Chapter Four - The Ancient Artifact

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All was quiet in the city. Despite the warnings from Arygyn, there appeared to be no threat asides from Cyclonis and Dark Ace. The Storm Hawks were still hesitant about trusting Arygyn. But as days passed, Lark Cyclonis waited patiently for the arrival of the artifact. At one of the many warehouses belonging to Cyclonia Enterprises, Lark Cyclonis and Ulric personally oversee the arrival of the artifact. As they explored the facility, they reached the room where the artifact was being held. Inside the room was a small crate. 

Ulric: As per your instructions, the artifact has been sealed in this crate. 

Cyclonis: Very good, Mr. Ulric. Open it. 

Ulric nods at Cyclonis as he picks up a crowbar and uses it to open the crate. After opening the crate, Ulric pulls out a deep purple crystal embedded in a gold casing..

Cyclonis: The Oracle Crystal. According to legend, it has the power to foretell the future. Alexander The Great. Julius Caesar. Genghis Khan. Napoleon. All were rumored to have wielded the Oracle Crystal at one point or another. Now the power to see the future is in my hands. 

Ulric then hands Cyclonis the Oracle Crystal. As Cyclonis gazes upon the Crystal, a smile falls on Cyclonis's face. After retrieving the Oracle Crystal, Cyclonis and Ulric make their way back to Cyclonis's office at the tower. 

Ulric: What do you intend to do with the Oracle Crystal, Miss Cyclonis?

Cyclonis: I plan to use it. To have the power to see into the future is an invaluable asset. 

Ulric: What if there are....unintended consequences?

Cyclonis: I am well aware of the risks, Mr. Ulric. I don't intend to use the full power of the Oracle Crystal. Not yet, anyway. To look too far into the future could prove too dangerous to be worth the risk. 

Cyclonis then attempts to tap into the Oracle Crystal's powers. At first nothing happens. Suddenly, the Crystal began to glow white with fragments of purple light rippling from it. As the light began to engulf the room, the form of a woman took form. As the light died down, both Cyclonis and Ulric were stunned by the sight of the ethereal woman. 

Cyclonis: The Oracle....

The Oracle: I've been expecting you, Lark Cyclonis. So much time has passed. 

Cyclonis: Then you know what I want. 

The Oracle: I have seen the past, the present and the future. 

Cyclonis: Show me a glimpse of the future. 

The Oracle was silent upon Cyclonis's request. After a moment of silence, the Oracle approaches Cyclonis and places her hand on Cyclonis's head. As the Oracle does so, Cyclonis's eyes began to glow white as she sees a vision of the future. She sees herself rising to the highest levels of power. She sees world leaders paying tribute to her. Cyclonis sees all her enemies falling before her. But most importantly, Cyclonis sees herself becoming immortal and ruling from the shadows as entire generations live and die under her shadow rule. But as the vision ends, Cyclonis finds herself wanting more. 

Cyclonis: Show me more!

The Oracle: I cannot. That is all I can show you. Revealing too much may alter the course of events yet to come.

Cyclonis: Is this future set?

The Oracle: What I have shown you is what may come. The future is always in motion. This future is one of many countless possibilities. Such is of the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere. What you do with this vision is entirely up to you. Now I must rest.....

Without warning, the form of the Oracle vanished back into the Oracle Crystal. As the room fell silent, Ulric approached Cyclonis. 

Ulric: Are you all right, Miss Cyclonis?

Cyclonis: Yes, Mr. Ulric. 

Ulric: What did you see?

As Ulric asked that, Cyclonis became silent as she thought about the vision. She saw her ambitions realized. She saw herself achieving a power greater than she ever realized. 

Cyclonis: I saw the future, Mr. Ulric. A future I intend to see made into reality. 

Ulric: How should we proceed, Miss Cyclonis? 

Cyclonis: For now, we wait. Everything is proceeding as planned. Dark Ace as well as Ravess and Snipe are seeking the wizard Arygyn as we speak. To rush it would be unwise. 

Ulric: I understand. 

Cyclonis: In the meantime, I will continue to study the ancient lore of the Gargoyles to see if there are more artifacts. Inform me of any updates. 

Ulric: Understood, Miss Cyclonis. 

With that, Ulric left the room to carry out Cyclonis's wishes. As Cyclonis was left by herself, she thought about the vision. She saw herself acquiring more power than she ever imagined. She acquired power and immortality. She thought about all the possible obstacles that may prevent the future. Despite all this, Cyclonis remained confident. 

Cyclonis: It will be mine. It will all be mine.

In that moment, Cyclonis made a vow to make the Oracle's vision a reality. She would acquire all the power she desired as well as acquire immortality for herself. In Cyclonis's mind, nothing would stand in her way. Not Dark Ace. Not the Storm Hawks. No one would stop Cyclonis from achieving her goals. And to that end, Cyclonis would go to any lengths to see that vision be made into reality. But for now, all Cyclonis could do was wait until the time was right. 

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