power, once they get to that reverent position of power, they are unreachable and sometimes unrecognizable, full of mysteries and hardly seen in the crowd. 

"You are making him into something he doesn't want to become. He doesn't like this.'' Gun nearly runs into one of the Elders standing in his way. The other one to his side tries to prevent Gun from tainting his friend's robes. 

"It's alright. He's a little rebel. He requires special treatment.'' A low venomous voice makes Gun shiver.  He feels only a snake that has developed an ability to speak could speak in that voice. 

There are only two fairy Elders present in the dimly lit chamber, he feels like he has entered into a dungeon in a dungeon that incarcerates only the most dangerous criminals. 

"Little fairy, if this is about that Off of yours.  Let me tell you. You broke the rules. You brought him to us. You made him into what he is. So whose fault is it?'' The snake voiced Elder speaks (or hisses). 

"I...'' Gun fumbles for words. 

"Exactly! You are the problem.Now out you go. We don't have time to waste like you.'' The pale-faced Elder claps his hands while the other lets out a not-so-dignified laugh. 

"But  I……......  but hunters… '' Gun suddenly feels so nauseated, wheezing for fresh air trapped inside of this gloomy chamber. There's no way he could cause the downfall of his Off, the whole reason his heart appreciates the meaning of love. He carries an inexplicable amount of love bundled safely in his heart for that one person without whom he feels empty, alone, flawed. The brightest light of his life. 
Not in his wildest dreams he has thought he be the reason of Off's ruin.

 No that's not right. These two are lying. What do they know? 

"No. You are wrong. I know you are feeding him with lies. You are making him confused.'' Gun manages to speak despite his fear. 

"So what if we are?What are you going to do?'' The snake hisses once again. 

In fact Gun doesn't know what to do. He hasn't planned on what to do by confronting these two Elders.  Out of his sheer desperation, he has done the mistake of breaking into this dungeon with the only intention of making them give up their villainy. 

It turns out to be a huge mistake. 

He yearns for the presence of Off with him right now. Unfortunately he has only himself to fend now, he winces while his cries of  frustration and pain go unnoticed. He darts forward in a futile attempt to express his desperation, a silver lightning strikes through his chest and the next moment he collapses into the ground unconscious. 

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