Chapter Three - The Issue Of Trust

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After Arygyn joined up with the Storm Hawks, things grew tense. Starling could see that the Storm Hawks became more uneasy around Arygyn. Considering the history between them, Starling could understand why. As the Storm Hawks prepared to go on patrol, Finn brought up his concerns. 

Finn: I don't like this, Aerrow. Arygyn is not to be trusted. 

Aerrow: I understand your concerns, Finn. But if what he's saying is true, then we must put aside our personal feelings and think of the greater good. 

Stork: He could be lying for all we know. If a person can deceive once, he can deceive again. 

Starling: I don't know much about wizards and magic and all that, but I know liars when I see them. I've dealt with plenty of them. Arygyn isn't one of them. 

Finn: How can you be sure? 

Starling: I've been trained to spot liars a mile away. I think he's being sincere. 

Finn was hesitant to trust Arygyn as were many of the Storm Hawks. He thought about what he had lost including his lover Suzy Lu. As his thoughts fell on Suzy Lu, he clenched his fists in anger. Aerrow could see that the issue of Arygyn deeply affected Finn.

Aerrow: I understand your feelings, Finn. What Arygyn did hurt us all. We've all lost so much. 

Finn: Which is why I don't trust him!

As Finn said that, Arygyn entered the room. The room fell silent as Arygyn approached Finn, who angrily glared at him. 

Arygyn: I know there is nothing I can do to atone for my actions. While you were trapped in stone, I reflected on my shame. I truly am sorry of what I did. 

Finn: It's because of you that I lost my beloved! It's because of you that we're the last of the Gargoyles! And now you expect us to pretend that none of that ever happened?!

Arygyn: I don't expect you to. What I did you all was unforgivable. Your anger is justified, Finn. After placing the curse on you, I....I looked at all the fallen Gargoyles that were destroyed that day. I....I could see the fear and terror in their eyes. Suzy Lu.....

Arygyn couldn't finish his sentence as Finn's anger began to boil over. 

Arygyn: I gave them a proper funeral. The King...want them burned. I refused that order and buried each and every fallen Gargoyle in the Sacred Enclave and gave them their final rites. 

When Arygyn finished his sentence, he pulled a trinket from his pocket and handed it to Finn. Finn immediately recognized it. 

Finn: That was Suzy Lu's...

Arygyn: Even as she was destroyed, she never let go. She truly loved you, Finn. Even in her final moments, she thought of you. 

As Finn took hold of the pendent, tears began streaming from his face. A series of emotions began to take hold on him. 

Finn: Let's go. I....I need to stretch my legs. 

With that, the Storm Hawks left the apartment complex to patrol the city. Finn would take this time to think on all that has happened. At the same time, Starling would conduct her own patrol while Arygyn would remain to reflect on his actions. As all this happened, Lark Cyclonis was finishing up a meeting with the Board of Directors. As the Board of Directors left Cyclonis's office, Ulric met with Cyclonis. 

Cyclonis: Has the artifact been acquired?

Ulric: Yes, Miss Cyclonis. The artifact you've requested has been acquired and is on it's way.

Cyclonis: Has there been any update on the search for Arygyn? 

Ulric: The Talon Commandos are sweeping the city for anyone suspicious. So far they've found nothing. I have already taken the liberty of making a public statement disguising the true intentions of the search.

Cyclonis: Then perhaps a more...unconventional tracker is needed. 

Ulric: Do you mean....

???: Me. 

Ulric turned around to see Dark Ace entering the office. 

Dark Ace: So you seek the wizard Arygyn? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I'd be surprised to see that the old bastard is still alive. 

Cyclonis: Then you know what he looks like.

Dark Ace: I never forget a face, Cyclonis. But you must understand that finding a wizard is no easy task.  But you are in luck. If I know Arygyn, he will seek out the Storm Hawks. 

As Dark Ace said this, Cyclonis saw a multitude of opportunities. Not only did she see an opportunity to find Arygyn, but she also saw an opportunity to find the Storm Hawks. 

Cyclonis: Consider me nodding, Dark Ace. I hope your search yields results. 

Dark Ace nods his head to Cyclonis as he glides out the window. Once Dark Ace was gone, Ulric spoke with concerns. 

Ulric: Are you sure it's wise to work with Dark Ace? 

Cyclonis: You have nothing to fear, Mr. Ulric. If half of the stories I've heard of this staff is true, then the issue of trust ceases to be a problem. Contact Ravess and Snipe. Tell them I have a job for them. 

Ulric: As you wish, Miss Cyclonis. 

With that, Ulric left the room to follow Cyclonis's orders. With all that is going on, Cyclonis continued to manipulate from behind the scenes. As everything was set in motion, Cyclonis saw many opportunities for her to advance her own agenda and she had no intention of squandering them. 

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