Chapter Eight - Seeds Of Confrontation

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After Arygyn was taken by Dark Ace, Starling was barely conscious as a result from her beating at the hands of Dark Ace. It wasn't long before the Storm Hawks arrived. Upon seeing their safe haven trashed and Starling beaten on the ground, they rushed by her side.

Aerrow: Starling! Are you alright?

Starling: Aerrow.....

Piper: What happened?

Starling: Dark Ace, he....

The Storm Hawks looked around and noticed that Arygyn was nowhere to be seen. It was in that moment that Aerrow and the other Gargoyles realized what had happened.

Aerrow: Dark Ace...damn you.

Starling: was my fault. He followed me here. Arygyn....surrendered himself to save me.

As Starling told Aerrow about what happened, Aerrow was overcome with anger. To hear that Dark Ace not only violated the sanctity of his safe haven, but to cause great harm to one of his allies while kidnapping another greatly enraged Aerrow.

Aerrow: Save your strength, Detective. The Dark Ace will answer for this treachery. 

Stork: It looks like Arygyn's still alive. 

Finn: But for how long? I don't understand why Dark Ace took Arygyn alive.

Piper: Maybe this is the dark days Arygyn warned us about. 

Aerrow: If the Dark Ace is the catalyst of this, then Cyclonis is no doubt a part of this. She may have been the one to give the order herself. 

As Aerrow made that conclusion, all the pieces began falling into place. All that has transpired so far has so far been leading up to the dark days that Arygyn warned them about. Whatever they were, Lark Cyclonis and Dark Ace appeared to be the catalysts of it all. 

Junko: We have to help Arygyn! He needs our help!

Piper: We need to be careful about this, Junko. If Cyclonis is involved, then she'll no doubt have Arygyn heavily guarded. 

Starling: Piper's right. When I was out on patrol, I saw more of Cyclonis's Talon Commandos on the streets. They have checkpoints all across the city. I nearly got detained before they left me alone. 

Aerrow: It is clear of what is happening. Lark Cyclonis and Dark Ace are plotting something. Whatever they are plotting, it threatens the entire world. As Gargoyles, it is our sacred vow to protect this world from all threats. And as we speak, Cyclonis and Dark Ace threaten the very foundations of which this world stands.

As Aerrow said this, Starling began to feel immense guilt. She blamed herself for the Dark Ace being able to kidnap Arygyn. In her mind, she was the reason why Arygyn was now a prisoner of Cyclonis. Starling pulls out her flask and begins to drink. 

Starling: Goddamn it all....

Aerrow: You cannot blame yourself for what happened, Starling. 

Starling: Like hell I did. I led Dark Ace here like a damn rookie. And when he got the drop on me, Arygyn had to surrender himself because of me. If I was able to get a shot off of that bastard, none of this would be happening.

Aerrow: There was nothing you could have done, Starling. Dark Ace is a ruthless and cunning warrior. His prowess in battle is formidable. To survive such a dangerous enemy is no small feat. 

Starling: But it still wasn't enough. 

Piper: We all know that feeling, Starling. We all spent thousands of years in our stone slumber with nothing but our own regrets. We all failed. But we're still here. 

Aerrow: Piper is right. From the moment I was born, I made a vow. From the moment I was born onto the Earth, I vowed to protect humanity from the evils that threaten it. Even if I must walk a long and lonely road filled with hardship, my spirit shall not waiver! As long as I still draw breath, I shall not stop! That is the vow I took! 

As Aerrow said that, he glanced out the window to see the Sun rising. 

Aerrow: The Sun rises.

Stork: How ironic that the Sun will be our salvation. 

Aerrow; Time for us is short, but the day will provide us with time needed to prepare for what is to come. Detective Starling, I know you are filled with doubt, but the world needs you in the days to come. While we rest our stone slumber, you must use your connections to find out what Cyclonis is planning. 

Starling: You're asking a lot out of me. How do you know I'll be able to do it? How do you know I won't fail?

Aerrow: I believe in you, Detective Starling. Without your help, we would not have gotten as far as we did. We are honored to call you ally and friend. As far as we are concerned, you are a member of our clan. You have proven yourself to be an invaluable ally time and time again. We have faith in your abilities, Detective Starling. In the face of these dark days, the world needs all it's heroes in the days to come. 

With that, Aerrow and the rest of the Storm Hawks assumed their positions as the Sun rose. As the Storm Hawks fell into their stone slumber, Detective Starling took a deep breath. Despite her humiliating beating at the hands of Dark Ace, Starling chose to use this time to find out what exactly Cyclonis was planning. In that moment, the seeds of an inevitable confrontation was planted. As the Gargoyles rested in their stone slumber, the clock began ticking as the forces of good and evil prepared for the calm before the storm. 

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