Chapter Two - An Unexpected Reunion

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After meeting with Arygyn, it was clear to Starling that this seemingly harmless old man was more than meets the eye. Instead of taking him to the police station, Starling decided to take Arygyn to the abandoned apartment complex where the Storm Hawks lived. As Starling and Arygyn made it to the apartment complex, Arygyn looked upon the building with curious eyes. 

Arygyn: Hhm....

Starling led Arygyn inside the apartment complex. Inside the apartment complex, the Storm Hawks were preparing to go out on patrol when Starling entered the room with Arygyn. 

Finn: Who's the geezer? 

Piper: Finn, show respect. 

Starling: I found this guy at a bar. He's....he's an odd one. 

Arygyn then approached Aerrow. At first, Aerrow and the rest of the Storm Hawks were confused by this. Arygyn glanced over to the rest of the Storm Hawks. 

Arygyn: Is this all that's left of the great Storm Hawk Clan? 

Upon hearing this, the Storm Hawks were shocked. Aerrow soon took a closer look and soon recognized him. 

Aerrow: Arygyn....

As Aerrow spoke Arygyn's name, the other Storm Hawks were caught off guard by this. Finn immediately became hostile. 

Finn: You've got some nerve showing your face to us after what you did to us!

Starling: What the hell is going on? Who's the old man?

Aerrow: This old man is Arygyn: a powerful wizard who once aided our Clan thousands of years ago. For a time, he was our greatest ally.

Finn: Until that son of a bitch betrayed us! He was the one who cursed us!

As Finn said this, Arygyn looks down in shame. After a tense moment of silence, Arygyn spoke. 

Arygyn: I understand your anger. What I did was unforgivable. I dishonored the oath I swore all those years ago. 

Piper: Why? Why did you do it?

Arygyn: I was left with no choice. After Dark Ace's betrayal, the king ordered all Gargoyles to be destroyed. I....I was given the task of destroying you. But...but I couldn't. Despite my loyalty to the king, I was bound by our pact. I placed that curse to spare you. The king was....content with this, convinced that you would never awaken from your stone slumber. Ever since then, I dedicated myself to righting that wrong. I hunted Dark Ace across the country. But he was never seen again. 

As Arygyn said this, an uneasy silence fell on the room. Starling could tell that there was a long and complex history between the Storm Hawks and Arygyn. 

Aerrow: Why are you here, Arygyn? 

Arygyn: Dark days are coming, Storm Hawks. There are those who meddle in things that should be left alone. 

It didn't take the Storm Hawks or Starling long to think of Cyclonis and Dark Ace. Despite the warning from the old wizard, the Storm Hawks were hesitant to trust Arygyn. 

Aerrow: Your warning is most appreciated, but you must understand that you betrayed our trust. You were our most faithful ally and you betrayed us. Had circumstances not played out the way they did, we would all remain trapped within our eternal slumber. 

Arygyn: I understand, Aerrow. You all have every right to be angry. I betrayed you all and there is no excuse for it. Now we stand upon a great and terrible danger that could bring about chaos. When the curse was broken, I knew at my core that the time had come. Now here you are fulfilling the roles you once held. 

Stork: But why should we trust you?

Arygyn: You don't have to. But I ask that you heed my warning. This danger could place the entire world at risk. 

Junko: What kind of danger? 

Arygyn: An ancient evil that has long since been dormant now is on the verge of awakening. If awakened, this evil threatens to bring the world in an age of darkness the likes of which the world has never seen. Storm Hawks, you swore a vow to protect the world from all evils that threaten it.

As Arygyn spoke of this threat, the Storm Hawks took a moment to think on Arygyn's words. Though he betrayed them, the Storm Hawks knew that he was no liar. As for Starling, she simply stood silent as this was a matter that was beyond her. 

Aerrow: Arygyn, we do not condone your actions, but we understand your motives. As terrible as your actions were, they served good in the end. In a way, your betrayal spared us from certain death and as a result, we stand here now. 

Aerrow paused as he thought about everything that had happened since Arygyn's betrayal. Arygyn had been the greatest ally to the Storm Hawk Clan. He had fought alongside them through many battles both man and beast. However, despite Aerrow's own hesitation to trust Arygyn, he couldn't ignore his warnings. 

Aerrow: If what you say is true, then this threat demands our immediate attention. We know of those who would meddle in such affairs. Whatever this threat is, we will face it together. 

As Aerrow said this, many of the Storm Hawks were surprised. 

Finn: Are you serious?! He betrayed us! 

Aerrow: I understand, Finn. But if what Arygyn said is true, then we must put aside our differences for the greater good. 

In that moment, the Storm Hawks and Arygyn would once more work together. What they didn't know was that both Cyclonis and Dark Ace would soon uncover secrets that would lead them to an ancient evil. 

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