Chapter 15

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[sorry this chapter is going to be a little dramatic] 

Y/N's Pov:

My head was spinning, it hurt and my eyes were burning, it was hard to open them, I felt something invading my veins, but they accepted it, it must be medication, but why? Where am I? 

I started to open my eyes and I saw light, a lot of light and I saw shadows of people walking next to me, "Bruce she is moving" someone said, another person touched my forehead and said "she has a little fever"another one said, he started to examine my eyes with a torch, and suddenly I felt dizzy again, "Bruce she is falling asleep again"  "yes, I gave her a sedative, I need to keep doing more exams before she wakes up" after that I closed my eyes again and lost consciousness.

Natasha's Pov:

So, we were eating and all of a sudden Y/N collapsed, and now we're outside the lab.

"What do you think happened to her?" Steve asked "I don't know" "maybe she's allergic to wine, and she just wanted to fit in and that's why she drank" Sam replied "most likely" I said "but you know something that doesn't add up" Steve said and Sam and I looked him in the eye "that before she passed out she called out a name, remember?" "Yeah, I think it was Catra" Sam replied "Carla" I corrected "yeah that" "who would that Carla be?" "Don't know maybe a family member" "or a friend" "a lost love or dead love?" Sam suggested 

"How is she?" Pepper asked interrupting the conversation "good I think" I said.

We waited a few minutes and Fury appeared, which surprised me, "How is she doing?" he asked "good" "ok, I'm going inside" ..... "Stark, what happened?" asked Fury "I don't know, we were eating, and then she fainted" Tony responded "what did you eat?" "Pasta" "and wine, I think that was the problem" Bruce added "How are you going to say that the wine was the problem?" Stark said "I think Bruce is right, the wine may be the problem" Fury said  "yeah because she denied it at first, maybe she is allergic to it" Bruce said "if she was allergic she would have said that when I asked her" Tony said "Bruce, what have you done to her? Like what medicament have you put inside her." Fury asked "not much, just some morphine and a sedative, but mostly I have taken blood for testing" "Okay, take everything out of her and take her to her room, you're not going to find much in those tests." "I will stay until she wakes up" Fury said and went to the living room

30 minutes after

"Mr. Stark, Y/N is awake" F.R.I.D.A.Y announced "thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y" Tony said "I will go" Fury said and went to the elevator "F.R.I.D.A.Y?" "Yes, Mr. Fury?" "Can you take me to the Y/N room please?" "Yes sir"

Y/N's Pov:

Damn, my head hurts.

"Hello Y/N, how are you doing? Fury said looking at me straight in the eyes "Hi, may I ask, what are you doing here?" I responded "well, you passed out, I had to see what did you do" he said "so I passed out because I did something wrong" I said "because I don't understand, you said don't do anything stupid and get well with the avengers, and I'm trying to do that" he started smiling "now why are you smiling?" "Can I not smile?" he asked "No but, oh now I see, you are smiling because I started getting mad for nothing right?" "Aha" he said and sat down next to me "so, they came back?" he asked looking at me "yeah, but I was taking my medicaments" "and they came back because you drank wine?" he asked "yeah I think so" "did that ever happened before?" "That they got crazy because of wine or that they came back?" I asked "both" "well the thing with the wine did happen before, and is usually with Carla, she's always mad I think it's because she died young and when I drink alcohol she gets kinda crazy and takes it out on me, but that happened when I didn't take the meds" I said "and..." "And yeah they came back a while ago, but I thought it was because I forgot to take my pill that afternoon, but then I took it and all went normal again" "so we need new meds?" he asked "I don't know, like maybe I can handle them now, I'm older than the last time, you know?" "Yes, but you will need training and the only living person who can help you, is in another universe." he said "and if I try to invoke my mother?" I asked "Do you already know how to invoke people?" asked Fury in surprise. "no, but-" "then we will keep looking for a solution" he said and walked to the door "but for now just take your meds" "and drink a lot of water, no drugs or alcohol" "bye Y/N, take care, and don't do anything stupid" he said and left 

Natasha's Pov:

"So what happened?" I asked "nothing, she is just allergic to alcohol, she thought that she could drink a little and that nothing would happen, but she was wrong" Fury said "then I think you can go" Tony said "yes, but I need to talk to Romanoff first" he said, and I walked next to him 

"Nat, she likes you" he said, and I looked surprised "like a friend of course" I relaxed "I need you to watch her, and make sure she is ok, if anything weird happens just call me" "ok" I responded "see you" he said and left

"What did Fury said?" Steve asked "not much, he wanted me to look after Y/N"  "why?" "I don't know, but now that we are talking about that I'm going to see why I said and left to Y/N's room."

I knocked on the door, and she opened it "oh hi Nat, how ya doin'?" she said "good, how do you feel?" "Good, do you want to come in?" she answered "yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you about something" "wait is it about the last part of the date? 'cause it was an error doing that, and I'm not going to do it ever again" she said, wow I had forgotten about it, "no it's not about that" "oh ok" she said, I entered her room and sat on her bed, when she was closing I heard she whispered "shit, why did you say that?" "What?" "Nothing" she said blushing a little "so, you are allergic to wine?" I asked "yeah" she responded ...this is awkward...and I needed to spent more time with her because of what Fury said... "Y/N" "hmm?" "What if we go out tonight?" I said "like in a date?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye "no,  just like friends" "oh, yeah that would be cool" "where do you want to go?" she asked "I don't know, any ideas?" "Well, the last time I went out I saw a cinema we could go there" she said "yeah let's go there" "I will pick you up at 7" I said and left 



hope you like it!!! And I know it was bad, but I didn't know what else to do but keep reading in the next chapter is going to happen something cool.

please comment and vote!! 

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