Chapter Five - Collision Course

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As Cyclonis's plan was set in motion, the Storm Hawks patrolled the city. They were quick to notice the increased presence of the Talon Commandos.

Aerrow: Something is out of place.

Piper: What do you mean, Aerrow?

Aerrow: There is an increased presence of Cyclonis's commandos. There is no clear logic for this.

Finn: As if Cyclonis needs logic for any move she makes.

Aerrow: Cyclonis never makes a move without a reason. She is no fool. She would not have her forces spread out in this manner unless she knew exactly what she was looking for. 

As Aerrow said this, his mind immediately fell on the warnings of Arygyn. He began to wonder if Cyclonis was catalyst to the dark days that Arygyn spoke of. In recent days, Cyclonis as well as Dark Ace have been silent since their recent activities. 

Aerrow: We must be cautious in the days to come. If the dark days Arygyn spoke of are indeed coming, then I fear Cyclonis or Dark Ace may be the catalyst of it all. 

Finn: Why are we still trusting Arygyn?! For all we know, he could be working with Cyclonis and try to finish the job he started all those years ago! 

Piper: But why would Dark Ace be working with Arygyn. 

Junko: Yeah! Didn't he say that he hunted Dark Ace after we got cursed?

Stork: Could've been a lie to gain our trust. 

Finn: We all know Cyclonis and Dark Ace are just waiting for an excuse to take each other out! 

Aerrow: Listen to me, Finn. I know what happened that day is still fresh on your mind. Out of all of us, it was you who lost the most. Arygyn betrayed us all. But there is too much at stake. Whatever your feelings about the matter are, you must put them aside for the greater good. Once the danger is passed, then we will speak with Arygyn on his past crimes. 

As Aerrow said that, Finn looked upon Suzy Lu's pendent. As he thought about what happened to Suzy Lu as well as Arygyn's words, Finn found himself conflicted. A part of him wanted revenge on what Arygyn did, but the other part of him just wanted to move on with his life. 

Aerrow: We must continue moving. Something sinister is happening under our watch. We must find out what.

With that, the Storm Hawks continued their search for anything danger that could precipitate the dark days Arygyn spoke of. Meanwhile, Ravess and Snipe were on the streets in search for Arygyn. Ever since the incident at the warehouse, the two hired thugs have been keeping a low profile. When they were called upon by Cyclonis to search the city for Arygyn, the big pay she was offering was too much to resist. But as they searched the city, Snipe became impatient. 

Snipe: Why the fuck are we wasting our time looking for this Ary....something?

Ravess: Because Cyclonis is offering us a big paycheck for this job! And with the Raptors gone, we're now in the big time!

Snipe: I always knew Repton and his gang of freaks were soft. Ha! 

Ravess: Just try not to fuck this job up! This job might be our ticket to the big time!

Snipe: As long as I can get my hands on that fucking cop and those freaks she hangs around with, I'm more than happy!

With that, Ravess and Snipe continued to search the city for Arygyn. What the two small time criminals didn't know was that Dark Ace would be watching them. He was well aware of the relationship between the Storm Hawks and Starling. Knowing that Arygyn would seek out the Storm Hawks, he decided that his best option was to seek out Starling. It didn't take long to find her out on patrol. 

Dark Ace: There you are, little human. Lead me to the wizard.

Dark Ace watched from afar as Starling conducted her patrol. Meanwhile, Starling continued her nightly patrols. With all that was happening, Starling was still processing it all. As she drove, her car was dropped by a Talon Commando. 

Talon Commando: License and registration, citizen. 

Starling: I'm a detective for the Atmos Police Department. 

As Starling showed her badge, the Talon Commandos began to crowd around her car. 

Talon Commando: Don't get smart with me. We've got the situation under control. 

Starling: If it's all the same to you, I'd like you to move out of my way and let me do my job. I don't care who you work for. If you interfere with police business, we're going to have problems. 

Talon Commando: Now listen here.....

Suddenly, the Talon Commando stopped as he received a call on his walkie talkie. After a moment, the Talon Commandos stand down. 

Talon Commando: Sorry for the disturbance. Move along and don't cause any trouble. 

The Talon Commandos backed away from Starling's car and allowed her to continue her patrol. As Starling's car left the area, one of the Talon Commandos looked up to see Dark Ace's shadow gliding the night sky. They simply continued their mission while Dark Ace followed Starling from a safe distance. As Starling continued her patrol, she found nothing of note besides the increased presence of Talon Commandos. Starling then turned her car around and made her way back to the apartment complex, unaware that Dark Ace was following her. When Starling went inside the apartment complex, Dark Ace waited until he saw the Storm Hawks entering the apartment complex. Satisfied with his findings, Dark Ace left and went to his safe haven and waited until sunrise. When night would come again, Dark Ace would make his move.  

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