Know me.

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I care for someone like no other
I think its because if I care the most
Anyone possibly can
I hope they'll care a little bit.
I always wanted someone to protect me
Threaten any boy who comes into my life.
Someone I know I can call if I'm being picked on.
Someone to get upset when they see me upset.
My brother was never like that and it hurt.
My dad never had the chance to be like that
He left me before he could know about my life.
I seek out approval and validation from males
It sucks because my bar is so low
And no-one can stay by my side long enough
to see me for who I am.
No one thinks I'm worthy
To take the time to get to know.
I just want one person to notice me
All of me, things even I don't know I do
Little things they pick up on.
I want someone to just know I'm not okay
Before I breakdown crying.
I just want someone to know me
And still think I'm worth caring for
And protecting.

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