Could She Pass as a Lady?

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Rolland Dupain walked through the village, it was pathetic next to the splendour of living in the inner kingdom. Every building was only one floor high, some had access to the roof. His wife walked with him, they hardly went anywhere together anymore. His wife was normally out galavanting around,  visiting who knows where doing who knows what. But today he would need her closeness to their son for what he asked. He entered his son's simple bakery, it was nothing like his. Tom sold bread at more than half the price he did, but when you're feeding the peasantry... "Son, a word." 

"Father? What are you doing here?" Tom approached cautiously. 

"I need to ask something of you. Well, you're family really." He spoke slowly. 

Tom looked at his mother who only nodded. "Sabine, Marinette, please come to the front, we have a guest." Tom walked and closed the shop, not sure what was going on.

"Papa what is..." Marinette stopped when she saw her grandfather. "Grandfather" She bowed at the waist. 

Sabine on the other hand went and took her husband's hand and kissed his cheek, "What do you need my dear?" She would not give the man in front of her a once of respect, he did not deserve it. 

"Well, we are here, speak." 

"Son, I have fallen out of favour with the King, he is threatening to shun us from court life." 

"And what does that got to do with me? I haven't been to court in 20 years. In case you've forgotten father." He was short with the man. 

"How many of the nobles support this little bakery of yours?" 

"A few." 

"Do you think they will if they find out your old man is no longer in good standing with the king? They feel sorry for you because you gave up my wealth for her." He pointed a figure at Sabine who Tom had to hold back. "Once I'm no longer wealthy they will no longer care." 

"I doubt that's true. But say it is, how could I help?" 

"My granddaughter is a very lovely girl and right around the prince's age. It's been a full year since the King has given his son a new "wife" I could offer her as the next one." Rolland looked up at his son. 

"No!" Tom could feel his rage boiling up. 

"Son, please understand it's not our first pick, but what other choice do we have? Your father..." Tom interpreted his mother with a loud voice.

Soon all four older people started yelling, arguing their case. Marinette saw that she would have to speak for herself. So she stood on a bench and cleared her throat. Slowing both sets of parents looked at her. "Now that I have your attention. Look Grandfather is right, the King has no need for money or anything else he could over the King. But I have skills, I doubt I could be considered for the Crowned Prince's bride but I could offer service in the kitchen or as a lady in waiting or working with the royal seamstress. And maybe be able to come to see you, we know some of the servants come home to see their families and bring money. And if the King takes me as a servant, and I do good work I could probably get Luka a job there and we could still get married as we planned, it just might take more time." 

Rolland was pleased to see his granddaughter was thinking so logically, but she clearly didn't understand how lovely she was, he'd had offers for her when she'd come to visit him. "Who is Luka?" 

"Her betrothed," Tom spoke flatly. 

"I didn't hear anything about her betrothal." His wife looked at their son. 

"That's because it wasn't official yet, we were working with a few other families to put on the party to announce it," Sabine spoke softly. 

"Papa, will you send someone to bring him here? I want to say goodbye before I go with my grandfather. Mama, Grandmother, would you come with me, I must look as good as I can for the king," Rolland opened his mouth, "No Grandfather, I will wear one of my dress, that I made, might as well show the King what I can do." She held her head high and walked out the back door of the bakery and headed to her family's small house.  

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