Pawns in a Bigger Game

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Tom watched his daughter work on the morning dough. He often wished he could have given her a  different life, but his father made that choice for him, he loved Sabine with all he had. He could not have given her up for all the wealth and power his father could give him. His mother visited him often though, so Mariette had been introduced to the world of Nobles because his mother made his father accept Marinette. His Mariette was beautiful and young she was only 21, if he had been a noble she would have had several noble after her, maybe even one of the royal family members. But she had happily found a boy who played the most beautiful music who loved her, she would have to here at the bakery for the rest of her days, but as she hummed as she worked he couldn't imagine her minded all that much.


Mariette was happy with her life, she'd spent enough time around the nobles to know the posh lifestyle of the nobility. Her grandfather was one of the few bakers from outside the castle staff who was allowed to bake for the King and his family. She had briefly met the royal family but that was back when she was 13 so she hadn't had the bravery to speak to the crowned prince let alone the king. Anytime she went now the crowned prince was busy with his three "wives." Oh, how she pitied those girls, see none of them are really married to the crown prince. They all slept with him, trying to produce an heir. All living in close quarters in the prince's harem. Once one of them was pregnant she would be married to the crowned prince and become queen. The other women had their choice between getting married to one of the prince's friends who could be trusted not to take the throne or remaining single. There were already rumours going around the court that each woman had found their lover for after the queen was crowned. She couldn't blame them some of them had been there for four years already. 

Her days were always the same, raise early in the morning and make the dough for the fresh bread. By mid-morning, she was out doing the deliveries for those who couldn't make it to the bakery. It was her favourite part of the day, she loved seeing the older people and the young families. By then it was mid-day and after having the meal with her parents she would have time to work on her seamstress business, she made herself clothes along with several of her friends. She also fixed ripped seams and torn garments. After the evening meal, She and her betrothed Luka would go for a walk like many other couples in the village. 

Well, they weren't publicly betrothed yet, like many of the families in the village they couldn't afford the formalities needed to publicly announce the betrothal. So most of the time families grouped together and announced several betrothals at once. It was one of the greatest parties the village gets to throw. 


Gabriel sat in private his office, what was he going to do, three "wives" for his son and still no heir. He'd even waited an extra year before he gave him his first wife. But he'd grown tired of being King and was ready to share the role with his son, and let him take more of the public roll. But the law of the Miraculous said you had to have an heir before you could take the throne. Unless there was a death and you were the only option. Adrien had but one other relative, Felix his cousin, the son of Gabrial's sister-in-law. His late wife's twin sister, who at one point had also been his "wife", the only one who could take the throne from his family, granted he looked Gabriel like a father, so he was happy to be Adirens Ambaster, like his father for Gabriel, but his mother was after him to take the throne, if he had a child before Adrien he would be the court's preferred. But Felix loved Adrien like a brother and had taken a liking to one of the wives, and was hoping that one of the other "wives" would produce a child so he could ask for her as a sign of loyalty to Adrien. But how much longer could Gabriel count on his nephew's patience? He needed a new plan. 


"Yes my Lord King?" Nathalie bowed low and waited for him to speak. 

"You know that unnecessary, my dear." He took her hand and kissed it. 

The Black Cat Prince (Miraculous LadyBug Royal AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora