No Gift is Really Ever Free

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*Trigger Warning* The King will force our girl to say yes to something she does not want. It is not a violent forcing or anything, just straight-up manipulation.  Everything is implied nothing is described as I don't like to write that kind of stuff. Read with Caution

Adrien and his hunting party left early this morning, all the women had been at the balcony waving goodbye to their men. The King laughed about it now, the other three ladies couldn't have been bothered to get early last year when Adrien left but this year when they had their secret partners all of them had. Even Lady Kagami and Lord Kim seemed to hit it off okay, he had heard through Natalies spies that they were considering marriage just to make travel easier for the future King and Queen. 

He was waiting for Lady Marinette today was the day to tell her everything. And ask her or force her to play a part in his plan. He looked at his reflection one more time, dressed in royal purples and all his grander, in case she needed a reminder he was King. A soft knock was heard at the door, "My King?" She walked in dressed in a royal purple gown (think Rapunzel) fitting the royal hunt season. 

"Welcome dear Lady." She smiled as he used his nickname for her. "Today I have a story for you Marinette but you must promise to never breathe a word of it to Adrien."

"What? Adrien and I have no secrets, Gabriel." She sat down and seemed to be, for the first time in a long time on guard around him. 

"Well, let's see how you feel about that after this story, okay?" She simply nodded. "Alright, a long time ago, several great Kings back my ancestors stole from the gods to bless the kingdom." 

She gasped. "That must not have gone over well."

"No, but our kingdom was dying they felt like they had no other choice. When they saw just how bad the kingdom had gotten, the gods allowed our kingdom to keep the jewels they stole and said as long as the Kings stayed just and fair in their ruling they would be blessed, but if a King failed to do so, they would be given they would have a Lord or Lady revive the cursed jewel within two generations. But promised that another Lord or Lady would be given the most blessed jewel to balance out the curse if the next King does his best to right the wrongs of the past." 

"Okay, why are you telling me this and not Adrien?" She fidgeted, her eyes clearly downcast.

"Is it not clear to you?" She did not lookup. As if she wanted to hide from the truth. "My son is cursed, Lord of the Black Cat, the god of destruction. I had hoped it would mean would fail in other areas and not in the inability to produce an heir." 

"Whose wrong is he being punished for?" She still did not lookup. 

"My father, in his anger he made a poor choice and refused to fix it. I have done my best to repair the damage but the damage was done. You see Nathalie was a princess but her father rebelled against mine and in short, that is why she cannot have children. And it seems the gods chose to punish my son for his grandfather's mistakes. Whether or not they took my wife a way to make sure he was the last or that I would have to father another child with a woman I did not love is unknown to me." 

He sat back waiting for her to ask. "What does this have to do with me. I'm not a fool." 

"No you are anything but, my dear lady. The answer is simple, I brought you here for a plan Lady Nathalie and I came up with. But when I saw you had been chosen to bare the Ladybug jewel, I chose to wait and see if the most blessed stone would give us the heir without my intervention. But it's been almost seven months, the time for waiting has passed. the court will soon be sending me new options for my son, options I do not wish to take. Three women to marry off after he is married is scary enough."

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