The Passing of Time

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*Short Transiotianl chapter sorry!*

Marinette stood hand holding her belly on the Queen's balcony, waving to Kagami and Kim as they were getting ready for their two-week-long honeymoon. You still couldn't get a straight answer from those two on if it was real or fake. They refused to answer, for Kim's mother, Marinette hopped it was real, the women would love a grandbaby.  Nino and Alya stood with her joining the farewell party. They had been married the month before, and Marinette wondered if Alya was expecting based on the way she held herself. Felix and Chloe would return from a diplomatic trip tomorrow, and Chloe would likely be showing her pregnancy. They had been married three weeks after the future King and Queen so Chloe could join Felix on his tours. 

Marinette should carry her baby for three more months if the doctor's guesses had been right. Which she figured they had to be. She also now freed with both Chloe and Alya's pregnancies that this baby was not Adrien. She was carrying her father in laws baby, she was sure of it. She sighed heavily, Adrien could never know. The promise of honesty be damned, she couldn't let him know. It would kill him.

The three months flew by, she gave birth to Princess Addison Marie. Her grey eyes gave it away to Marinette. Sure eyes as blue as hers were rare, but both Adrien and Felix had taken after their mothers. Addison's hair was at least blue, she was a beautiful baby. Marinette felt both joy and sadness. When he was allowed to Adrien took his little girl into his arms, "My Queen you have given your nickname away. This is my new princess." 

"I don't mind giving it away to such an angel." Her body was so tired. She felt bad for Chloe and Alya who would follow soon. Mylene had recently announced her pregnancy. Alex and Max had finally been gotten permission to wed, soon the castle would be filled with the sounds of babies. She couldn't help but smile at the thought. Adrien handed her back, with her baby on her chest she closed her eyes to rest. "Father! Welcome we weren't expecting you till tomorrow." She heard Adrien. She didn't open her eyes not yet. 

"Well, I uh, I could wait. I heard you had a daughter? I wanted to see if she took after your mother in any way." Liar, Marinette thought but knew better than to speak. 

"My Lady, are you awake? Father would like to be meet his first granddaughter." She let her eyes flutter open, her hands impulsively went around her baby. 

"Of course My Lord King." She kissed Addison's head and handed her to Adrien. She watched as Adrien handed his daughter to his father. 

"She has your eyes father." Adrien smiled he was so round. Oh if only he knew! 

"Yes, she does." His eyes drifted to hers. They shared a look that spoke more than words ever could. They both knew the truth and that was enough. "This is great news for the kingdom. We will grant the kingdom a day of rest. For the future is secure!" Gabriel handed Marinette their daughter back. 

"Father actually, there are a few things I would like to discuss with you. Marinette my love, do you mind if I go talk business with my father?" His smile told her that his meeting was about all they had discussed. 

"Of course my love but hurry back? The doctor will look over Addison then I'd love to spend some time just the three of us." The three of us, she liked the sound of that. 

Shortly after Princess Addison Marie's induction to the Kingdom, Adrien took over as regent. Gabrial and Nathalie were wed in a small ceremony and took to visiting the court more often and Adrien started to replace his father's advisers with one of his own. One of his first moves was to appoint Tom as spokesmen for the village and helped make work fairer and living easier. 

As life in the village improved, so did life for the nobles and everyone was happy. And that happiness might have lasted if Adrien had not stumble across a book he was never meant to find....

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