Chapter Fourteen - The Gates Of The Far Side

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In Cyclonis's office, the Storm Hawks and Starling fought the Nightcrawlers. Despite the skill of the Nightcrawlers, the Gargoyles held their ground. After a lengthy battle, the Storm Hawks and Starling defeated the Nightcrawlers. 

Aerrow: Storm Hawks! This madness ends now!

With that, the Storm Hawks and Starling battled against the Talons. Despite their best efforts, the Talons proved unable halt the advance of the Storm Hawks. Meanwhile on the roof of Cyclonia Enterprises, Cyclonis and Ulric were preparing for the ritual. Two Talons dragged Arygyn to the roof.

Cyclonis: Right on time, Wizard. Now we can begin.

Arygyn: This is your last chance, Lark Cyclonis. Turn back from this madness. The power of the Far Side are far beyond human comprehension. No one can control it. Not even you. 

Cyclonis: I have seen the Oracle's vision. I will stop at nothing to see that become reality. But I've been delayed long enough. Now then, Arygyn. Let's begin. 

Left with no other choice, Arygyn begins chanting in an ancient language. As he does so, a doorway begins to slowly open. As the doorway opens, the Far Side could be seen. Cyclonis and Ulric sees a single city built in a mountainous terrain that features a tall tower that illuminates the area in green light. Cyclonis marvels at the sight she's seeing. 

Cyclonis: It''s beautiful!

Ulric grows more concerned as Cyclonis becomes transfixed by the Far Side. It wasn't long before the Storm Hawks and Starling arrive. Upon seeing the doorway opened, both the Gargoyles and the detective was taken aback by what they were seeing. 

Starling: My God....

Cyclonis: Storm Hawks. You're just in time to witness my ascension. 

Piper: I can't believe it....the Far Side. 

Aerrow: Lark Cyclonis! You've gone too far! You threaten to damn the entire world!

Cyclonis: Perhaps if a lesser mind was presented this opportunity. But I am more than capable of handing the power of the Far Side. And with it's power, I will lead the world into a new era.

Finn: She's gone mad! 

Stork: I thought that was obvious. 

Cyclonis: When I awakened you, I gave you a chance to join my cause. Now I extend that offer to you once more. 

As Cyclonis says this, a squadron of Nightcrawlers stormed onto the roof and surrounded the Storm Hawks and Starling. By this point, both the Storm Hawks and Starling were tired from their relentless assault on Cyclonia Enterprises. Despite this, they all knew what was at stake. 

Junko: Guys? 

Aerrow: This madness ends now! Lark Cyclonis! I swear on my honor as a Gargoyle, I will end your madness before you condemn the entire world!

Cyclonis: Then you have made your choice. Nightcrawlers. Kill them. 

Without hesitation, the Nightcrawlers fired upon the Gargoyles. During the chaos, Starling makes her way towards Cyclonis. Upon reaching her, Starling aims her pistol at Cyclonis. 

Starling: Stop right there!

Cyclonis: You're tenacious, Detective Starling. I've always respected that about you. It's a pity that you could not see the bigger picture. 

Starling: I've been dying to put you away for years. 

As Starling says this, Ulric steps in and attacks her. Starling was caught off guard by the old man's combat agility. 

Ulric: Special Forces training does wonders for your health. 

Starling defends herself against Ulric's attacks. Back with the Storm Hawks, the Gargoyles held their own against the Nightcrawlers. 

Junko: These guys are pretty strong!

Finn: They just don't know when to quit!

Stork: I always knew we were gonna die like this!

Piper: Aerrow! You must stop Cyclonis! Stop her from destroying the world!

Radarr screeches to Aerrow, appearing to agree with Piper. In that moment, Aerrow was given the difficult choice. He knew that there was a possibility that his clan could die at the hands of the Nightcrawlers. Despite this, Aerrow had faith in his clan ad he runs to Arygyn. 

Aerrow: Wizard! You must close the portal!

Arygyn: know what must be done. 

Aerrow: No....

Arygyn: It's time I made amends for my sins. 

As Arygyn said that, he closed his eyes. Aerrow took a breath as Arygyn began chanting in his ancient language. As he did so, the doorway began to close. Cyclonis saw this and became enraged. 

Cyclonis: No! I will not be denied!

Arygyn: I am the last of my kind. Only I can open the secrets of the Far Side. And those secrets....shall die with me.

Arygyn then closed his eyes and jumped off the roof. Everyone watched as the Wizard took his own life, his body engulfing in a blinding blue light. As the Wizard died, Cyclonis was seething in rage. 

Cyclonis: fools! Do you know what you've done?! 

Suddenly, Dark Ace swoops in 

Cyclonis: Dark Ace. How pleasant of you to join us. Kill the Storm Hawks. 

Dark Ace: The Storm Hawks were always mine to kill. 

Dark Ace then lunges at Ulric and rams his fist through his chest. After killing Ulric, he grabs Cyclonis by the throat. 

Dark Ace: Our alliance is finished, Lark Cyclonis. I have no need of you. In fact, I have never needed you. 

Dark Ace then snaps Cyclonis's throat and throws her off the roof. Both the Storm Hawks and Starling watched in horror as Dark Ace betrayed Cyclonis. Dark Ace smiles as he turns to Aerrow and the rest of the Storm Hawks. 

Dark Ace: Now the time has finally come.....

In that moment, the Dark Ace had finally revealed himself. With Cyclonis dead, all that remained was the Dark Ace. In that moment, the final battle was about to begin.

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