Chapter Twelve - Ravess & Snipe

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As the Storm Hawks moved through Cyclonia Tower, Starling took cover as Ravess and Snipe fired on her position. Snipe laughed out loud as he unloads his Light Machine Gun.

Snipe: Come out, come out, little cop! Peak your head out so I can give you lead poisoning!

As Snipe continues unloading his Light Machine Gun, Starling found herself unable to move forward. After a moment, the bullets stopped firing. Seeing her opportunity, Starling peaked out of cover and fired on Ravess and Snipe. As Snipe was reloading his Light Machine Gun, Ravess fired on Starling with her Sniper Rifle. Ravess was able to land a shot on Starling's shoulder. Starling took cover as she addressed her wound.

Ravess: Hurry up, you idiot!

Snipe: That fucking cop isn't going anywhere!

Snipe then reloads his Light Machine Gun and unloads it on Starling's position. At thar point, Starling quickly realized that she was at a disadvantage. She peaked out from behind cover. Starling soon saw something she can use to her advantage. Looking upon the rafters, Starling saw a structural weakness. Wasting no time, Starling aims her pistol at the rafters and fired on it. Starling hits the structural weakness, causing the rafters to collapse. As the rafters collapsed, Ravess and Snipe were knocked to the ground. Seeing her opportunity, Starling rushed out of cover and attacked Ravess and Snipe. Snipe tackles Starling to the ground and begins punching her.

Snipe: Is that all you got, bitch?! Who's your daddy?!

As Snipe begins to strangle her, Starling grabs a rock and smacks Snipe in the face, knocking him to the ground. But as Starling was released from Snipe's grip, Ravess attacked Starling.

Ravess: You'll have to forgive my idiot brother. He tends to play with his food.

Starling: You both are going down all the same!

Ravess: You got lucky last time, cop. Had it not been for my idiot brother, you'd already be dead.

As Ravess said this, Snipe got up. Starling quickly found herself surrounded. With her gunshot wound, Starling quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to take them both on. But as Ravess and Snipe were about to attack, Starling came up with an idea. 

Starling: You know something? You're right, Ravess. If it weren't for your idiot brother, I might've already dead! 

Snipe: What does she mean by that?!

Ravess: Ignore her, you idiot! 

Snipe: Idiot?! You're calling me an idiot?! I'm the one who does the heavy work! While I'm doing all the grunt work, you're the one taking all the credit!

Ravess: Shut up, Snipe! You can be so insufferable sometimes! If it weren't for me, you would've either been dead or locked in a cell! 

Starling's plan quickly fell into place as Ravess and Snipe began to argue one another. However, she couldn't attack yet. She needed to turn them against each other.

Starling: Seems like you two need each other. The brain and the brawn.

Snipe: I don't need Ravess! I do all the work! 

Ravess: Shut up, you idiot! Your falling right into that cop's trap! She's trying to turn you against me! For once in your life, use your brain!

Snipe: I've about had it with your shit! For too long, I've been taking orders from you and doing all the grunt work while you take all the credit! From now on, I'm in charge!

Ravess: You in charge?! Ha! You're a fucking idiot! A trigger happy loose cannon who shoots first and asks questions later! Leading a gang requires intelligence and patience! None of which you have! 


Without warning, Snipe aims his Light Machine Gun and unloads it on Ravess. Snipe screams as he shoots down Ravess. When she collapses onto the ground, Snipe walks towards Ravess's body and riddles her body with bullets. Starling was taken aback at how Snipe was able to shoot down his own sister with little remorse. After killing Ravess, Snipe turns his Light Machine Gun on Starling. 

Snipe: You saw what I did to that bitch, cop? I hope so cause that's exactly what I'm going to do to you!

As Snipe aimed his Light Machine Gun at her, Starling saw her opportunity. Starling ducks down and tackles Snipe to the ground, knocking the Light Machine Gun out of his hands. The two wrestle for a moment until Snipe eventually gained the upper hand by fully mounting Starling to brutally beat her to death. Snipe then wrapped his hands around Starling and began to strangle her. 

Snipe: Look me in the eyes, cop! I want you to look me in the eyes as I fucking kill you!

As Snipe began strangling Starling, the detective looked around for something she can use. She soon saw her pistol next to her. In an act of desperation, Starling reaches out to grab her pistol, but it's just out of her reach. As she began to lose consciousness, Starling was eventually able to grab her pistol. Before Snipe could react, Starling aimed her pistol at Snipe's chest and pulled the trigger. The force of the shot blasted Snipe off. Starling took a moment to catch her breath before getting up. She then checks Snipe to see that he died from the shot. Starling said nothing as she limped to the elevator and used it to rejoin the Storm Hawks in their raid on Cyclonia Tower. In that moment, Ravess and Snipe, Lark Cyclonis's top lackeys were dead. Their criminal endeavors were now over.

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