Meet Your Partner

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Understandably the threat of having an infamous serial killer coming back from the dead sounded like it might be fake the first time you hear it. But for Tsukauchi Naomasa, it was all too real.

Somehow the document left by K had a curse inlaid in the words that made it have the same effect as if he was there right next to you ordering you to do as he said. Naomasa formulated an idea that the cursed writing might be writing from K himself that was influenced by one or multiple quirks from his followers that are in hiding.

With each new day, more people are dying. Multiple people are getting killed with no warning, but they don't fully know if it was related to their main case until Izuku helped interrogate some of the ghosts while other police officers interviewed people involved. A person who just killed an elderly man in cold blood would have no memory of the incident and just seemingly wake up with blood all over their hands. There was a case where they cuffed someone that was reciting the words from the cursed letter, but once they brought them in for questioning with Tsukauchi they would tell the truth about how they don't even know what they said. Izuku's tumbled upon different cases similar to Jun's were random people with no connections to family or that had a distant family away from them were taken away and forced to read the document until they ended their lives once they got to the end.

There was only one thing that tied all these incident ps to each other. That was the cursed letter of K, his last document he wrote before he ended his own life. At the beginning of the second page, it provides a hint of him promising to 'grace the living world with his presence yet again' and 'being reborn as the ultimate being.'


Naomasa was swarmed as Izuku kept working around ten city, trying to connect to any spirits that knew an ounce of what was happening. Most of the time it was some witnesses that saw people get taken into black vans only to see them later as a ghost.

Izuku was having enough trouble as it is, trying to think of ways of how K could possibly come into the living world.

"What does he mean by that? Is he just making this up to scare off people and for his followers to just sacrifice people to him for no reason? No, that couldn't be it. Someone in the followers must have some kind of quirk. Or maybe there is a whole group of followers, possibly the same ones that are kidnapping people, that have quirks that can be used together to bring him back to life?"

"Bring me back to life~ Wake me up..Wake me up inside~!" His father mumbled as he trailed behind him. Hisashi looked up, "What? Look, I know it's bad timing, but that song was my jam."

Izuku allowed himself to laugh for the first time in what seemed like days, bringing a smile onto his father's face. Izuku's laughter calmed down as he felt the vibration of his phone. He looked at the caller ID before answering. "What the problem?"

Naomasa's voice came through the phone, "Can you come into the station? We need to talk more about the details of the case. And I need to introduce you to someone who is going to help us in the investigation."

"Okay, be right there in about ten. See you soon." Izuku responded before hanging up. "Alright, dad. Go back to mom and make sure she is safe."

"Gotcha, I'll be her protector like always. But...let me stick around until you get to the station to make sure you get there Alright."

Izuku smiled softly, "Okay, dad. Maybe you can tell me more about the songs that were your jam?"

"Oh yeah. Haha, be prepared to be stuck here for a while then as we walk and talk. Well you are doing most of the walking, I'm more floating next to you."


"Okay, Okay. Let's see... I was—and still am— a huge fan of Queen. You always liked to crawl into my lap while their music was playing through my phone as I worked. You were so small, you just learned how to walk..." Hisashi started to explain, smiling as the memories flooded back into his mind.

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