Chapter Ten - Beginning Of The End

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As the Sun sets on the city, Lark Cyclonis looked out the window in her office. She thought of the influence she had over the city. Ever since she rose to power, Cyclonis slowly expanded her power and influence. But even as she held near absolute control over the city, it wasn't enough. She wanted more. She wanted it all. As she pondered the future, Ulric entered the room.

Ulric: Everything is ready, Miss Cyclonis.

Cyclonis: Update me on our security detail.

Ulric: Per your instructions, multiple squads of Talons Commandos. I have also taken the liberty of dispatching the Nightcrawlers. As of now, the entire building is locked down with Ravess and Snipe heading security. 

Cyclonis: Very good. Then we are ready to begin. 

Ulric: May I speak, Miss Cyclonis?

Cyclonis: Of course, my old friend. 

Ulric: I have....concerns about this. What if the wizard is right? What if meddling with this Far Side becomes our undoing?

Cyclonis: Your concerns are noted, but unwarranted. I have waited my entire life for this moment, Mr. Ulric. I will not let this opportunity slip through my fingers. No one will stop me from achieving my destiny. Now then, Mr. Ulric. Immortality awaits. 

With that, Ulric led Cyclonis into rooftop of the Cyclonia Enterprises Building. The ground was painted with archaic symbols. At the center was Arygyn. 

Arygyn: This is your last warning, Lark Cyclonis. Stop this foolishness. The powers of the Far Side are not meant for mortal bodies. Only a being of immense strength of mind and body and even have a sliver of a chance to survive the powers of the Far Side. 

Cyclonis: Then I am overqualified. And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! The lone and level sands stretch far away. The time has come for me to achieve my destiny. Let us begin. 

As Cyclonis said that, she began speaking in an ancient language. When she does that, the symbols on the ground began to glow. What followed was a blast of energy which connected both Cyclonis and Arygyn. Against his will, Arygyn began speaking in the ancient language in tandem with Cyclonis. As a result of the ritual, storm clouds begin building up around the top of the building. An etheal doorway seemed to build up. As all this happened, the Storm Hawks along with Starling arrived outside the building. When they approached the building, the air became heavy. 

Piper: By the Gods.....

Finn: That doesn't look good...

Stork: We're doomed....

As Aerrow observed the scene that was unfolding before him, he thought of Arygyn's words. He thought of the dark days that Arygyn spoke of. It was in that moment that Aerrow knew what needed to be done. 

Aerrow: From the moment we were born, we made a vow. From the moment we were born onto the Earth, we vowed to protect humanity from the evils that threaten it. Even if we must walk a long and lonely road filled with hardship, our spirits shall not waiver! As long as we still draw breath, we shall not stop! That is the vow we took! In light of this great darkness that is unfolding before us, we must honor those vows with deep conviction! As we speak, one woman's madness threatens to destroy the very world we have sworn to protect. Fate has given us a chance to right the wrongs of the past. 

Starling: Storming this place won't be easy. Lark Cyclonis will no doubt have this place locked down tighter than Fort Knox. 

Piper: Not to mention Dark Ace. 

Aerrow: Courage. Virtue. Struggling to do what is right. Gargoyles and humans want to believe that we are always in control. That we can aide our loved ones in any crisis. But there are times when life mocks our ride. That is when we learn humility, and that the greatest of our strengths is to persevere. The battle ahead will most likely be our last. If any of you wish to leave, now is the time. 

The Storm Hawks were shocked that Aerrow would give them a chance to leave given all that they've been through together. As Aerrow laid out his offer, none of the Storm Hawks took up on Aerrow's offer.

Stork: If I fight with you, I'll die. If I run away, I'll die. Might as well die fighting for something. 

Junko: There's no way I'm leaving you, guys! Not after all we've been through together!

Finn: Junko's right! We've been through too much together just to leave you behind, Aerrow. And besides, we can't let you have all the fun!

Piper: Aerrow, I am with you until the very end. You are my mate, now and forever.

As the Storm Hawks reaffirmed their loyalty, Radarr chirped at Aerrow. With a smile on his face, Aerrow scratched Radarr's chin.

Aerrow: Thank you all. I am truly honored to lead you into battle. 

Aerrow then turns to Starling. 

Aerrow: What of you, Detective?

Starling: I've been waiting a long time to take Cyclonis down. And considering she's about to bring Armageddon, now's a pretty good time to take her down. 

Aerrow: Then the time has come at last to end Cyclonis's madness once and for all before she dooms this Earth. Storm Hawks! To battle!

With that, the Storm Hawks and Starling prepared themselves to storm the Cyclonia Enterprises building to put an end to Cyclonis's scheme to unleash the Far Side upon the world. For better or worse, this was the beginning of the end. 

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