Chapter Sixteen - Guardians

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In the aftermath of the Storm Hawks's assault on Cyclonia Enterprises, the authorities began investigating the death of Lark Cyclonis. During the investigation, it was revealed to the public that Kurosawa had engaged in various criminal undertakings, including murder and extortion. Cyclonia Enterprises was shut down in the ongoing investigation and those involved were charged and arrested for their crimes. The Talon Commandos and all other organizations related to Cyclonia Enterprises were subsequently disbanded and shut down. In the Atmos Police Department, Starling spoke with Commissioner Harrier in his office. 

Harrier: I never thought I'd see the day. 

Starling: If you ask me, it was a long time coming. It's a pity that we couldn't throw Cyclonis behind bars. 

Harrier: Whoever threw Cyclonis off the building did us all a favor. It's just strange that we haven't found out who did it.

As Harrier said this, Starling knew the truth. She knew that Dark Ace was the one who killed Cyclonis. And with Aerrow burning his body, it was unlikely that the murder of Lark Cyclonis would be solved. 

Starling: So what happens now?

Harrier: Hell if I know. From what I've heard, Cyclonis's business rivals are chomping at the bit to claim Cyclonis's stock. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.

Starling smiled as she took a sip from her flask. Her lifelong mission to take down Lark Cyclonis had finally become reality. 

Harrier: You must be feeling pretty damn good, Detective. 

Starling: You don't know the half of it. 

As Starling says this, she could feel a great burden being lifted off her shoulders. For the longest time, she attempted to take down Lark Cyclonis for all her countless crimes. To see this day finally come brought a great source of pride for Starling. Hours later, Starling met up with the Storm Hawks at the abandoned apartment complex. By that time, they had all recovered from their battle. As Starling told them the news of the aftermath of their battle, the Gargoyles celebrated.

Junko: We did it! We did it!

Finn: You said it, buddy! We still got it!

Stork: Despite the odds being overwhelmingly against us, we still managed to survive. 

As the Gargoyles celebrated, Piper turned to Aerrow who appeared somber. 

Piper: Aerrow? Is something wrong?

Aerrow: I have been thinking about that battle. Though we achieved victory, it came at a terrible price. 

Starling: You mean the Wizard?

Aerrow: Yes. Arygyn gave his life so that the Far Side could be denied to Cyclonis. Were it not for him, the entire world would've been plunged into chaos. In that last moment, Arygyn redeemed himself. 

As Aerrow said that, the rest of the Gargoyles took a moment to reflect on Arygyn's sacrifice. Though they all had varying opinions on the Wizard's past actions, they all couldn't help but mourn him. 

Junko: He....he was nice. He might've done some bad things, but he did right by us in the end. 

Stork: I wouldn't have guessed that he would be the one to save the world from damnation. But I'm glad to be wrong. 

Finn: I've...I've said some pretty bad things to him. At least we made our peace.

Piper: To make that kind of sacrifice....I couldn't imagine what that was like. But it saved countless lives. 

Aerrow: Yes, Piper. Let us all mourn for Arygyn. Let us pray that his soul gained the peace he deserves. 

As Aerrow said that, the Storm Hawks and Starling took a moment to mourn Arygyn's sacrifice. After a moment of silence, Starling pondered the future. 

Starling: So what happens now?

Aerrow: There are still injustices in this world. There will always be injustice. My clan and I shall battle these injustices as a vow demands. Lark Cyclonis. Dark Ace. There will always be another great evil lurking in the shadows, ready to prey on the weak and the defenseless. But we will be there to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Gargoyles protect. It is our nature. Our purpose. 

As Aerrow said this, the other Gargoyles rallied behind their leader. Aerrow soon spoke to Starling.

Aerrow: Detective Starling, you have been an invaluable ally to us. Ever since we first awakened in this new world, you have been both an invaluable ally and a good friend. We thank you for all that you've done. 

Starling: Don't mention it. 

Aerrow: We are honored to call you friend. 

Starling: The feeling's mutual, Aerrow. If it weren't for you all, I don't know if I ever could've taken down Cyclonis.

Aerrow: Courage. Virtue. Struggling to do what is right. Gargoyles and humans want to believe that we are always in control. That we can aide our loved ones in any crisis. But there are times when life mocks our ride. That is when we learn humility, and that the greatest of our strengths is to persevere. It is our solemn vow to defend those who cannot defend themselves. 

In that moment, Aerrow reaffirmed his conviction in following the code that he has followed for centuries. This feeling was shared by the rest of the Storm Hawks. The feeling was even shared by Starling. In that moment, the clan of Gargoyles known as the Storm Hawks became the city's watchful guardians. Stone by day, warriors by night, the Storm Hawks would be the city's guardians. Like in the days of old, the Storm Hawks would protect those in need. By day, the Storm Hawks were stone watchers. By night, the Storm Hawks were the defenders of the night. And as long as they lived, the Storm Hawks would honor that vow. 

Storm Hawks Volume III: The Reckoning (Gargoyle AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora