Chapter Eleven - The Raid

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As the Storm Hawks and Detective Starling began their raid on Cyclonia Tower, they were immediately spotted by the Talon Commandos. Without hesitation, the Talon Commandos fired on the Gargoyles. Starling took cover as the Gargoyles charged into battle. 

Aerrow: The enemy seeks to delay us! Do not let them!

Talon Commando: Don't let them through! Shoot to kill! 

As the Talon Commandos fired on the Storm Hawks, Starling fired her pistols at the Talon Commandos, picking a few of them off. When a Talon Commando was about to fire on Starling, Finn swoops in and takes down the Commando. 

Starling: Thanks. I owe you one. 

Finn: Don't mention it. Let's do this!

Starling then reloads her pistol and helps the Storm Hawks push through the Talon Commandos. Aerrow and Piper led the charge as they took down multiple Talon Commandos. Soon enough, the Storm Hawks managed to clear the area of Talon Commandos. They soon made their way to the doors leadings inside the building. Suddenly, a loud boom was heard. The Storm Hawks and Starling looked to the sky to see a storm forming around the top of the tower. The green light pierced the skies. 

Stork: That looks welcoming. 

Starling: What the hell is Cyclonis planning?!

Aerrow: Whatever it is, we must end it! This madness has gone on long enough! We must reach the top of the tower! 

With that, Junko smashed through the doors, allowing the Storm Hawks and Starling to enter the building. But as they entered they building, they moved into the lobby to find it empty. 

Junko: Hey! Where did everyone go?

Starling: Cyclonis is no doubt laying a trap for us. 

As Starling said this, Radarr looked up to see shadows moving through the rafters. Without warning, he glides up to the rafters and attacks one of the shadows. This prompts the others to jump down and confront the Storm Hawks and Starling. At first, they were thought to be Talon Commandos. But they soon reveal themselves to be the Nightcrawlers. They brandish wrist mounted blades. 

Starling: Looks like Cyclonis has new muscle. 

Aerrow: Let Cyclonis send as much as she likes. They will not stop us! Storm Hawks! Attack!

With that, the Storm Hawks battled against the Nightcrawlers. Much to the surprise of the Storm Hawks, the Nightcrawlers proved to be elite fighters. Even Aerrow found the Nightcrawlers to be challenging opponents. During the fight, Radarr continued to attack the Nightcrawler, forcing him over the railing. The Nightcrawler then falls onto another Nightcrawler attacking Junko. Junko took the opportunity to grab the two Nightcrawlers and uses them as weapons to knock the other Nightcrawlers attacking his fellow Gargoyles. As the tide was turned, Aerrow pressed the attack on the lead Nightcrawler. 

Aerrow: Your skills are formidable, but I will not let you halt my efforts to save this world! 

With that, Aerrow led his fellow Gargoyles in fighting the Nightcrawlers. After a long battle, the Storm Hawks emerged victorious. 

Finn: Looks like Cyclonis isn't pulling any punches. 

Piper: This...this is madness! What does Cyclonis wish to accomplish?

Aerrow: Her lust for power has given way to madness. She would damn the entire world if it meant even a sliver of power. But she knows that what she meddles in. She meddles in things best left alone. 

Starling: Then we better take her down before she succeeds. The elevator's this way. 

Starling then leads the Storm Hawks into the lobby leading to the elevator. They faced little to no resistance. But as they approached the elevator, a volley of bullets is fired on them. The Gargoyles and Starling took cover. Starling peaks behind cover as Snipe fires his Light Machine Gun from the rafters. Ravess had her eyes on the scope of her Sniper Rifle. 

Starling: Ravess and Snipe. Of course they're here. 

Snipe: I don't know how you freaks got past the Nightcrawlers, but I'm glad you did! Now I get to kill you!

Ravess: Shut up, you idiot! Miss Cyclonis was explicit about not letting them through!

Starling: Aerrow, you take the others to the elevators. I'll stay here and keep Ravess and Snipe occupied. 

Aerrow: We are not leaving you behind.

Starling: These two won't be a problem. I've got an unsettled score to settle with these two. You need to stop Cyclonis! Now go!

With that, Starling fires her pistol at both Ravess and Snipe. This allowed the Storm Hawks to glide up through the glass windows of the elevator and up the elevator shaft. 

Snipe: Oh no you don't, freaks!

Snipe attempts to fire on the Storm Hawks, but Starling fires several shots at Snipe, forcing him to take cover. 

Snipe: Fucking cop! 

Ravess: You idiot! You let the Gargoyles through! 

Snipe: I didn't see you doing anything about them or that cop!

Starling: Ravess! Snipe! Stand down and drop your weapons! It's over!

Upon hearing this, Snipe laughs as he reloads his Light Machine Gun. 

Snipe: Well look on the bright side, Ravess. We get to kill the fucking cop that humiliated us! I say we take advantage of this opportunity! 

Ravess: For once, you have a point. You hear that, cop?! We're gonna take our time with you! So do us a favor and make it worth our while!

In that moment, Starling found herself facing off against Ravess and Snipe. While the Storm Hawks continued on with their attempt to stop Cyclonis, Starling would stay behind to take down Ravess and Snipe once and for all. 

Storm Hawks Volume III: The Reckoning (Gargoyle AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz