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I wish I didn't do this to myself.
Let you back in when I know that you can't love me the way I so hope you would.
I want you to be mine, I want you to understand me and care.
I think you do, but for some reason that hurts more.
It hurts me more to know you are so broken that you can't love me.
To know that this is you trying and me wanting you so badly that I try to accept that and make it work.
But the reality is we don't work.
It's neither of our faults and I know that now.
Its just that your puzzle piece is so ripped up that it wont fit mine right anymore.
It's like watching a car crash, you cant help but stick around and watch as it happens.
Frozen knowing theres nothing you can do to stop it or help at all to prevent the situation.
I'll continue to try to make this work and you'll continue to do everything the exact same until you or I get fed up and we drift apart again.
So if you aren't willing to try to change like I have please stop letting me come back to you.
You know me I'm stubborn, I'll keep this pattern going until you stop it.
Sad part is I think you'll stick with me in my memories for the rest of my life.
But I would rather have those memories than have you leave me one more time.

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