Chapter Six - The Dark Ace Strikes

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As Starling entered the apartment complex, she found Arygyn in a meditative state. Upon sensing Starling's presence, Arygyn stopped meditating and greeted her. 

Arygyn: Greetings, Detective. How goes your investigation? 

Starling: Haven't found anything out of the ordinary. Cyclonis still has her Talons patrolling the city. Ravess and Snipe are still nowhere to be found. Whatever Cyclonis is planning, she's doing a damn good job of keeping it under wraps. 

Arygyn: Nothing ever stays hidden forever. 

Starling: We'll see about that. 

Starling then pulls out her flask and takes a sip. As she glances over to the old wizard, she could see that something weighed heavily on his mind. She knew without a doubt that it involved his complicated history with the Storm Hawks. 

Starling: Why did you betray them? From what I understood, you were their closest ally and you betrayed them. 

Arygyn: You must understand that though the Gargoyles protected humanity from many evils, they still faced prejudice. The treachery of the Dark Ace was the catalyst that brought about the Purge. The King had long waited for an excuse to exterminate the Gargoyles. The Dark Ace's betrayal gave him the excuse he needed to destroy them. I...I was forced to follow his orders. Placing the curse on the Storm Hawks was the only way I could save them. 

Starling took a moment to reflect on this. While a part of her condemned Arygyn for his actions, a part of her couldn't fathom what she would've done in Arygyn's position. 

Starling: I'm not going to pretend I'm an angel. I've got my share of mistakes. I don't know what I would've done if I were in your position. Maybe I would've done the same thing. Maybe not. It's taken me a long time to come to terms with myself. Hell, I'm still struggling with it. 

Arygyn: Then we are more alike than you think. We have both made mistakes that could've destroyed us. Yet here we are trying to make things right. 

Starling was taken aback by Arygyn's words. She couldn't help but smile at the wizard's words. She found merit within those words. Suddenly, knocking was heard at the door. 

Starling: That must be Aerrow and the others. 

Suddenly, the door was broken down. Before Starling and Arygyn could react, Dark Ace walks through the door. As his eyes fell on Arygyn, a sinister smile fell on Dark Ace's face. 

Dark Ace: So we finally meet again at last, old wizard. Look what has become of you. A rat hiding in this squalor. 

 Arygyn: Look what I have risen above, Dark Ace. 

Dark Ace: Why have you come here after all these years, Arygyn? 

Arygyn: To end the darkness you and your master attempt to bring about. 

Dark Ace: You mistake me, wizard. I bow to no master. What I do, I do for myself. 

As Dark Ace moved on Arygyn, Starling pulls out her pistol and begins shooting Dark Ace. Dark Ace was able to react quickly by using his wings to shield himself from the bullets. He then lunges at Starling and attacks her. Arygyn fires a magical blast at Dark Ace, but the rogue Gargoyle dodges the attack and grabs him by the head. He then slams him against a wall, taking him down. Starling attempts to shoot Dark Ace, but Dark Ace lunges at the detective and brutally beats her down.  Starling was unable to defend herself from Dark Ace's attacks. 

Dark Ace: I have unfished business with you, human. Though I must thank you for leading me to the wizard. The only thing that would've made this more satisfying is if Aerrow and his band of Storm Hawks were here so that I may kill them. 

Shocked at what she heard, Starling reached for her pistol and attempts to shoot Dark Ace. Dark Ace grabs the pistol from her hands and crushes it with his hands. 

Dark Ace: You think such primitive weapons will harm me? The arrogance your kind possesses never ceases to amaze me. 

Starling: What the hell do you want?!

Dark Ace: I want the wizard. I want the Storm Hawks. 

Without hesitation, Starling spits at Dark Ace's face. This amuses the Gargoyle as he throws her to the ground. He then kicks Starling in the stomach and picks her up. 

Dark Ace: You have been a thorn in my side for far too long, human. You are nothing before me. Your kind are nothing more than ants scurrying around without purpose. But you may serve a purpose. I know that this....squalor is what Aerrow calls home. That is why I will leave your bloodied and broken corpse here as a message. A scarecrow if you will.

As Dark Ace begins to strangle Starling, Arygyn steps in. 

Arygyn: S...stop. more death. If you want me, take me. Spare her life and I shall surrender myself to you willingly. 


Arygyn: I refuse to allow another innocent to suffer because of me. Dark Ace, do with me as you wish. Let her go.

As Arygyn said this, Dark Ace glanced over to the bloodied Starling. While he was tempted to kill her, he decided to humor the wizard. 

Dark Ace: Very well, wizard. 

Dark Ace then throws Starling aside and walks towards the wizard. Arygyn surrenders to Dark Ace without resistance. As Starling attempts to get up, she quickly collapses on the ground. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Dark Ace taking Arygyn away as his prisoner.  

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