Chapter Seven - The Lost Legend

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As Dark Ace captured the wizard Arygyn, Cyclonis was speaking with Ulric about the status of the search for Arygyn.

Ulric: All Talon squadrons have so far found no trace of the wizard.

Cyclonis: What of the Gargoyles?

Ulric: No sign of them as well. Ravess and Snipe are searching for them as well with limited success. I will have them double their efforts.

???: That won't be necessary, human.

As the voice calls out to them, Cyclonis and Ulric turn around to see Dark Ace with Arygyn as his prisoner.

Cyclonis: Dark Ace.

Dark Ace: I have found the wizard as I said I would. Here is Arygyn.

As Dark Ace presents Arygyn to her, Cyclonis looks upon the wizard with fascination. Cyclonis then approaches the wizard.

Cyclonis: So you are the great Arygyn?  I must say it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

Arygyn: I cannot say that the feeling is shared, Lark Cyclonis.

Arygyn looks around the room and sees the Oracle Crystal sitting on Cyclonis's desk.

Arygyn: So you have gazed upon the Oracle Crystal and spoke to the Oracle.

Cyclonis: I have seen the future. The Oracle has shown me. I intend to make that future a reality and you will help me achieve this. 

Arygyn: The future is in constant motion. Nothing is certain. Only life and death. 

Cyclonis: Do not take me for a fool, wizard. I did not bring you here to debate you on the nature of life and death. I have brought you here so that you may help me see that the future I have seen becomes reality. 

Arygyn became silent as he simply stared down Cyclonis. He made it very clear that he had no intention of helping Cyclonis. 

Cyclonis: "And so the great and powerful wizard cast down the devils down to the pits of Hell with the Gargoyles at his side. On that day, a pact was formed that the wizard would always fight side by side with the warriors of the night until the end of time." How ironic that it was you that put the curse on the Storm Hawks. 

Arygyn: I have done many things I am not proud of. But it seems that my mistake brought some good. 

Cyclonis: But there is another legend. One of a world beyond the mortal realm where an ancient power lies in slumber, waiting to be claimed. 

Arygyn: You speak of the Far Side. 

Cyclonis: Ah yes. I believe that was the name. 

Arygyn: You are meddling in affairs that man must leave alone. The powers that lie within the Far Side are far beyond comprehension. No one can comprehend the powers of the Far Side. 

Cyclonis: You underestimate me, wizard. You are not the first to doubt me. When I first inherited this company from my grandmother, they all doubted me. They saw me as a child they could easily manipulate for their own gains. But I proved them otherwise. Now those same people grovel before my feet. World leaders seek my favor. I run one of, if not the most powerful entity in this world. But it's not enough. I want more. I want it all. 

Cyclonis made it clear to the wizard that her ultimate desire was power and that she would use the power of the Far Side to claim it. But the wizard remained defiant. 

Arygyn: I have seen this story play out a thousand times, Lark Cyclonis. I have seen thousands of souls lust after unlimited power. But they all end the same way: the self destruction of those who seek power. The Far Side will not give you what you seek. Instead, you will find nothing but damnation. If you attempt to even claim a sliver of the Far Side's power, you threaten to throw the world off balance and bring about chaos. 

Cyclonis: Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try it again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. I will climb whatever ladder I must for the sake of my goals. I will see that the future that the Oracle showed me is made into reality. The Far Side's powers will be mine to control. 

As Cyclonis states her intentions, Arygyn remains silent. 

Arygyn: Heed my words, Cyclonis. Abandon this path. You are a gifted human. Use those gifts to be a boon to the world. Do not waste them on blind ambitions and the lust for power. If you continue on this path, then you will be consumed by the very forces you attempt to meddle with. 

Cyclonis: I have prepared a....special room for you to rest in until the time is right. Dark Ace.

Dark Ace simply nods as he takes Arygyn away. As Cyclonis was left alone with Ulric, Ulric spoke of.

Ulric: Are you sure this is the wise move, Miss Cyclonis? 

Cyclonis: I have calculated all possible risks, Mr. Ulric. Contact Ravess and Snipe. Tell them I have an important job for them and the pay will be substantial. 

With that, Cyclonis began laying the groundwork for her plan to use Arygyn to unlock the powers that lay dormant in the Far Side. But as Cyclonis set her plans in motion, so did the Dark Ace who had his own plans for the Far Side.

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