Chapter One - Enter Arygyn

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As night fell once more, Lark Cyclonis tirelessly studied Gargoyle lore in an attempt to learn more about them. As she does so, she learns of an ancient wizard who was once considered a friend to all Gargoyles. As she studies on this wizard, Ulric enters the room. 

Cyclonis: Mr. Ulric. Has everything been arranged? 

Ulric: Yes, Miss Cyclonis. Harrier was able to find the item you have been working for. 

As Ulric says this, two Talons wheel in a large crate. When the crate is delivered, Cyclonis nods for them to leave. Cyclonis then walks to the crate and opens it, revealing an ancient tablet. 

Ulric: Might I inquire the meaning behind this tablet? 

Cyclonis: Have you ever heard of Arygyn?

Ulric: I have. According to legend, Arygyn was a wizard who fought all manners of evils. 

Cyclonis: He fought side by side with the Gargyoles. During the Gargoyle Purge, it was Arygyn who placed the curse on the Storm Hawks. No one knows why he did it. 

Ulric looked upon the tablet. It showed a carving of the wizard Arygyn standing side by side with Gargoyles. He soon read an inscription which he couldn't translate. Cyclonis however could. 

Cyclonis: So whoever may find these statues hold humanity's greatest saviors. Until the castle rises above the clouds, so shall the Gargoyles remain in their eternal stone slumber.

Ulric: The curse?

Cyclonis: Precisely. According to the legend, Arygyn disappeared shortly after the Purge. No one knows what happened to him. 

Ulric: Do you really believe he exists?

Cyclonis: How can you believe that he doesn't? You've seen the Gargoyles awaken from their stone slumber right before your eyes. 

Ulric: That is true, but even if he existed, Arygyn would most certainly be dead. 

Cyclonis: You underestimate a wizard's powers. And if half the stories I've heard about the wizard are true, then he is very much alive. In fact, I'm sure he will have felt the awakening of both the Storm Hawks and Dark Ace. 

Ulric: And you think he will come to the city? 

Cyclonis paused for a moment as she looked over the book she was reading. She soon came across a page depicting Arygyn fighting side by side with the Gargoyles. She soon read a passage out loud. 

Cyclonis: "And so the great and powerful wizard cast down the devils down to the pits of Hell with the Gargoyles at his side. On that day, a pact was formed that the wizard would always fight side by side with the warriors of the night until the end of time." That tells me all I need to know. Arygyn will come to the city. He may already be there. 

Ulric: What will you do? 

Cyclonis: For now, we will wait. 

With that, Cyclonis patiently waited until the wizard revealed himself. Meanwhile, Detective Starling was investigating a disturbance at a bar. As she enters the bar, Starling speaks with the bartender. 

Starling: You called about a disturbance?

Bartender: Yeah. There's a guy sitting at the back talking to himself. Now normally I wouldn't bother with that, but weird shit has been going on. There's some weird fucking smell coming off the guy. It's scaring away my business! 

The bartender then points to a old man wearing strange clothing. Starling sighs as she takes a sip from her flask. 

Starling: I'll take care of him. 

Starling then approaches the strange man. As she gets near him, Starling begins to pick up the strange smell the bartender mentioned. 

Starling: All right, old man. Time for you to head out. 

The old man becomes silent as he glances over to Starling. Starling has dealt with crazy people before, but there was something about him that seemed off. 

Old Man: It seems now that a friend has finally come. 

Starling: I don't believe we've met. 

Old Man: Of course we haven't. But we have mutual friends. Friends that I have known for a long time. 

Starling became confused at the old man's words. She takes another sip from her flask to calm her nerves. 

Starling: Listen, pal. You're causing a disturbance. I'm going to have to ask you to come with me.

Old Man: The night is beautiful, isn't it? It is a perfect night for the guardians to awaken from their slumber. 

As the old man said this, Starling was caught off guard by this. It sounded like the old man was referring to the Storm Hawks. 

Starlings: Guardians? What guardians? 

Old Man: So whoever may find these statues hold humanity's greatest saviors. Until the castle rises above the clouds, so shall the Gargoyles remain in their eternal stone slumber. The castle has finally risen above the clouds. They have awakened. 

Starling was taken aback by this. It was clear that the old man not only knew of the Storm Hawks, but seemed to know them personally. 

Starling: Who the hell are you? 

Old Man: I'm just an old man waiting for his old friends. It has been a long time. A very long time. 

Starling: You got a name, old man?

Old Man: Arygyn. You may call me Arygyn. 

Starling: I need you to come with me. I'm sure your....old friends can answer some questions I had. 

With that, Starling and Arygyn exited the bar without incident. As they left the bar, Starling didn't realize that Arygyn was a powerful wizard who had placed the original curse on the Storm Hawks all those centuries ago. 

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